Name |
Type |
Discontinued? |
1 |
No |
This column stores the unique identifier for the billing activity history record. |
2 |
No |
The line number for the information associated with this record. Multiple pieces of information can be associated with this record. |
3 |
No |
The action category ID for this row in the billing activity history. The other data in this row represent specific values associated with this action performed. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Send Breeze Letter |
Send to Pre-Collect |
Send to Bad Debt |
Return from Agency |
Write-Off Self-Pay |
Update Billing/Statement Note |
Change Review Notification Date |
Add to Workqueue |
Add Note |
Outsource Account |
Change Agency |
Update Billing Indicators |
Send Letter |
Change Self-Pay Follow-up Date |
Send to External Agency AR |
Modify SNF PPS Codes |
Defer |
Change Self-Pay Follow-up Level |
Add Charge |
Reverse Transaction |
Reprice Charge |
Correct Charge |
Update Stop Bills |
Enable Paperless Billing |
Disable Paperless Billing |
Post Adjustment |
Transfer Follow-up Record |
Next Responsible Party |
Transfer to Self-Pay |
Undo Billing |
Submit Claim Status Request |
Update Guarantor Status |
Post Refund |
Change Bundled Episode |
Duplicate and Send Charge |
Initiate Informational Claim |
Evaluate Pricing Contracts |
Override Home Health Discharge Disposition |
Change Financial Assistance |
Reevaluate Self-Pay Discounts |
Unlock Pay as Guest |
Change Admit/Discharge Dates |
Update Additional Payment Reconciliation |
Change Account Class |
Override Surcharge |
Override Expected Reimbursement |
Update Invoice Numbers |
Discharge Account |
Combine Account |
Uncombine Account |
Reopen Account |
Close Account |
Override Claim Sent Dates |
Override Claim ICN |
Create Related Account |
Add Guarantor Note |
Update Coding Status |
Update Abstracting Status |
Update CDI Review Status |
Change Assigned Coder |
Change Assigned Abstracter |
Change Assigned CDI Specialist |
Initiate Homing |
Initiate Billing |
Post Not Allowed Adjustment |
Override Self-Pay Discount |
Update Settlement Numbers |
Admission Day Billing |
Send Detail Bill |
Send Statement |
Process Late Charges |
Undo All Billing |
Send Guarantor Detail Bill |
Undo Discharge |
Override DNB Warnings |
Override RAP Checks |
Update Coding Flags |
Override Expected Self-Pay Liability |
Create Trust Account Series |
Change Next Statement Date |
Change Next Payment Plan Auto Pay Date |
Log Denial/Remark |
Defer Payment Plan |
Contest Account |
Complete |
Transfer |
Skip |
Route |
Stamp Epic Settlement Numbers |
Reevaluate Expected Reimbursement |
Reevaluate APC Grouping |
Undo Informational Bucket |
Initiate No-Pay Claim |
Initiate Exhaust Claim |
Research Review |
Send Denied Amount to Self-Pay |
Ignore Denied Amount |
Void DBC |
Undo Close DBC |
Park DBC |
Unpark DBC |
Reprice DBC |
Send In Basket Message for DBC |
Flag for Review |
Close DBC |
Recalculate DBC Close Dates |
Update Visit Auto Pay |
Terminate Visit Auto Pay |
Set Up Recurring Payment |
Update Recurring Payment |
Terminate Recurring Payment |
Split Account |
Update SNF Exhaust Date |
Process Payment Plan Payment Now |
Change Next Visit Auto Pay Date |
Set Up Recurring Trust Transfer |
Update Recurring Trust Transfer |
Terminate Recurring Trust Transfer |
Process Recurring Trust Transfer Now |
Perform One-Time Trust Transfer |
Close Recurring Series |
Reopen Recurring Series |
Override Send DBC to Grouper Checks |
Send DBC to Grouper |
Close Case |
Refund |
Log Correspondence |
Log Variance |
Mark for Separate Service Area Billing |
Unmark for Separate Service Area Billing |
Send to Billing Service Area |
Return to Care Service Area |
Send Claim Detail Bill |
Process Visit Auto Pay Payment Now |
Process Recurring Payment Now |
Update Self-pay Charge Exemption Reason |
Redistribute Self-Pay Credits |
Send Eligibility Query |
Update Follow-up Records By Rule |
Send Self-Pay to Consolidated Service Area / External Billing |
Return from Consolidated Service Area / External Billing |
