Edits returned from the CMS Integrated Outpatient Code Editor (IOCE) output from Epic Pricer. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Invalid diagnosis code |
Diagnosis and age conflict |
Diagnosis and sex conflict |
Medicare secondary payer alert (v1.0 and v1.1 only) |
E-diagnosis code can not be used as principal diagnosis |
Invalid procedure code |
Procedure and age conflict |
Procedure and sex conflict |
Non-covered under any Medicare outpatient benefit, for reasons other than statutory exclusion |
Service submitted for denial |
Service submitted for FI/MAC review (condition code 20) |
Questionable covered service |
Separate payment for services is not provided by Medicare |
Code indicates a site of service not included in OPPS (v1.0-v6.3 only) |
Service unit out of range for procedure |
Multiple bilateral procedures without modifier 50 (v1.0-v6.2 only) |
Inappropriate specification of bilateral procedure |
Inpatient procedure |
Mutually exclusive procedure that is not allowed by NCCI even if appropriate modifier is present (deleted, combined with edit 20 retroactive to earliest included version) |
Code2 of a code pair that is not allowed by NCCI even if appropriate modifier is present |
Medical visit on same day as a type T or S procedure without modifier 25 |
Invalid modifier |
Invalid date |
Date out of OCE range |
Invalid age |
Invalid sex |
Only incidental services reported |
Code not recognized by Medicare for outpatient claims; alternate code for same service may be available |
PHP/IOP service for non-mental health diagnosis |
Insufficient services on day of partial hospitalization (inactive) |
Partial hospitalization on same day as ECT or type T procedure (v1.0-v6.3 only) |
Partial hospitalization claim spans 3 or less days with insufficient services on at least one of the days (v1.0-v9.3) |
Partial hospitalization claim spans more than 3 days with insufficient number of days having mental health services (v1.0-v9.3) |
Partial hospitalization claim spans more than 3 days with insufficient number of days meeting partial hospitalization criteria (v1.0-v9.3) |
Only Mental Health education and training services provided |
Extensive mental health services provided on day of ECT or type T procedure (v1.0-v6.3 only) |
Terminated bilateral procedure or terminated procedure with units greater than one |
Inconsistency between implanted device or administered substance and implantation or associated procedure |
Mutually exclusive procedure that would be allowed by NCCI if appropriate modifier were present (deleted, combined with edit 40 retroactive to earliest included version) |
Code2 of a code pair that would be allowed by NCCI if appropriate modifier were present |
Invalid revenue code |
Multiple medical visits on same day with same revenue code without condition code G0 |
Transfusion or blood product exchange without specification of blood product |
Observation revenue code on line item with non-observation HCPCS code |
Inpatient separate procedures not paid |
Partial hospitalization condition code 41 not approved for type of bill |
Service is not separately payable |
Revenue center requires HCPCS |
Service on same day as inpatient procedure |
Non-covered under any Medicare outpatient benefit, based on statutory exclusion |
Observation code G0378 not allowed to be reported more than once per claim |
Observation does not meet minimum hours, qualifying diagnoses, and/or ‘T’ procedure conditions (v3.0-v6.3 only) |
Codes G0378 and G0379 only allowed with bill type 13x or 85x |
Multiple codes for the same service |
Non-reportable for site of service |
E/M condition not met and line item date for obs code G0244 is not 12/31 or 1/1 (v4.0-v6.3 only) |
Composite E/M condition not met for observation and line item date for code G0378 is 1/1 |
G0379 only allowed with G0378 |
Clinical trial requires diagnosis code V707 as other than primary diagnosis (deleted, retroactive to the earliest included version) |
Use of modifier CA with more than one procedure not allowed |
Service can only be billed to the DMERC |
Code not recognized by OPPS; alternate code for same service may be available |
This OT code only billed on partial hospitalization claims (v1.0-v13.3) |
AT service not payable outside the partial hospitalization program (v1.0-v13.3) |
Revenue code not recognized by Medicare |
Code requires manual pricing |
Service provided prior to FDA approval |
