Name |
Type |
Discontinued? |
1 |
No |
This column stores the unique identifier for the hospital billing transaction. |
2 |
No |
This column stores the unique identifier for the insurance bucket on the accelerated self-pay adjustment transaction in the self-pay bucket. |
3 |
No |
The implied quantity for the order at the time this charge was dropped. This represents the quantity used to calculate the billing quantity on a pharmacy charge. |
4 |
No |
This column stores the implied unit for the order at the time a charge was dropped. This represents the unit of the quantity used to calculate the billing quantity on a pharmacy charge. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
mL |
L |
mg |
g |
Units |
mmol |
mEq |
mcg |
% |
Int'l Units |
Million Units |
kcal |
ng |
mg PE |
milli-units |
pg |
KBq |
MBq |
GBq |
mcL |
mL/min |
L/min |
mg/min |
g/min |
Units/min |
mmol/min |
mEq/min |
mcg/min |
kJ/min |
Int'l Units/min |
Million Units/min |
kcal/min |
ng/min |
mg PE/min |
milli-units/min |
pg/min |
KBq/min |
MBq/min |
GBq/min |
mcL/min |
mL/hr |
L/hr |
mg/hr |
g/hr |
Units/hr |
mmol/hr |
mEq/hr |
mcg/hr |
kJ/hr |
Int'l Units/hr |
Million Units/hr |
kcal/hr |
ng/hr |
mg PE/hr |
milli-units/hr |
pg/hr |
KBq/hr |
MBq/hr |
GBq/hr |
mcL/hr |
mL/day |
L/day |
mg/day |
g/day |
Units/day |
mmol/day |
mEq/day |
mcg/day |
kJ/day |
Int'l Units/day |
Million Units/day |
kcal/day |
ng/day |
mg PE/day |
milli-units/day |
pg/day |
Inch/day |
KBq/day |
MBq/day |
GBq/day |
mcL/day |
IR/day |
BAU/day |
PFU/day |
Million PFU/day |
Million Int'l Units/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/day |
EIN/day |
Million EIN/day |
mL/kg |
L/kg |
mg/kg |
g/kg |
Units/kg |
mmol/kg |
mEq/kg |
mcg/kg |
kJ/kg |
Int'l Units/kg |
Million Units/kg |
kcal/kg |
ng/kg |
mg PE/kg |
milli-units/kg |
pg/kg |
mg/kg (Actual) |
Each/kg |
Puff/kg |
Package/kg |
Drop/kg |
Inch/kg |
KBq/kg |
MBq/kg |
GBq/kg |
mcL/kg |
IR/kg |
BAU/kg |
Million Int'l Units/kg |
mcmol/kg |
1e12 Vector Genomes/kg |
Vector Genomes/kg |
Dose/kg |
mcg DFE/kg |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg |
1e11 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e13 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e14 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e15 Vector Genomes/kg |
EIN/kg |
IR/min |
BAU/min |
Million Int'l Units/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/min |
IR/hr |
BAU/hr |
Million Int'l Units/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/hr |
mL/mL |
L/mL |
mg/mL |
g/mL |
Units/mL |
mmol/mL |
mEq/mL |
mcg/mL |
kJ/mL |
Int'l Units/mL |
Million Units/mL |
kcal/mL |
ng/mL |
mg PE/mL |
milli-units/mL |
pg/mL |
KBq/mL |
MBq/mL |
GBq/mL |
mcL/mL |
IR/mL |
BAU/mL |
PFU/mL |
Million PFU/mL |
Million Int'l Units/mL |
mcmol/mL |
1e12 Vector Genomes/mL |
Vector Genomes/mL |
Kilo Int'l Units/mL |
1e11 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e13 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e14 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e15 Vector Genomes/mL |