Undo NRP Back to Selected Bucket |
Distribute Bundled Payments |
Consecutive Account Merge |
Resubmit Charge |
Perform Workqueue Action |
Resubmit Claim |
Print Claim |
Transfer to Insurance |
Void Charge |
Post Split Write-off |
Send Guarantor Letter |
Send Invoice Letter |
Initiate RAP |
Initiate Secondary RAP |
Initiate Notice of Election |
Initiate Home Health No-Pay RAP |
Initiate Home Health Notice of Admission |
Transaction Reverse |
Transfer Transaction |
Charge Duplicate and Send |
Research Correct |
Client Correct |
Quick Correct |
Contest Charge |
Post Transaction Refund |
Add Corresponding Charge |
Edit Refund |
Update Denial/Remark |
Void Denial/Remark |
Reopen Denial/Remark |
Update Correspondence |
Void Correspondence |
Reopen Correspondence |
Update Variance |
Void Variance |
Reopen Variance |
Create Release |
Update Claim Status Follow-Up |
Void Claim Status Follow-Up |
Reopen Claim Status Follow-Up |
Start Appeal |
Void Appeal |
Reset Self-Pay Aging Date |
Reset Insurance Aging Date |
Replace Claim |
Submit Cancel Claim |
Recalculate Discount |
Repost |
Reprint Refund Slip |
Undistribute |
Transfer to HB |
Refund Request |
Void Transaction |
Send to Collection Agency |
Recall from Collection Agency |
Refund Review |
Edit Visit Filing Order |
Change AP Import Status |
Edit Payment |
Edit Adjustment |
Post Debit Adjustment |
PB Demand Claim |
Transfer Visit/Invoice |
PB Accept Filing Order |
PB Reject Filing Order |
Post PB Debit Adjustment |
Turn On Automatic Self-Pay Write-Off |
Turn Off Automatic Self-Pay Write-Off |
PB Undistribute |
Override Posted Not Billed Warnings |
Retroadjudication |
Create Shadow Charges |
Update Payment Plan |
Terminate Payment Plan |
Set Reminder |
Send Billing Notification |
Execute Extension |
Update PB Billing Status |
Evaluate for Financial Assistance Case Creation |
Demand Claim |
Remove From Claim Queue |
Rehome |
Add to Credit Workqueue |
Send Tapestry Letter |
Add Tapestry Note |
Set Up Auto Pay |
Make One-Time Payment |
Update Delinquency Status |
Reinvoice Account |
Ad Hoc Adjustment |
Premium Write Off |
4 |
No |
This column stores the denial/correspondence record status category ID that is set as a result of this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Created |
Transferred |
Documents Need Review |
Documents Created |
Documents Sent |
Appeal Started |
Reopened |
Completed |
Voided |
5 |
No |
This column stores the denial/correspondence record resolution reason category ID that is set as a result of this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Auto-Closed |
No Outstanding Insurance Balance |
Claim Resubmitted |
PB Charges Voided |
PB Charges Reposted |
PB Payment Undistributed |
PB Original Follow-up Completed |
Variance Type Changed |
Documents Sent |
Subsequent Payer Follow-Up |
Appeal Submitted |
Payment Expected |
Denial Expected |
6 |
No |
This column stores the denial/correspondence record owning area category ID that is set as a result of this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
7 |
No |
This column stores the category ID of the denial record denial category that is set as a result of this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Adjudication |
Registration/Eligibility |
Authorization |
Coding |
Bundled |
Contract Related |
Non-Covered |
Miscellaneous |
Timely Filing |
Informational |
Provider Enrollment/Credentialing |
Duplicate |
Additional Documentation Needed |
Billing Error |
Coordination of Benefits |
Denied Days |
Exceeds Approved Days |
Medical Necessity/Level of Care |
Patient Responsible |
8 |
No |
This column stores the denial/correspondence record root cause category ID that is set as a result of this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
9 |
No |
This column stores the denial/correspondence record reporting remittance code ID that is set as a result of this action. |
10 |
No |
The name of each remittance code. |
11 |
No |
This column stores the denial/correspondence source area category ID that is set as a result of this action. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: ACT_BDC_OWNING_AREA_C_NAME |
