Name |
Type |
Discontinued? |
1 |
No |
This item stores the Received Document record ID. |
2 |
No |
A unique contact date in decimal format. The integer portion of the number indicates the date of contact. The digits after the decimal distinguish different contacts on the same date and are unique for each contact on that date. For example, .00 is the first/only contact, .01 is the second contact, etc. |
3 |
No |
The line number for the information associated with this contact. Multiple pieces of information can be associated with this contact. |
4 |
No |
The date of this contact in calendar format. |
5 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
Start instant (date and time) for the encounter. |
6 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
End instant (date and time) for the encounter. |
7 |
No |
Unique identifier for the encounter in which the document was edited on the remote system. This is either a contact serial number (CSN) or, if using IntraConnect, a Unique Contact Identifier (UCI). |
8 |
No |
Mood code of the remote encounter. |
9 |
No |
Free text name of the remote encounter type. |
10 |
No |
Encounter type of the contact at the remote organization. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Registration |
Walk-In |
Hospital Encounter |
Canceled |
Unmerge |
Contact Moved |
Intake |
Research Encounter |
Recurring Plan |
Billing Exchange |
Health Plan |
Update |
PCP/Clinic Change |
Wait List |
Enrollment |
Social Care Application |
Service Decision Registration |
Leader Rounds |
Clerical Orders |
Patient-Selected Community Resource |
Mother Baby Link |
Lactation Encounter |
Appointment |
Surgery |
Anesthesia |
Anesthesia Event |
Guardian Screening |
Ancillary Procedure |
Anticoagulation Discharge Documentation |
Health Maintenance Letter |
Patient Message |
E-Visit |
Mobile Order Only |
Questionnaire Series Submission |
Travel |
Patient Self-Triage |
Community Care Management |
Patient Outreach |
Telephone |
Nurse Triage |
E-Consult |
E-Consult Community Order |
Results Follow-Up |
Clinical Documentation Only |
Telemedicine |
Plan of Care Documentation |
External Communication |
Reconciled Outside Data |
External Contact |
Ophth Exam |
Dialysis Calendar Documentation |
Pre-Admission Testing |
Episode Documentation Update |
Hospice Admission |
Home Infusion |
Home Infusion Billing |
Episode Update |
Home Health Resumption of Care Planning |
Home Health Admission |
Home Care Visit |
Home Care Update |
Kanta Service Event |
Remote Monitoring Data Collection |
Patient Web Update |
Community Orders |
Committee Review |
Post Mortem Documentation |
Billing Encounter |
Lab Requisition |
Office Visit |
Consent Form |
Procedure Pass |
External Hospital Admission |
Letter (Out) |
Hospital |
Refill |
Immunization |
History |
Referral |
Orders Only |
Rx Refill Authorize |
Meds Only (Web) |
Meds Void (Web) |
Resolute Professional Billing Hospital Prof Fee |
Episode Changes |
Ancillary Orders |
Pharmacy Visit |
OurPractice Advisory |
Abstract |
11 |
No |
The place of service code category ID for the location where the patient's encounter on the remote system occurred. Category values can be found in ZC_POS_TYPE. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Telehealth - Provided in Patient's Home |
Office |
Home |
Assisted Living Facility |
Group Home |
Mobile Unit |
Temporary Lodging |
Walk-in Retail Health Clinic |
Place of Employment - Worksite |
Off Campus - Outpatient Hospital |
Urgent Care Facility |
Inpatient Hospital |
On Campus - Outpatient Hospital |
Emergency Room - Hospital |
Ambulatory Surgical Center |
Birthing Center |
Military Treatment Facility |
Outreach Site/Street |
Skilled Nursing Facility |
Nursing Facility |
Custodial Care Facility |
Hospice |
Adult Living Care Facility |
Ambulance - Land |
Ambulance - Air or Water |
Independent Clinic |
Federally Qualified Health Center |
Inpatient Psychiatric Facility |
Psychiatric Facility - Partial Hospitalization |
Community Mental Health Center |
Intermediate Care Facility/ Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility |
Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center |
Non-residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility |
Non-residential Opioid Treatment Facility |
Mass Immunization Center |
Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility |
Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility |
End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Facility |
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Center |
Public Health Clinic |
Rural Health Clinic |
Independent Laboratory |
Other Place of Service |
Pharmacy |
Telehealth - Provided Other than in Patient's Home |
School |
Homeless Shelter |
Indian Health Service Free-standing Facility |
Indian Health Service Provider-based Facility |
Tribal 638 Free-standing Facility |
Tribal 638 Provider-based Facility |
Prison/Correctional Facility |
12 |
No |
Key for use by other related event groups. |
13 |
No |
Free text name for the department specialty associated with the event. |
14 |
No |
