Name |
Type |
Discontinued? |
1 |
No |
The unique identifier (.1 item) for the document record. |
2 |
No |
The line number for the information associated with this record. Multiple pieces of information can be associated with this record. |
3 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
Start instant for the event corresponding to this row. |
4 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
End instant for the event corresponding to this row. |
5 |
No |
Unique identifier for the encounter in which the document was edited on the remote system. This is either a contact serial number or, if using IntraConnect, a Unique Contact Identifier. |
6 |
No |
Free text name of the type of encounter in which the document was edited on the remote system. |
7 |
No |
The encounter type category ID for the patient's encounter in which the document was edited on the remote system. Category values can be found in ZC_ORDER_TYPE. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Registration |
Walk-In |
Hospital Encounter |
Canceled |
Unmerge |
Contact Moved |
Intake |
Research Encounter |
Recurring Plan |
Billing Exchange |
Health Plan |
Update |
PCP/Clinic Change |
Wait List |
Enrollment |
Social Care Application |
Service Decision Registration |
Leader Rounds |
Clerical Orders |
Patient-Selected Community Resource |
Mother Baby Link |
Lactation Encounter |
Appointment |
Surgery |
Anesthesia |
Anesthesia Event |
Guardian Screening |
Ancillary Procedure |
Anticoagulation Discharge Documentation |
Health Maintenance Letter |
Patient Message |
E-Visit |
Mobile Order Only |
Questionnaire Series Submission |
Travel |
Patient Self-Triage |
Community Care Management |
Patient Outreach |
Telephone |
Nurse Triage |
E-Consult |
E-Consult Community Order |
Results Follow-Up |
Clinical Documentation Only |
Telemedicine |
Plan of Care Documentation |
External Communication |
Reconciled Outside Data |
External Contact |
Ophth Exam |
Dialysis Calendar Documentation |
Pre-Admission Testing |
Episode Documentation Update |
Hospice Admission |
Home Infusion |
Home Infusion Billing |
Episode Update |
Home Health Resumption of Care Planning |
Home Health Admission |
Home Care Visit |
Home Care Update |
Kanta Service Event |
Remote Monitoring Data Collection |
Patient Web Update |
Community Orders |
Committee Review |
Post Mortem Documentation |
Billing Encounter |
Lab Requisition |
Office Visit |
Consent Form |
Procedure Pass |
External Hospital Admission |
Letter (Out) |
Hospital |
Refill |
Immunization |
History |
Referral |
Orders Only |
Rx Refill Authorize |
Meds Only (Web) |
Meds Void (Web) |
Resolute Professional Billing Hospital Prof Fee |
Episode Changes |
Ancillary Orders |
Pharmacy Visit |
OurPractice Advisory |
Abstract |
8 |
No |
The place of service code for the location where the patient's encounter on the remote system occurred. Category values can be found in ZC_POS_TYPE. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Telehealth - Provided in Patient's Home |
Office |
Home |
Assisted Living Facility |
Group Home |
Mobile Unit |
Temporary Lodging |
Walk-in Retail Health Clinic |
Place of Employment - Worksite |
Off Campus - Outpatient Hospital |
Urgent Care Facility |
Inpatient Hospital |
On Campus - Outpatient Hospital |
Emergency Room - Hospital |
Ambulatory Surgical Center |
Birthing Center |
Military Treatment Facility |
Outreach Site/Street |
Skilled Nursing Facility |
Nursing Facility |
Custodial Care Facility |
Hospice |
Adult Living Care Facility |
Ambulance - Land |
Ambulance - Air or Water |
Independent Clinic |
Federally Qualified Health Center |
Inpatient Psychiatric Facility |
Psychiatric Facility - Partial Hospitalization |
Community Mental Health Center |
Intermediate Care Facility/ Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility |
Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center |
Non-residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility |
Non-residential Opioid Treatment Facility |
Mass Immunization Center |
Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility |
Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility |
End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Facility |
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) Center |
Public Health Clinic |
