Name |
Type |
Discontinued? |
1 |
No |
This item stores the Received Document record ID. |
2 |
No |
This is a numeric representation of the date of this encounter in your system. The integer portion of the number specifies the date of the encounter. The digits after the decimal point indicate multiple visits on one day. |
3 |
No |
The line number for the information associated with this contact. Multiple pieces of information can be associated with this contact. |
4 |
No |
The date of this contact in calendar format. |
5 |
No |
This item stores the unique reference ID. |
6 |
No |
This item stores the medication name. |
7 |
No |
The name of this medication record. |
8 |
No |
This item stores free text sig for the medication. |
9 |
No |
This item stores dosage for the medication. |
10 |
No |
This item stores discrete dose for the medication. |
11 |
No |
This item stores route information for the medication. |
12 |
No |
This item stores mapped route information for the medication. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
13 |
No |
This item stores the medication quantity. |
14 |
No |
This item is set if the medication is long term. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No |
Yes |
15 |
No |
This item stores the start date of the medication. |
16 |
No |
This item stores the end date of the medication. |
17 |
No |
This item stores the form of the medication. |
18 |
No |
This item stores the mapped form of the medication. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
19 |
No |
This item stores the dose units associated with the medication. |
20 |
No |
This item stores the mapped dose unit associated with the medication. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
mL |
L |
mg |
g |
Units |
mmol |
mEq |
mcg |
% |
Int'l Units |
Million Units |
kcal |
ng |
mg PE |
milli-units |
pg |
KBq |
MBq |
GBq |
mcL |
mL/min |
L/min |
mg/min |
g/min |
Units/min |
mmol/min |
mEq/min |
mcg/min |
kJ/min |
Int'l Units/min |
Million Units/min |
kcal/min |
ng/min |
mg PE/min |
milli-units/min |
pg/min |
KBq/min |
MBq/min |
GBq/min |
mcL/min |
mL/hr |
L/hr |
mg/hr |
g/hr |
Units/hr |
mmol/hr |
mEq/hr |
mcg/hr |
kJ/hr |
Int'l Units/hr |
Million Units/hr |
kcal/hr |
ng/hr |
mg PE/hr |
milli-units/hr |
pg/hr |
KBq/hr |
MBq/hr |
GBq/hr |
mcL/hr |
mL/day |
L/day |
mg/day |
g/day |
Units/day |
mmol/day |
mEq/day |
mcg/day |
kJ/day |
Int'l Units/day |
Million Units/day |
kcal/day |
ng/day |
mg PE/day |
milli-units/day |
pg/day |
Inch/day |
KBq/day |
MBq/day |
GBq/day |
mcL/day |
IR/day |
BAU/day |
PFU/day |
Million PFU/day |
Million Int'l Units/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/day |
EIN/day |
Million EIN/day |
mL/kg |
L/kg |
mg/kg |
g/kg |
Units/kg |
mmol/kg |
mEq/kg |
mcg/kg |
kJ/kg |
Int'l Units/kg |
Million Units/kg |
kcal/kg |
ng/kg |
mg PE/kg |
milli-units/kg |
pg/kg |
mg/kg (Actual) |
Each/kg |
Puff/kg |
Package/kg |
Drop/kg |
Inch/kg |
KBq/kg |
MBq/kg |
GBq/kg |
mcL/kg |
IR/kg |
BAU/kg |
Million Int'l Units/kg |
mcmol/kg |
1e12 Vector Genomes/kg |
Vector Genomes/kg |
Dose/kg |
mcg DFE/kg |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg |
1e11 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e13 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e14 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e15 Vector Genomes/kg |
EIN/kg |
IR/min |
BAU/min |
Million Int'l Units/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/min |
IR/hr |
BAU/hr |
Million Int'l Units/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/hr |
mL/mL |
L/mL |
mg/mL |
g/mL |
Units/mL |
mmol/mL |
mEq/mL |
mcg/mL |
kJ/mL |
Int'l Units/mL |
Million Units/mL |
kcal/mL |
ng/mL |
mg PE/mL |
milli-units/mL |
pg/mL |
KBq/mL |
MBq/mL |