Department specialty category ID associated with the event. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
15 |
No |
Free text department name for the encounter. |
16 |
No |
This item stores the department ID for the encounter. |
17 |
No |
Free text description for this event. |
18 |
No |
The unique ID for the encounter document. |
19 |
No |
The CDA type category ID for the document. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Clinical Summary |
Document List |
Other Results |
Encounter Summary |
Lab Results |
Continuity of Care Document |
Referral Summary |
Discharge Summary |
LPR3 Document |
LPR3 Event Document |
Emergency Department Summary |
External Document - PDF |
External Document - Text |
Quality Reporting Document Architecture |
Continuity of Care Record |
Care Plan |
Overall Plan of Care |
Patient Health Summary |
Constellation Update |
Labor and Delivery Summary |
Laboratory Reports |
Immunization Content |
Consultation Note |
Diagnostic Imaging Report |
History and Physical Note |
Operative Note |
Procedure Note |
Progress Note |
Physician consulting Progress note |
Location Summary |
IRIS Ophthalmology Report |
Payer Document |
Endoscopy Registry |
Patient Level Quality Reporting Document |
Population Level Quality Reporting Document |
Professional Billing Exchange Document |
Cancer Registry |
Initial Public Health Case Report |
Outgoing Death Registry Reporting IHE VRDR Profile |
Outgoing NHCS Survey Documents |
Patient-Reported Information |
Specialist Letter |
Decision Support Request |
Cosmos Document Patient Level |
Cosmos Document Encounter Level |
Cosmos Document Unreconciled Data Encounter Level |
Cosmos Document Unreconciled Data Patient Level |
Treatment Document - eArchive |
Forms - eArchive |
Service Event - eArchive |
Finland eRx |
Kanta Social Care |
THL Registry Document |
THL Calculation Document |
Navitas Patient Summary Document |
Navitas Encounter Document |
Navitas Imaging Document |
USCDI CCD (Patient Level) |
USCDI CCD (Encounter Level) |
2015 CCDS CCD |
Basisgegevensset Zorg (BgZ) |
Basisgegevensset Zorg (BgZ) - Encounter |
Clinical Analytics |
Overall Clinical Analytics |
Supplemental Analytics |
Overall Supplemental Analytics |
Transplant Episode Summary |
Comprehensive Care Coordination Summary |
Emergency department Note |
Note |
Outpatient Note |
Perioperative records |
Cardiology studies |
Transfer summary note |
Radiology studies |
Anesthesia records |
Dialysis Summary |
Oncology Summary |
Genomics Summary |
Health Plan Sourced Clinical Summary |
Patient Dialysis Summary |
Patient Oncology Summary |
Life Sciences Patient Level Update |
Life Sciences Restricted Data Exchange |
20 |
No |
Free text of the location name associated with the patient's encounter on the remote system. |
21 |
No |
The unique ID of the location on the remote system where the patient's encounter occurred. |
22 |
No |
Indicates whether the medication associated with the event was reviewed or not. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No |
Yes |
23 |
No |
This item stores the source external document CSN (Contact Serial Number) that contains the external event information. |
24 |
No |
HL7 encounter type of the contact at the remote organization. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Ambulatory |
Inpatient Encounter |
Emergency |
Other |
25 |
No |
Care Everywhere encounter type of the contact at the remote organization. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Registration |
Walk-In |
Hospital Encounter |
Canceled |
Unmerge |
Contact Moved |
Research Encounter |
Recurring Plan |
Health Plan |
Update |
PCP/Clinic Change |
Wait List |
Enrollment |
Social Care Application |
Service Decision Registration |
Leader Rounds |
Clerical Orders |
Patient-Selected Community Resource |
Mother Baby Link |
Lactation Encounter |
Appointment |
Surgery |
Anesthesia |
Anesthesia Event |
Ancillary Procedure |
Anticoagulation Discharge Documentation |
Health Maintenance Letter |
Patient Email |
E-Visit |
Mobile Order Only |
Questionnaire Series Submission |
Patient Self-Triage |
Community Care Management |
Patient Outreach |
Telephone |
Nurse Triage |
E-Consult |
E-Consult Community Order |
Results Follow-Up |
Clinical Documentation Only |
Telemedicine |
UPOC Documentation |
External Communication |
Reconciled Outside Data |
External Contact |
Ophth Exam |
Dialysis Calendar Documentation |
Pre-Admission Testing |
Episode Documentation Update |
Hospice Admission |
Home Infusion |
Home Infusion BIlling |
Episode Update |
Home Health Resumption |
Home Health Admission |
Home Care Visit |
Home Care Update |
Kanta Service Event |
Remote Monitoring Data Collection |
Patient Web Update |
Community Orders |
Committee Review |
Post Mortem Documentation |
Billing Encounter |
Lab Requisition |
Office Visit |
Consent Form |
Procedure Pass |
External Hospital Admission |
Letter (Out) |
Hospital |
Refill |
Immunization |
History |
Referral |
Orders Only |
Rx Refill Authorize |
Meds Only (Web) |
Meds Void (Web) |
Resolute Professional Billing Hospital Prof Fee |
Episode Changes |
Ancillary Orders |
Pharmacy Visit |