12 |
No |
This column stores the denial record preventable status that is set as a result of this action. 'Y' indicates that the denial was preventable. 'N' or NULL indicate that it was not preventable. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No |
Yes |
13 |
No |
This column stores the denial appeal stage (I BDC 10130). |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Stage 1 |
Stage 2 |
Stage 3 |
14 |
No |
This column stores the denial appeal due date (I BDC 10022). |
15 |
No |
This column stores the denial appealing user (I BDC 10027). |
16 |
No |
The name of the user record. This name may be hidden. |
17 |
No |
This column stores the denial appeal submission date (I BDC 10023). |
18 |
No |
This column stores the denial appeal submission method (I BDC 10028). |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Payer Website |
Fax |
Mail |
Resubmitted Claim |
Other |
19 |
No |
The column represents the resolution owner for the follow-up records. |
20 |
No |
The name of the user record. This name may be hidden. |
21 |
No |
The column represents the caused by user for the follow-up records. |
22 |
No |
The name of the user record. This name may be hidden. |
23 |
No |
The external name of the department record. This is often used in patient correspondence such as reminder letters. |
24 |
No |
The column indicates whether denial resubmission had a manually-selected line. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: ACT_BDC_PREVENTABLE_YN |
25 |
No |
The column indicates whether resubmitted lines had override data. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: ACT_BDC_PREVENTABLE_YN |
26 |
No |
The Next Follow-up Date that was changed as a result of this action. |
27 |
No |
The appeal level set as a result of this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Level 1 |
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
28 |
No |
This column stores the recipient or organization (AGY record) specified when generating the Release of Information (ROI) documentation created from this action. |
29 |
No |
30 |
No |
This column stores the submission method specified when generating the Release of Information (ROI) documentation created from this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Print |
Save to File |
Fax |
Inspector |
EpicCare Link |
Electronic Delivery |
Chart Gateway |
In Basket |
Claims Delivery |
Interface |
Payer Platform |
Email |
ANSI 275 |
Release to Tapestry |
31 |
No |
This column stores the release template (RTM record) specified when generating the Release of Information (ROI) documentation created from this action. |
32 |
No |
The name of the release template. |
33 |
No |
The BDC Payer Downgrade Type that is set as a result of this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No Downgrade |
Inpatient to Observation |
34 |
No |
The BDC Payer Downgrade Outcome that is set as a result of this action. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Downgrade Accepted – Agree with Payer |
Downgrade Overturned |
Downgrade Accepted – Disagree with Payer |
35 |
No |
The BDC rule used for billing activities. |
36 |
No |
37 |
No |
The follow-up context (I BDC 32) set on a follow-up BDC. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Additional Documentation Request |
38 |
No |
Internal Control Number (ICN) to provide a payer in relation to a follow-up. |
39 |
No |
The response type (I BDC 10507) set on a follow-up record. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Appeal |
Reconsideration |
Documentation Submission |
40 |
No |
The submission tracking ID (BDC-10502) set on a follow-up record. |
41 |
No |
Whether or not the user chose to include the automatically AI generated references in the release of information when starting a new appeal. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: ACT_BDC_PREVENTABLE_YN |
42 |
No |
Whether to include the fax cover sheet in the output. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: ACT_BDC_PREVENTABLE_YN |