GBq/mL |
mcL/mL |
IR/mL |
BAU/mL |
PFU/mL |
Million PFU/mL |
Million Int'l Units/mL |
mcmol/mL |
1e12 Vector Genomes/mL |
Vector Genomes/mL |
Kilo Int'l Units/mL |
1e11 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e13 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e14 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e15 Vector Genomes/mL |
millicurie/mL |
mL/L |
L/L |
mg/L |
g/L |
Units/L |
mmol/L |
mEq/L |
mcg/L |
kJ/L |
Int'l Units/L |
Million Units/L |
kcal/L |
ng/L |
mg PE/L |
milli-units/L |
pg/L |
KBq/L |
MBq/L |
GBq/L |
mcL/L |
IR/L |
Million Int'l Units/L |
Kilo Int'l Units/L |
mL/m2 |
L/m2 |
mg/m2 |
g/m2 |
Units/m2 |
mmol/m2 |
mEq/m2 |
mcg/m2 |
kJ/m2 |
Int'l Units/m2 |
Million Units/m2 |
kcal/m2 |
ng/m2 |
mg PE/m2 |
milli-units/m2 |
pg/m2 |
mg/m2 (Actual) |
Each/m2 |
Puff/m2 |
Package/m2 |
Drop/m2 |
KBq/m2 |
MBq/m2 |
GBq/m2 |
mcL/m2 |
IR/m2 |
BAU/m2 |
Million Int'l Units/m2 |
mcmol/m2 |
1e12 Vector Genomes/m2 |
Vector Genomes/m2 |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2 |
1e11 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e13 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e14 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e15 Vector Genomes/m2 |
mL/1.7m2 |
L/1.7m2 |
mg/1.7m2 |
g/1.7m2 |
Units/1.7m2 |
mmol/1.7m2 |
mEq/1.7m2 |
mcg/1.7m2 |
kJ/1.7m2 |
Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
Million Units/1.7m2 |
kcal/1.7m2 |
ng/1.7m2 |
mg PE/1.7m2 |
milli-units/1.7m2 |
pg/1.7m2 |
Each/1.7m2 |
KBq/1.7m2 |
MBq/1.7m2 |
GBq/1.7m2 |
mcL/1.7m2 |
IR/1.7m2 |
BAU/1.7m2 |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
mL/kg (IDL) |
L/kg (IDL) |
mg/kg (IDL) |
g/kg (IDL) |
Units/kg (IDL) |
mmol/kg (IDL) |
mEq/kg (IDL) |
mcg/kg (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg (IDL) |
Million Units/kg (IDL) |
Kcal/kg (IDL) |
ng/kg (IDL) |
mg PE/kg (IDL) |
milli-units/kg (IDL) |
pg/kg (IDL) |
mg/m2 (IDL) |
mL/kg (ADJ) |
L/kg (ADJ) |
mg/kg (ADJ) |
g/kg (ADJ) |
Units/kg (ADJ) |
mmol/kg (ADJ) |
mEq/kg (ADJ) |
mcg/kg (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg (ADJ) |
ng/kg (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg (ADJ) |
pg/kg (ADJ) |
mg/m2 (ADJ) |
mL/100 mL |
L/100 mL |
mg/100 mL |
g/100 mL |
Units/100 mL |
mmol/100 mL |
mEq/100 mL |
mcg/100 mL |
kJ/100 mL |
Int'l Units/100 mL |
Million Units/100 mL |
kcal/100 mL |
ng/100 mL |
mg PE/100 mL |
milli-units/100 mL |
pg/100 mL |
KBq/100 mL |
MBq/100 mL |
GBq/100 mL |
mcL/100 mL |
IR/100 mL |
BAU/100 mL |
Million Int'l Units/100 mL |
Kilo Int'l Units/100 mL |
mL/oz |
L/oz |
mg/oz |
g/oz |
Units/oz |
mmol/oz |
mEq/oz |
mcg/oz |
kJ/oz |
Int'l Units/oz |
Million Units/oz |
kcal/oz |
ng/oz |
mg PE/oz |
milli-units/oz |
pg/oz |
KBq/oz |
MBq/oz |
GBq/oz |
mcL/oz |
IR/oz |
BAU/oz |
Million Int'l Units/oz |
Kilo Int'l Units/oz |
mL/kg/min |
L/kg/min |
mg/kg/min |
g/kg/min |
Units/kg/min |
mmol/kg/min |
mEq/kg/min |
mcg/kg/min |
kJ/kg/min |
Int'l Units/kg/min |
Million Units/kg/min |
kcal/kg/min |
ng/kg/min |
mg PE/kg/min |
milli-units/kg/min |
pg/kg/min |
KBq/kg/min |
MBq/kg/min |
GBq/kg/min |
mcL/kg/min |
mL/kg/min (IDL) |
L/kg/min (IDL) |
mg/kg/min (IDL) |
g/kg/min (IDL) |
Units/kg/min (IDL) |
mmol/kg/min (IDL) |
mEq/kg/min (IDL) |
mcg/kg/min (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/min (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/min (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/min (IDL) |
ng/kg/min (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/min (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/min (IDL) |
pg/kg/min (IDL) |
mL/kg/min (ADJ) |
L/kg/min (ADJ) |
mg/kg/min (ADJ) |
g/kg/min (ADJ) |
Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/min (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/min (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/min (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/min (ADJ) |
ng/kg/min (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/min (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/min (ADJ) |
pg/kg/min (ADJ) |
IR/kg/min |
BAU/kg/min |
Million Int'l Units/kg/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/min |
mL/m2/min |
L/m2/min |
mg/m2/min |
g/m2/min |
Units/m2/min |
mmol/m2/min |
mEq/m2/min |
mcg/m2/min |
kJ/m2/min |
Int'l Units/m2/min |
Million Units/m2/min |
kcal/m2/min |
ng/m2/min |
mg PE/m2/min |
milli-units/m2/min |
pg/m2/min |
KBq/m2/min |
MBq/m2/min |
GBq/m2/min |
mcL/m2/min |
mL/1.7m2/min |
L/1.7m2/min |
mg/1.7m2/min |
g/1.7m2/min |
Units/1.7m2/min |
mmol/1.7m2/min |
mEq/1.7m2/min |
mcg/1.7m2/min |
kJ/1.7m2/min |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
Million Units/1.7m2/min |
kcal/1.7m2/min |
ng/1.7m2/min |
mg PE/1.7m2/min |
milli-units/1.7m2/min |
pg/1.7m2/min |
KBq/1.7m2/min |
MBq/1.7m2/min |
GBq/1.7m2/min |
mSv |
mGy |
mcL/1.7m2/min |
mg of pseudoephedrine |
IR/m2/min |
BAU/m2/min |
Million Int'l Units/m2/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/min |
IR/1.7m2/min |
BAU/1.7m2/min |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
mL/kg/hr |
L/kg/hr |
mg/kg/hr |
g/kg/hr |
Units/kg/hr |
mmol/kg/hr |
mEq/kg/hr |
mcg/kg/hr |
kJ/kg/hr |
Int'l Units/kg/hr |
Million Units/kg/hr |
kcal/kg/hr |
ng/kg/hr |
mg PE/kg/hr |
milli-units/kg/hr |
pg/kg/hr |
KBq/kg/hr |
MBq/kg/hr |
GBq/kg/hr |
mcL/kg/hr |
mL/kg/hr (IDL) |
L/kg/hr (IDL) |
mg/kg/hr (IDL) |
g/kg/hr (IDL) |
Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
mmol/kg/hr (IDL) |
mEq/kg/hr (IDL) |
mcg/kg/hr (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/hr (IDL) |
ng/kg/hr (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/hr (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/hr (IDL) |
pg/kg/hr (IDL) |
mL/kg/hr (ADJ) |
L/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
g/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/hr (ADJ) |
ng/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/hr (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
pg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
IR/kg/hr |
BAU/kg/hr |
Million Int'l Units/kg/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/hr |
mL/m2/hr |
L/m2/hr |
mg/m2/hr |
g/m2/hr |
Units/m2/hr |
mmol/m2/hr |
mEq/m2/hr |
mcg/m2/hr |
kJ/m2/hr |
Int'l Units/m2/hr |
Million Units/m2/hr |
kcal/m2/hr |
ng/m2/hr |
mg PE/m2/hr |
milli-units/m2/hr |
pg/m2/hr |
KBq/m2/hr |
MBq/m2/hr |
GBq/m2/hr |
mcL/m2/hr |
mL/1.7m2/hr |
L/1.7m2/hr |
mg/1.7m2/hr |
g/1.7m2/hr |
Units/1.7m2/hr |
mmol/1.7m2/hr |
mEq/1.7m2/hr |
mcg/1.7m2/hr |
kJ/1.7m2/hr |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
Million Units/1.7m2/hr |
kcal/1.7m2/hr |
ng/1.7m2/hr |
mg PE/1.7m2/hr |
milli-units/1.7m2/hr |
pg/1.7m2/hr |
KBq/1.7m2/hr |
MBq/1.7m2/hr |
GBq/1.7m2/hr |
mcL/1.7m2/hr |
IR/1.7m2/hr |
BAU/1.7m2/hr |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
IR/m2/hr |
BAU/m2/hr |
Million Int'l Units/m2/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/hr |
mL/kg/day |
L/kg/day |
mg/kg/day |
g/kg/day |
Units/kg/day |
mmol/kg/day |
mEq/kg/day |
mcg/kg/day |
kJ/kg/day |
Int'l Units/kg/day |
Million Units/kg/day |
kcal/kg/day |
ng/kg/day |
mg PE/kg/day |
milli-units/kg/day |
pg/kg/day |
Inch/kg/day |
KBq/kg/day |
MBq/kg/day |
GBq/kg/day |
mL/kg/day (IDL) |
L/kg/day (IDL) |
mg/kg/day (IDL) |
g/kg/day (IDL) |
Units/kg/day (IDL) |
mmol/kg/day (IDL) |
mEq/kg/day (IDL) |
mcg/kg/day (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/day (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/day (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/day (IDL) |