millicurie/mL |
mL/L |
L/L |
mg/L |
g/L |
Units/L |
mmol/L |
mEq/L |
mcg/L |
kJ/L |
Int'l Units/L |
Million Units/L |
kcal/L |
ng/L |
mg PE/L |
milli-units/L |
pg/L |
KBq/L |
MBq/L |
GBq/L |
mcL/L |
IR/L |
Million Int'l Units/L |
Kilo Int'l Units/L |
mL/m2 |
L/m2 |
mg/m2 |
g/m2 |
Units/m2 |
mmol/m2 |
mEq/m2 |
mcg/m2 |
kJ/m2 |
Int'l Units/m2 |
Million Units/m2 |
kcal/m2 |
ng/m2 |
mg PE/m2 |
milli-units/m2 |
pg/m2 |
mg/m2 (Actual) |
Each/m2 |
Puff/m2 |
Package/m2 |
Drop/m2 |
KBq/m2 |
MBq/m2 |
GBq/m2 |
mcL/m2 |
IR/m2 |
BAU/m2 |
Million Int'l Units/m2 |
mcmol/m2 |
1e12 Vector Genomes/m2 |
Vector Genomes/m2 |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2 |
1e11 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e13 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e14 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e15 Vector Genomes/m2 |
mL/1.7m2 |
L/1.7m2 |
mg/1.7m2 |
g/1.7m2 |
Units/1.7m2 |
mmol/1.7m2 |
mEq/1.7m2 |
mcg/1.7m2 |
kJ/1.7m2 |
Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
Million Units/1.7m2 |
kcal/1.7m2 |
ng/1.7m2 |
mg PE/1.7m2 |
milli-units/1.7m2 |
pg/1.7m2 |
Each/1.7m2 |
KBq/1.7m2 |
MBq/1.7m2 |
GBq/1.7m2 |
mcL/1.7m2 |
IR/1.7m2 |
BAU/1.7m2 |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
mL/kg (IDL) |
L/kg (IDL) |
mg/kg (IDL) |
g/kg (IDL) |
Units/kg (IDL) |
mmol/kg (IDL) |
mEq/kg (IDL) |
mcg/kg (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg (IDL) |
Million Units/kg (IDL) |
Kcal/kg (IDL) |
ng/kg (IDL) |
mg PE/kg (IDL) |
milli-units/kg (IDL) |
pg/kg (IDL) |
mg/m2 (IDL) |
mL/kg (ADJ) |
L/kg (ADJ) |
mg/kg (ADJ) |
g/kg (ADJ) |
Units/kg (ADJ) |
mmol/kg (ADJ) |
mEq/kg (ADJ) |
mcg/kg (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg (ADJ) |
ng/kg (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg (ADJ) |
pg/kg (ADJ) |
mg/m2 (ADJ) |
mL/100 mL |
L/100 mL |
mg/100 mL |
g/100 mL |
Units/100 mL |
mmol/100 mL |
mEq/100 mL |
mcg/100 mL |
kJ/100 mL |
Int'l Units/100 mL |
Million Units/100 mL |
kcal/100 mL |
ng/100 mL |
mg PE/100 mL |
milli-units/100 mL |
pg/100 mL |
KBq/100 mL |
MBq/100 mL |
GBq/100 mL |
mcL/100 mL |
IR/100 mL |
BAU/100 mL |
Million Int'l Units/100 mL |
Kilo Int'l Units/100 mL |
mL/oz |
L/oz |
mg/oz |
g/oz |
Units/oz |
mmol/oz |
mEq/oz |
mcg/oz |
kJ/oz |
Int'l Units/oz |
Million Units/oz |
kcal/oz |
ng/oz |
mg PE/oz |
milli-units/oz |
pg/oz |
KBq/oz |
MBq/oz |
GBq/oz |
mcL/oz |
IR/oz |
BAU/oz |
Million Int'l Units/oz |
Kilo Int'l Units/oz |
mL/kg/min |
L/kg/min |
mg/kg/min |
g/kg/min |
Units/kg/min |
mmol/kg/min |
mEq/kg/min |
mcg/kg/min |
kJ/kg/min |
Int'l Units/kg/min |
Million Units/kg/min |
kcal/kg/min |
ng/kg/min |
mg PE/kg/min |
milli-units/kg/min |
pg/kg/min |
KBq/kg/min |
MBq/kg/min |
GBq/kg/min |
mcL/kg/min |
mL/kg/min (IDL) |
L/kg/min (IDL) |
mg/kg/min (IDL) |
g/kg/min (IDL) |
Units/kg/min (IDL) |
mmol/kg/min (IDL) |
mEq/kg/min (IDL) |