OurPractice Advisory |
Confidential |
Radiology Appointment |
Abstract |
Allied Health |
Nurse Only |
Social Work |
Nutrition |
Case Management |
Education |
Treatment |
E-Prescribe |
Induction |
Multidisciplinary Visit |
Conversion Encounter |
Consult |
Anticoagulation Visit |
Specialty Pharmacy |
Procedure visit |
Lactation Consult |
Medication Management |
Routine Prenatal |
Initial Prenatal |
Postpartum Visit |
Lab |
EpicOnHand Encounter |
Clinical Support |
Evaluation |
Follow-Up |
Release of Information |
Deleted |
Erroneous Encounter |
Erroneous Telephone Encounter |
Scanned Document |
Infusion |
Admission Orders |
Pre-op/Pre-procedure Orders |
Patient Care Review |
Documentation |
Transcribe Orders |
Prep for Case |
Hospice F2F Visit |
Tumor Board Conference |
Audiology |
Assisted Living/Skilled Nursing |
Diagnostic Services |
Employee Health |
Genetics |
Group Visit |
Injection |
Immunotherapy |
Long Term Care |
MyChart |
Nursing Home |
Prep for Surgery |
Sleep Study |
Speech Therapy |
Transplant Evaluation |
Transplant Follow Up |
Urgent Care |
Well Child |
Work Comp |
Emergency |
Intake |
Travel |
Oncology Survivorship |
Legacy Encounter |
Medication Management Visit - Comprehensive |
Fetal Procedure |
Surgical Consult |
Procedural Consult |
Pre-evaluation |
Prep for Procedure |
Fetal Care Consult |
Hospice Physician Oversight |
Cardiology Conference |
26 |
No |
Indicates whether this encounter was upgraded from ED to Inpatient. Y indicates that the encounter was upgraded from ED to Inpatient. N indicates an inpatient encounter that was not upgraded from ED. Null indicates either a non-inpatient encounter or an encounter for which this information is not available. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: EVENT_MED_REV_YN |
27 |
No |
This item stores the level of service CPT (Current Procedure Terminology) code for where the encounter took place. |
28 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
This item stores the last received instant. |
29 |
No |
Document set ID that represents a common identifier across all document revisions. |
30 |
No |
The internal patient contact serial number (CSN) that is a duplicate of this external encounter. |
31 |
No |
Stores the last update instant of the event in UTC. |
32 |
No |
The note (HNO) ID related to this encounter. |
33 |
No |
Street address of the place where the event occurred. |
34 |
No |
The city where the event occurred. |
35 |
No |
The state where the event occurred. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
36 |
No |
The county where the event occurred. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
37 |
No |
Contains the time zone offset of this encounter in hours |
38 |
No |
Stores ID of the document that contains a given encounter (event) in its encounter section. |
39 |
No |
Stores the encounter reference ID received in an external document when reference IDs are not trusted. |
40 |
No |
Indicates whether the data comes from the encompassingEncounter section or an encounter section of a CDA document, or from the event list. By default (i.e. when this value is blank) the data is assumed to come from the encounter section. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Encompassing Encounter |
Event List |
41 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
Stores the last received instant of the related document. |
42 |
No |
This item holds the status of the encounter, if cancelled |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Other |
Normal |
Aborted |
Active |
Cancelled |
Completed |
Held |
New |
Suspended |
Nullified |
Obsolete |
43 |
No |
Indicates whether the encounter is a hospital admission. Y indicates that the encounter is a hospital admission. N indicates that the encounter is not a hospital admission. NULL indicates an encounter for which this information is not available. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: EVENT_MED_REV_YN |
44 |
No |
Indicates whether the encounter is a hospital outpatient visit. Y indicates that the encounter is a hospital outpatient visit. N indicates that the encounter is not a hospital outpatient visit. NULL indicates an encounter for which this information is not available. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: EVENT_MED_REV_YN |
45 |
No |
Indicates whether the encounter is an outpatient face-to-face visit. Y indicates that the encounter is an outpatient face-to-face visit. N indicates that the encounter is not an outpatient face-to-face visit. NULL indicates an encounter for which this information is not available. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: EVENT_MED_REV_YN |
46 |
No |
Stores the received acuity level for an encounter. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
47 |
No |
Stores the reason why an external encounter should be filtered from the composite record |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Claim Derivation: Procedure Code Inclusion/Exclusion List |
Claim Derivation: Missing Provider |
Claim Derivation: Sensitive Diagnosis |
Claim Derivation: Missing Procedure Start Date |