ng/kg/day (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/day (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/day (IDL) |
pg/kg/day (IDL) |
mL/kg/day (ADJ) |
L/kg/day (ADJ) |
mg/kg/day (ADJ) |
g/kg/day (ADJ) |
Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/day (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/day (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/day (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/day (ADJ) |
ng/kg/day (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/day (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/day (ADJ) |
pg/kg/day (ADJ) |
mcL/kg/day |
IR/kg/day |
BAU/kg/day |
Million Int'l Units/kg/day |
mL/m2/day |
L/m2/day |
mg/m2/day |
g/m2/day |
Units/m2/day |
mmol/m2/day |
mEq/m2/day |
mcg/m2/day |
kJ/m2/day |
Int'l Units/m2/day |
Million Units/m2/day |
kcal/m2/day |
ng/m2/day |
mg PE/m2/day |
milli-units/m2/day |
pg/m2/day |
KBq/m2/day |
MBq/m2/day |
GBq/m2/day |
mcL/m2/day |
mL/1.7m2/day |
L/1.7m2/day |
mg/1.7m2/day |
g/1.7m2/day |
Units/1.7m2/day |
mmol/1.7m2/day |
mEq/1.7m2/day |
mcg/1.7m2/day |
kJ/1.7m2/day |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
Million Units/1.7m2/day |
kcal/1.7m2/day |
ng/1.7m2/day |
mg PE/1.7m2/day |
milli-units/1.7m2/day |
pg/1.7m2/day |
KBq/1.7m2/day |
MBq/1.7m2/day |
GBq/1.7m2/day |
mcL/1.7m2/day |
mL/oz/day |
L/oz/day |
mg/oz/day |
g/oz/day |
Units/oz/day |
mmol/oz/day |
mEq/oz/day |
mcg/oz/day |
kJ/oz/day |
Int'l Units/oz/day |
Million Units/oz/day |
kcal/oz/day |
ng/oz/day |
mg PE/oz/day |
milli-units/oz/day |
pg/oz/day |
KBq/oz/day |
MBq/oz/day |
GBq/oz/day |
mcL/oz/day |
IR/m2/day |
BAU/m2/day |
Million Int'l Units/m2/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/day |
IR/1.7m2/day |
BAU/1.7m2/day |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
IR/oz/day |
BAU/oz/day |
Million Int'l Units/oz/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/oz/day |
kJ/30 mL |
kcal/30 mL |
Gy-cm2 |
mL/cm2 |
mg/cm2 |
mOsmol |
each |
tablet |
capsule |
drop |
tsp |
puff |
suppository |
spray |
Squirt |
inch |
patch |
Act |
ampule |
Bar |
Bottle |
Can |
Device |
enema |
Gallon |
Inhaler |
kit |
lb |
lozenge |
oz |
packet |
Stick |
strip |
Tbsp |
Tube |
vial |
Wafer |
Container |
Syringe |
Package |
applicator |
cm |
Applicatorful |
Troche |
millicurie |
Intra Uterine Device |
Part |
m |
Film |
Million Cells |
Dose |
mm |
IR |
kg |
cm2 |
Imperial Gallon |
kJ |
Piece |
Million PFU |
Doses/Fill |
Cartridge |
Thousand Units |
Lipoprotein Lipase Releasing Unit |
Scoop |
Million Int'l Units |
mm2 |
Pump |
fluid ounce |
Product |
Bag |
mcmol |
1e12 Vector Genomes |
Vector Genomes |
millicurie/kg |
millicurie/m2 |
millicurie/1.7m2 |
microcurie |
microcurie/kg |
microcurie/m2 |
microcurie/1.7m2 |
Canister |
mcg DFE |
Billion Cells |
Application |
Box |
Capful |
Inhalation |
Lancet |
Needle |
Pad |
Pen |
Piece of gum |
Ring |
Swab |
Sachet |
Implant |
Insert |
Pools |
Kilo Int'l Units |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/day |
1e11 Vector Genomes |
1e13 Vector Genomes |
1e14 Vector Genomes |
1e15 Vector Genomes |
Cells |
Million EIN |
EIN/kg/day |
mGy-cm |
Hounsfield Units |
None / Other |
21 |
No |
This item stores the frequency to take this medication. |
22 |
No |
This item stores the mapped frequency to take this medication. |
23 |
No |
The name of the frequency record. |
24 |
No |
This item stores the original refills for the medications. |
25 |
No |
This item stores the remaining refills for the medications. |
26 |
No |
This item stores the reason for discontinuation. |
27 |
No |
This item stores the mapped reason for discontinuation. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