Rural Health Clinic |
Independent Laboratory |
Other Place of Service |
Pharmacy |
Telehealth - Provided Other than in Patient's Home |
School |
Homeless Shelter |
Indian Health Service Free-standing Facility |
Indian Health Service Provider-based Facility |
Tribal 638 Free-standing Facility |
Tribal 638 Provider-based Facility |
Prison/Correctional Facility |
9 |
No |
Free text name of the specialty of the department on the remote system where the patient's encounter took place. |
10 |
No |
The department specialty category ID for the patient's encounter on the remote system. Category values can be found in ZC_SPECIALTY_DEP. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
11 |
No |
Free text name of the department on the remote system where the patient's encounter took place. |
12 |
No |
The unique ID of the department on the remote system where the patient's encounter occurred. |
13 |
No |
Free text description of the patient's encounter on the remote system. |
14 |
No |
Universally unique identifier for the encounter document linked to this event. |
15 |
No |
The CDA type category ID for the document. Category values can be found in ZC_DOC_CONTENT_TYPE. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Clinical Summary |
Document List |
Other Results |
Encounter Summary |
Lab Results |
Continuity of Care Document |
Referral Summary |
Discharge Summary |
LPR3 Document |
LPR3 Event Document |
Emergency Department Summary |
External Document - PDF |
External Document - Text |
Quality Reporting Document Architecture |
Continuity of Care Record |
Care Plan |
Overall Plan of Care |
Patient Health Summary |
Constellation Update |
Labor and Delivery Summary |
Laboratory Reports |
Immunization Content |
Consultation Note |
Diagnostic Imaging Report |
History and Physical Note |
Operative Note |
Procedure Note |
Progress Note |
Physician consulting Progress note |
Location Summary |
IRIS Ophthalmology Report |
Payer Document |
Endoscopy Registry |
Patient Level Quality Reporting Document |
Population Level Quality Reporting Document |
Professional Billing Exchange Document |
Cancer Registry |
Initial Public Health Case Report |
Outgoing Death Registry Reporting IHE VRDR Profile |
Outgoing NHCS Survey Documents |
Patient-Reported Information |
Specialist Letter |
Decision Support Request |
Cosmos Document Patient Level |
Cosmos Document Encounter Level |
Cosmos Document Unreconciled Data Encounter Level |
Cosmos Document Unreconciled Data Patient Level |
Treatment Document - eArchive |
Forms - eArchive |
Service Event - eArchive |
Finland eRx |
Kanta Social Care |
THL Registry Document |
THL Calculation Document |
Navitas Patient Summary Document |
Navitas Encounter Document |
Navitas Imaging Document |
USCDI CCD (Patient Level) |
USCDI CCD (Encounter Level) |
2015 CCDS CCD |
Basisgegevensset Zorg (BgZ) |
Basisgegevensset Zorg (BgZ) - Encounter |
Clinical Analytics |
Overall Clinical Analytics |
Supplemental Analytics |
Overall Supplemental Analytics |
Transplant Episode Summary |
Comprehensive Care Coordination Summary |
Emergency department Note |
Note |
Outpatient Note |
Perioperative records |
Cardiology studies |
Transfer summary note |
Radiology studies |
Anesthesia records |
Dialysis Summary |
Oncology Summary |
Genomics Summary |
Health Plan Sourced Clinical Summary |
Patient Dialysis Summary |
Patient Oncology Summary |
Life Sciences Patient Level Update |
Life Sciences Restricted Data Exchange |
16 |
No |
Free text of the location name associated with the patient's encounter on the remote system. |
17 |
No |
The unique ID of the location on the remote system where the patient's encounter occurred. |
18 |
No |
The unique ID of the home community where the patient's encounter occurred. |
19 |
No |
HL7 encounter type of the contact at the remote organization. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Ambulatory |
Inpatient Encounter |
Emergency |
Other |
20 |
No |
The Care Everywhere encounter type category ID for the received event. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Registration |
Walk-In |
Hospital Encounter |
Canceled |
Unmerge |
Contact Moved |
Research Encounter |
Recurring Plan |
Health Plan |
Update |
PCP/Clinic Change |
Wait List |
Enrollment |
Social Care Application |
Service Decision Registration |
