By Interface Type
IHE Profiles
IHE, or Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise, coordinates the use of many different standards by layering on the context of healthcare delivery. You can learn more from IHE.
Epic maintains a set of IHE Integration statements for these profiles. If you are looking to see which technical options in each profile that Epic supports, see Epic’s integration statements.
Outgoing Cancer Reporting
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Allows organizations using Epic's oncology software, Beacon, to meet the Meaningful Use objective to send cancer case information to cancer registries.
Current integrations include

- Alaska - Public Health Agencies
- California - Public Health Agencies
- Florida - Public Health Agencies
- Indiana - Public Health Agencies
- Iowa - Public Health Agencies
- Kansas Health Information Network
- Kentucky Health Information Exchange
- Maryland - Public Health Agencies
- ONCO Inc.
- Oregon - Public Health Agencies
- Pennslyvania - Public Health Agencies
- South Dakota Department of Health
- Washington - Public Health Agencies
Research Study Management and Enrollment
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These interfaces integrate with an external Clinical Research Management system to facilitate research workflows. They can create or update research study records, associate patients to a study, update the patient's enrollment status in the study, and receive study billing grid information. These interfaces follow the IHE - Retrieve Protocol for Execution (RPE) implementation, IHE - Clinical Research Process Content Profile (CRPC), HL7 Study Participation, and HL7 Study Design.
Current integrations include

- Advarra
- Baylor Scott and White Health
- Click Commerce
- MDLogix
- National Cancer Institute
- Oracle
- Precision Genetics
- SignalPath
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Vanderbilt University
- Velos
Incoming Patient Discovery
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In this scenario, an external system has a patient that it is attempting to match in an Epic system. The external system sends a subset of patient demographics and if Epic can find a unique high-confidence match, it returns the matching patient. Epic implements all transactions required in the IHE Technical Framework to support the IHE Cross-Community Patient Discovery Profile as a Responding Gateway.
Outgoing Patient Discovery
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In this scenario, a patient presents to an Epic system, and a user needs to match the patient in an external system. Epic sends a subset of patient demographics to the external system, which responds with the patient who matches the query. Epic confirms the match, usually through the user, and then report back the user's actions. Epic implements all transactions required in the IHE Technical Framework to support the IHE Cross-Community Patient Discovery Profile as an Initiating Gateway.
Implantable Device - Cardiac
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Epic's cardiology software implements IHE's Implantable Device - Cardiac - Observation Profile as an Implantable Device - Cardiac - Consumer. It supports the OBX - Encapsulated PDF or Ref Pointer option and the PV1 - Patient Visit option.
Incoming Medical Device Waveforms Interface
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The Epic Monitor can receive streaming waveform data from device and middleware vendors for displaying in the Waveform widget in the Epic Monitor.
Cross-Community Access (XCA) and Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS.b)
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The process of exchanging clinical documents is handled through a series of messages exchanged via standards-based SOAP Web services. Because organizations that use Epic software are often the size of regional HIEs themselves, interoperability with the Epic EHR requires no centralized infrastructure. Instead, the EHR acts as a document repository itself for point-to-point queries. Specifically, the EHR supports IHE XCA and IHE XDS.b Query-Response.
Current integrations include

- ACS/Xerox
- Agilex
- Allscripts
- Apenimed
- Athena
- Caradigm
- Care Evolution
- Cerner, Cerner HIE
- Certify
- CodoniX
- Coldwater
- Covisint
- dbMotion
- eClinicalWorks
- eHealth Data Solutions
- GE
- Greenway
- Harris
- Inpriva
- InterSystems
- Magellan
- MDI Achieve
- MedFx
- Medicity
- Meditech
- Mirth
- MobileMD
- NetSmart
- NextGen
- No More Clipboard
- Optum Insight (Axolotl)
- Orion
- Qvera
Sending Clinical Documents (Direct)
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Epic's EHR supports document exchange via the Direct protocol. Documents sent from an Epic EHR via Direct follow the XDR/XDM option, in which structured documents are sent in the message with structured metadata. Similarly, Epic receives structured documents to file to the appropriate chart. External provider directories containing Direct addresses can be imported into the Epic EHR using a standard format. While Epic software supports the full SMTP+S/MIME stack, organizations using Epic can alternatively choose to delegate duties to an external HISP. Providers use the EHR to push data using Direct, and patients can use their portal to send structured clinical summaries to any arbitrary Direct endpoint with which the organization has established trust.
Current integrations include

- DataMotion
- ehrDocs
- MaxMD
- MedAllies
- Medicity
- SureScripts
Closing Referral Loop
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To facilitate closing the loop on referrals so referring providers can be kept up to date on the treatment received by their patients, Epic supports additional elements within Direct messaging using the XDR transport method. These additional elements indicate Direct messages which include a specialist report generated during the care of a patient who has been referred to an organization outside their primary care organization.
FHIR Launch Sequence
Epic can utilize the HL7 SMART on FHIR launch sequence to enable context exchange for FHIR resources with an external application. When used from an EHR-based launch, the interaction follows the IHE Mobile Retrieve Form for Data Capture (mRFD) profile.
Device Enterprise Communication
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Epic supports the IHE Device Enterprise Communication (DEC) profile for receiving vendor independent, multi-modality patient care device data. This supports a wide variety of devices from vital signs monitors to point of care systems.
Device Alarm Communication
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Epic supports the IHE Alarm Communication Management (ACM) profile for receiving device initiated alerts. This standard helps facilitate communication of alarm information to caregivers.
Infusion Documentation
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Epic supports the IHE Point-of-Care Infusion Verification (PIV) standard for electronic transmission of infusion information as part of medication administration. This decreases the need for manual pump programming and may leverage additional decision support internal to the pump.
Newborn Notification
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Epic supports the IHE Newborn Admission Notification Information (NANI) profile for transmitting newborn information to Public Health systems. This standard can be used to send ADT messages after a baby is born to provide public health with an initial notification of a new child.