28 |
No |
This item stores the record ID of the source medication record. |
29 |
No |
This item stores the type of change associated with the medication. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Receive |
Edit |
Delete |
External Patient-Entered Meds |
30 |
No |
This item will store the contact serial number (CSN) of the Received Document record that owns the instance of this medication. |
31 |
No |
This item will store a duplicate grouping identifier. |
32 |
No |
This item stores the record identifier of the local medication that this external medication should be grouped with. |
33 |
No |
This item stores the status of the medications. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Active |
No Longer Active |
On Hold |
Prior History |
Pre-Starting Action |
34 |
No |
The response comments received with an incoming electronic prescription message. |
35 |
No |
The name of the diagnosis. |
36 |
No |
The name of the diagnosis. |
37 |
No |
This item stores the date and time when the medication was last updated by the external system. |
38 |
No |
If this medication is a patient-entered medication (i.e. Received Documents type = 25), this item stores the application which was used to edit the medication for the contact (e.g. MyChart or Welcome). If blank, this is assumed to be MyChart. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
MyChart |
Welcome |
39 |
No |
The first or earliest date on which the medication in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription can be filled. |
40 |
No |
This column indicates whether the medication in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription, received through the incoming e-prescribing interface, is a mixture. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MED_IS_LONG_TERM_YN |
41 |
No |
This column indicates whether the medication in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription, received through the incoming e-prescribing interface, is a medication supply (for example, a test strip). |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MED_IS_LONG_TERM_YN |
42 |
No |
The DEA schedule for the medication in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription received through the incoming e-prescribing interface. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Non-Scheduled Medication |
C-I No Accepted Medical Use |
C-II High Abuse Potential |
C-III Moderate Dependence |
C-IV Limited Dependence |
C-V Limited Abuse Potential |
Undeterminable |
C-VI State Scheduled |
C-VII State Scheduled |
C-VIII State Scheduled |
C-IX State Scheduled |
C-X State Scheduled |
43 |
No |
This item stores the nullFlavor value from the effectiveTime low node in a received CDA document. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No Information |
Invalid |
Derived |
Other |
Negative infinity |
Positive infinity |
Un-encoded |
Masked |
Not applicable |
Unknown |
Asked but unknown |
Temporarily unavailable |
Not asked |
Sufficient quantity |
Trace |
Not present |
User Selected |
44 |
No |
This item stores the nullFlavor value from the effectiveTime high node in a received CDA document. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MED_DT_START_NF_C_NAME |
45 |
No |
This item stores the value from the statusCode node in a received CDA document. This item itself is not the status of the medication. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Other |
Normal |
Aborted |
Active |
Cancelled |
Completed |
Held |
New |
Suspended |
Nullified |
Obsolete |
46 |
No |
The admin amount for a unit dose of the medication associated with the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription. |
47 |
No |