Claim Derivation: Excluded Procedure Modifier |
Source Organization Unknown |
Source Organization Mismatch |
Source Organization Is Self |
Clinical Note Type Exclusion List |
Clinical Note Missing Service Instant |
Clinical Note Missing Last Filed Instant |
Clinical Note Missing Author Name |
Dispense Cancellation |
Same Day as Internal Encounter |
Missing or Invalid Binary URL |
Filtered or Missing Source Note |
DocumentReference Status not Current |
Claim Derivation: Excluded Linked Diagnoses |
Claim Derivation: Missing Encounter Start Date |
Entered In Error |
FHIR resource contained an invalid category |
Condition verification status is no longer confirmed |
Condition is no longer valid for this patient due to age or sex |
FHIR resource has an invalid start date |
Encounter FHIR resource is missing the type element |
FHIR resource is missing the status element |
Encounter FHIR resource is missing the class element |
Encounter FHIR resource contained an unrecognized status code |
Encounter FHIR resource contained a status code for a future encounter |
Encounter FHIR resource contained a class code for a future encounter |
FHIR resource has a future start date |
FHIR resource does not have a status of completed |
FHIR resource is missing the code element |
Diagnosis is missing a link to an encounter |
FHIR resource contains a reference to encounter not in the system |
FHIR resource contained a patient reference not matching the searched for patient |
Immunization FHIR Resource is missing the vaccineCode element or did not contain a CVX code |
FHIR Resource is missing an effective date/time |
FHIR resource contained an invalid status |
Observation FHIR resource is linked to a filtered Condition FHIR resource |
SDOH Assessment contains no questions |
Missing required data for data type |
FHIR resource does not have a status of confirmed |
Claim Derivation: Missing face-to-face services |
48 |
No |
The reason for the admission based on HL7v2 tables |
49 |
No |
Stores the facility NPI where the event occurred. |
50 |
No |
Stores the facility TIN where the event occurred. |
51 |
No |
Holds the creation instant of the document as returned by the query response header. This is distinct from I DXR 172, which is the creation instant as returned by metadata within the received document. |
52 |
No |
The unique identifier for this encounter as received on the remote system. This is only populated for documents received from non-Epic organizations. |
53 |
No |
Authorization Number of the encounter |
54 |
No |
Pre-admit Certification Number of the encounter |
55 |
No |
Admission type of the encounter. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Accident |
Elective |
Emergency |
Labor and Delivery |
Newborn (Birth in healthcare facility) |
Routine |
Urgent |
56 |
No |
Admit source of the encounter. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Physician referral |
Clinic referral |
HMO referral |
Transfer from a hospital |
Transfer from a skilled nursing facility |
Transfer from another health care facility |
Emergency room |
Court/law enforcement |
Information not available |
57 |
No |
Title of a document associated with an event. |
58 |
No |
The expected length of the stay in days. |
59 |
No |
Expected discharge date for the encounter |
60 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
Expected discharge time for the encounter |
61 |
No |
The linked protocol visit for a Research Study linked encounter. |
62 |
No |
Stores the study code of the research study associated with this event. |
63 |
No |
This item tracks whether the event occurred at the organization that sent the received document, or if it occurred elsewhere. If it occurred elsewhere, this item will be set to 1. Otherwise, this item will be null. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: EVENT_MED_REV_YN |
64 |
No |
Patient Class of the encounter. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Inpatient |
Outpatient |
Emergency |
Preadmit |
Recurring patient |
Obstetrics |
Commercial account |
Not applicable |
Unknown |
Observation |
65 |
No |
Indicates whether the encounter is an admission upgraded from an HOV Y indicates that the encounter is an admission upgraded from HOV. N indicates that the encounter is not an admission upgraded from HOV. NULL indicates an encounter for which this information is not available. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: EVENT_MED_REV_YN |
66 |
No |
The status of this data element within DINE. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Invalid |
Valid |
Inactive |
67 |
No |
Whether this encoutner's Event HL7 Type was mapped based on the free text Event Encounter Type Name |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: EVENT_MED_REV_YN |
68 |
No |
Start instant for each event in the event list in UTC. |
69 |
No |
End instant for each event in the event list in UTC. |
70 |
No |
The date to compare to the change tracking window when loading flat files in bulk via DINE. If the date is within the window, but the data element is missing from the load, then the data element is invalidated. |