Service provided prior to date of National Coverage Determination (NCD) approval |
Service provided outside approval period |
CA modifier requires patient discharge status indicating expired or transferred |
Claim lacks required device code (v6.1-v15.3 only) |
Service not billable to the Fiscal Intermediary/Medicare Administrative Contractor |
Incorrect billing of blood and blood products |
Units greater than one for bilateral procedure billed with modifier 50 |
Incorrect billing of modifier FB or FC (v.8.0-v15.3 only) |
Trauma response critical care code without revenue code 068x and CPT 99291 |
Claim lacks allowed procedure code (v6.1-v15.3 only) |
Claim lacks required radiolabeled product (v9.0-v14.3) |
Incorrect billing of revenue code with HCPCS code |
Mental health code not approved for partial hospitalization program |
Mental health service not payable outside the partial hospitalization program |
Charge exceeds token charge ($1.01) |
Service provided on or after effective date of NCD non-coverage |
Claim lacks required primary code |
Claim lacks required device code or required procedure code (v13.0-v14.3) |
Manifestation code not allowed as principal diagnosis |
Skin substitute application procedure without appropriate skin substitute product code |
FQHC payment code not reported for FQHC claim |
FQHC claim lacks required qualifying visit code |
Incorrect revenue code reported for FQHC payment code |
Item or service not covered under FQHC PPS |
Device-intensive procedure reported without device code |
Corneal tissue processing reported without cornea transplant procedure |
Biosimilar HCPCS reported without biosimilar modifier (v17.0-v19.0 only) |
7-day spanning partial hospitalization services require a minimum of 20 hours of service as evidenced in PHP plan of care |
Partial hospitalization interim claim From and Through dates must span more than 4 days |
Partial hospitalization services are required to be billed weekly |
Claim with pass-through device, drug or biological lacks required procedure |
Claim with pass-through or non-pass-through drug or biological lacks OPPS payable procedure |
Claim for HSCT allogeneic transplantation lacks required revenue code line for donor acquisition services |
Item or service with modifier PN not allowed under PFS |
Modifier pairing not allowed on the same line |
Modifier reported prior to FDA approval date (v19.0 only) |
Service not eligible for all-inclusive rate |
Claim reported with pass-through device prior to FDA approval for procedure |
Add-on code reported without required primary procedure code |
Add-on code reported without required contractor-defined primary procedure code |
Add-on code reported without required primary procedure or without required contractor-defined primary procedure code |
Code first diagnosis present without mental health diagnosis as the first secondary diagnosis |
Service provided prior to initial marketing date |
Service cost is duplicative; included in cost of associated biological |
Information only service(s) |
Supplementary or additional code not allowed as principal diagnosis |
Item or service not allowed with modifier CS |
COVID-19 lab add-on code reported without required primary procedure |
Opioid treatment program service not payable outside the opioid treatment program |
Token charge less than $1.01 billed by provider |
Invalid bill type |
Invalid claim processing receipt date |
Incorrect reporting of modifier PT |
Non-covered service reported with inpatient only procedure where patient expired or transferred |
340B-acquired drug modifier(s) reported inappropriately |
Modifier used after CMS termination date |
HCPCS reported after CMS termination date |
Incorrect billing of IMRT planning and delivery |
Incorrect reporting of telehealth modifier |
Service not allowed for Part B Inpatient claim |
Insufficient services on day of IOP |
7-day spanning IOP services require a minimum of 9 hours of service |
Incorrect reporting of modifier on RHC IOP claim |
Insufficient services on day of PHP |
Mental health code not approved for Intensive Outpatient Program |
Mental health service not payable outside the Intensive Outpatient Program |
Service provided outside designated approval period |
Claim Day lacks required device code |
Service provided prior to ACIP approval date |
IOP Primary service not reported for IOP claim |
PHP Primary service not reported for PHP claim |