The unit of measurement for the admin amount of the medication dose in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MED_DOSE_UNIT_ID_C_NAME |
48 |
No |
The value of the patient's clinical measurement used for dosing a unit dose of the medication in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription. For weight-based dosing, the value is stored in kilograms and for BSA-based dosing, the value is stored in square meters (m2). |
49 |
No |
The dosing type, based on the patient's clinical measurement, used for determining the unit dose amount of the medication in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Weight-based |
BSA-based |
50 |
No |
The duration of therapy for the medication associated with the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription. |
51 |
No |
The unit for the duration of therapy for the medication associated with the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Days |
Weeks |
Hours |
Occurrences |
Months |
Years |
52 |
No |
The total amount for a unit dose of a medication that uses a patient's clinical measurement (for example, weight or BSA) for dosing in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription. |
53 |
No |
The unit for the total amount for a unit dose of a medication that uses a patient's clinical measurement (for example, weight or BSA) for dosing in the medication prescribed segment of the external e-prescription. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MED_DOSE_UNIT_ID_C_NAME |
54 |
No |
The item indicates whether the medication is current, historical, or a more specific subset of historical. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Current |
Historical |
Inactive |
Discontinued |
Deleted |
55 |
No |
This item stores the date that the historical status for this medication is valid through. After this date, the historical status needs to be rechecked. |
56 |
No |
Stores the ID of the MyChart user who edited the medication for the contact. |
57 |
No |
Start instant for this medication |
58 |
No |
Type of medication (Inpatient, Outpatient, etc) |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Inpatient |
Outpatient |
Historical |
59 |
No |
Authorizing provider name |
60 |
No |
61 |
No |
62 |
No |
Source order reference ID |
63 |
No |
Reconciliation action |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Unreviewed |
Released |
Order for Admission |
Do Not Order for Admission |
Replace at Admission |
Discontinue for Admission |
Set Last Dose |
Removed |
Set Informant |
New at Admission |
Active at Admission |
Active after Admission |
Review Not Required for Admission |
Taking Flag Checked |
Taking Flag Unchecked |
Reorder from Previous Admission |
Don't Order from Previous Admission |
New from Previous Admission |
Modify For Admission |
Discontinue Admission Order |
Modify Admission Order |
Reorder Admission Order |
Let Expire Admission Order |
Hold Admission Order |
Unhold Admission Order |
Edit Hold on Admission Order |
Cancel Hold on Admission Order |
Continue Admission Order |
Continue at Transfer |
Discontinue at Transfer |
Modify at Transfer |
Release before Arrival |
New At Transfer |
Reorder at Transfer |
Don't Order at Transfer |
Review Not Required for Transfer |
Restart from Previous Transfer |
Order at Discharge |
Do Not Order at Discharge |
Resume at Discharge |
Do Not Resume at Discharge |
Modify at Discharge |
New at Discharge |
No Change at Discharge |
Modify as FAM at Discharge |
Prescribe as FAM at Discharge |
Do Not Order at Discharge, S&H |
Resume at Discharge, S&H |
Do Not Resume at Discharge, S&H |
No Change at Discharge, S&H |
Continue for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Don't Order for Inter-Facility Transfer |