Leader Rounds |
Clerical Orders |
Patient-Selected Community Resource |
Mother Baby Link |
Lactation Encounter |
Appointment |
Surgery |
Anesthesia |
Anesthesia Event |
Ancillary Procedure |
Anticoagulation Discharge Documentation |
Health Maintenance Letter |
Patient Email |
E-Visit |
Mobile Order Only |
Questionnaire Series Submission |
Patient Self-Triage |
Community Care Management |
Patient Outreach |
Telephone |
Nurse Triage |
E-Consult |
E-Consult Community Order |
Results Follow-Up |
Clinical Documentation Only |
Telemedicine |
UPOC Documentation |
External Communication |
Reconciled Outside Data |
External Contact |
Ophth Exam |
Dialysis Calendar Documentation |
Pre-Admission Testing |
Episode Documentation Update |
Hospice Admission |
Home Infusion |
Home Infusion BIlling |
Episode Update |
Home Health Resumption |
Home Health Admission |
Home Care Visit |
Home Care Update |
Kanta Service Event |
Remote Monitoring Data Collection |
Patient Web Update |
Community Orders |
Committee Review |
Post Mortem Documentation |
Billing Encounter |
Lab Requisition |
Office Visit |
Consent Form |
Procedure Pass |
External Hospital Admission |
Letter (Out) |
Hospital |
Refill |
Immunization |
History |
Referral |
Orders Only |
Rx Refill Authorize |
Meds Only (Web) |
Meds Void (Web) |
Resolute Professional Billing Hospital Prof Fee |
Episode Changes |
Ancillary Orders |
Pharmacy Visit |
OurPractice Advisory |
Confidential |
Radiology Appointment |
Abstract |
Allied Health |
Nurse Only |
Social Work |
Nutrition |
Case Management |
Education |
Treatment |
E-Prescribe |
Induction |
Multidisciplinary Visit |
Conversion Encounter |
Consult |
Anticoagulation Visit |
Specialty Pharmacy |
Procedure visit |
Lactation Consult |
Medication Management |
Routine Prenatal |
Initial Prenatal |
Postpartum Visit |
Lab |
EpicOnHand Encounter |
Clinical Support |
Evaluation |
Follow-Up |
Release of Information |
Deleted |
Erroneous Encounter |
Erroneous Telephone Encounter |
Scanned Document |
Infusion |
Admission Orders |
Pre-op/Pre-procedure Orders |
Patient Care Review |
Documentation |
Transcribe Orders |
Prep for Case |
Hospice F2F Visit |
Tumor Board Conference |
Audiology |
Assisted Living/Skilled Nursing |
Diagnostic Services |
Employee Health |
Genetics |
Group Visit |
Injection |
Immunotherapy |
Long Term Care |
MyChart |
Nursing Home |
Prep for Surgery |
Sleep Study |
Speech Therapy |
Transplant Evaluation |
Transplant Follow Up |
Urgent Care |
Well Child |
Work Comp |
Emergency |
Intake |
Travel |
Oncology Survivorship |
Legacy Encounter |
Medication Management Visit - Comprehensive |
Fetal Procedure |
Surgical Consult |
Procedural Consult |
Pre-evaluation |
Prep for Procedure |
Fetal Care Consult |
Hospice Physician Oversight |
Cardiology Conference |
21 |
No |
This item stores the value from the moodCode node for an encounter in a received CDA document. |
22 |
No |
Indicates whether this encounter was upgraded from ED to Inpatient. Y indicates that the encounter was upgraded from ED to Inpatient. N indicates an inpatient encounter that was not upgraded from ED. Null indicates either a non-inpatient encounter or an encounter for which this information is not available. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No |
Yes |
23 |
No |
Key for use by other related event groups. |
24 |
No |
Indicates whether the medication associated with the event was reviewed or not. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: EVENT_ED_TO_INP_CMP_YN |
25 |
No |
This item stores the level of service CPT (Current Procedure Terminology) code for where the encounter took place. |
26 |
No |
Document set ID that represents a common identifier across all document revisions. |
27 |
No |
Stores the service event ID from an incoming CDA document. |
28 |
No |
Holds the creation instant of the document as returned by the query response header. This is distinct from I DXR 172, which is the creation instant as returned by metadata within the received document. |
29 |
No |
Compiled encounter identifier received from the remote system. This is only populated for documents received from non-Epic organizations. |
30 |
No |
Title of a document associated with an event. |
31 |
No |
Stores the study code of the research study associated with this event. |