New for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Review Not Required for Discharge |
Review Not Required for IFT |
Reorder for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Order PTA for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Replace PTA for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Discontinue PTA for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Do Not Order PTA for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Modify PTA for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Continue for One Step |
Discontinue for One Step |
Modify for One Step |
New for One Step |
Continue in Recovery for One Step |
Reorder for One Step |
New Simple Signed and Held |
Modify Simple Signed and Held |
Discontinue Simple Signed and Held |
New in Manage Orders |
Discontinue in Manage Orders |
Modify in Manage Orders |
Active in Manage Orders |
Review in Manage Orders |
Reorder in Manage Orders |
No Action in Manage Orders |
Let Expire in Manage Orders |
No Change in Manage Orders |
Completed in Manage Orders |
Expired in Manage Orders |
New Discharge in Manage Orders |
Reorder Discontinued in Manage Orders |
Confirm Automatic DC in Manage Orders |
Last Dose in Manage Orders |
Still Let Expire in Manage Orders |
Reorder with Discontinue in Manage Orders |
Renew in Manage Orders |
Reject and Reorder Workflow |
Init Hold |
Unhold |
Edit Hold |
Cancel Hold |
Replace in Manage Orders |
Pause in Manage Orders |
Resume in Manage Orders |
Ord Rec Init Hold |
Continue Hold at Transfer |
Ord Rec Unhold |
Ord Rec Order and Hold |
Continue Hold at Admission |
Taking During Admission |
Not Taking During Admission |
Taking After Transfer (Medications) |
Not Taking After Transfer |
Taking After Discharge |
Not Taking After Discharge |
Taking After Transfer (Procedures) |
Unreviewed for Admission |
Unreviewed for Transfer |
Unreviewed for Discharge |
Orders on Discharge |
New Discharge Procedures |
New Inpatient Orders |
New Outpatient Orders |
New Admission Procedures |
New Transfer Procedures |
New CAM Orders |
Other Admission Orders |
Other Discharge Orders |
New Before Discharge Procedures |
New Before Discharge Medications |
Discontinue Now |
Released Discharge Orders |
Taking after Inter-Facility Transfer (Medications) |
Taking after Inter-Facility Transfer (Procedures) |
Not Taking after Inter-Facility Transfer |
Unreviewed for Inter-Facility Transfer |
Review Not Required at Transfer |
Let Expire at Discharge |
Order for Admission with Pause |
Order for Admission Without Pause |
Pause at Discharge |
Resume from Pause at Discharge |
Continue as Paused at Discharge |
Orders from Order Sets |
Orders from Pathways |
Move on AVS |
Hide from AVS |
Continue Inpatient Order |
Discontinue Inpatient Order |
Modify Inpatient Order |
Reorder Inpatient Order |
Start/End Date Changed |
New HOL in Express Lane |
New outpatient order in Express Lane |
New inpatient order in Express Lane |
Reorder in Express Lane |
New UCL in Express Lane |
Discontinue in Express Lane |
64 |
No |
Contains the instant that this medication ends. |
65 |
No |
Contains the remaining duration for this medication |
66 |
No |
Contains the unit of the remaining duration for this medication |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MED_DURATION_UNIT_C_NAME |
67 |
No |
Contains the instant of the next scheduled administration (at the time of sending). |
68 |
No |
Reference ID of the encounter this medication was ordered in |
69 |
No |
Stores the contact serial number of the encounter that the medication was added on. |
70 |
No |
Order ID that was created from this document |
71 |
No |
This item stores the PRN comment for a PRN medication. |