mcg/kg/min (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/min (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/min (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/min (IDL) |
ng/kg/min (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/min (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/min (IDL) |
pg/kg/min (IDL) |
mL/kg/min (ADJ) |
L/kg/min (ADJ) |
mg/kg/min (ADJ) |
g/kg/min (ADJ) |
Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/min (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/min (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/min (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/min (ADJ) |
ng/kg/min (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/min (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/min (ADJ) |
pg/kg/min (ADJ) |
IR/kg/min |
BAU/kg/min |
Million Int'l Units/kg/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/min |
mL/m2/min |
L/m2/min |
mg/m2/min |
g/m2/min |
Units/m2/min |
mmol/m2/min |
mEq/m2/min |
mcg/m2/min |
kJ/m2/min |
Int'l Units/m2/min |
Million Units/m2/min |
kcal/m2/min |
ng/m2/min |
mg PE/m2/min |
milli-units/m2/min |
pg/m2/min |
KBq/m2/min |
MBq/m2/min |
GBq/m2/min |
mcL/m2/min |
mL/1.7m2/min |
L/1.7m2/min |
mg/1.7m2/min |
g/1.7m2/min |
Units/1.7m2/min |
mmol/1.7m2/min |
mEq/1.7m2/min |
mcg/1.7m2/min |
kJ/1.7m2/min |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
Million Units/1.7m2/min |
kcal/1.7m2/min |
ng/1.7m2/min |
mg PE/1.7m2/min |
milli-units/1.7m2/min |
pg/1.7m2/min |
KBq/1.7m2/min |
MBq/1.7m2/min |
GBq/1.7m2/min |
mSv |
mGy |
mcL/1.7m2/min |
mg of pseudoephedrine |
IR/m2/min |
BAU/m2/min |
Million Int'l Units/m2/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/min |
IR/1.7m2/min |
BAU/1.7m2/min |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
mL/kg/hr |
L/kg/hr |
mg/kg/hr |
g/kg/hr |
Units/kg/hr |
mmol/kg/hr |
mEq/kg/hr |
mcg/kg/hr |
kJ/kg/hr |
Int'l Units/kg/hr |
Million Units/kg/hr |
kcal/kg/hr |
ng/kg/hr |
mg PE/kg/hr |
milli-units/kg/hr |
pg/kg/hr |
KBq/kg/hr |
MBq/kg/hr |
GBq/kg/hr |
mcL/kg/hr |
mL/kg/hr (IDL) |
L/kg/hr (IDL) |
mg/kg/hr (IDL) |
g/kg/hr (IDL) |
Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
mmol/kg/hr (IDL) |
mEq/kg/hr (IDL) |
mcg/kg/hr (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/hr (IDL) |
ng/kg/hr (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/hr (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/hr (IDL) |
pg/kg/hr (IDL) |
mL/kg/hr (ADJ) |
L/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
g/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/hr (ADJ) |
ng/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/hr (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
pg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
IR/kg/hr |
BAU/kg/hr |
Million Int'l Units/kg/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/hr |
mL/m2/hr |
L/m2/hr |
mg/m2/hr |
g/m2/hr |
Units/m2/hr |
mmol/m2/hr |
mEq/m2/hr |
mcg/m2/hr |
kJ/m2/hr |
Int'l Units/m2/hr |
Million Units/m2/hr |
kcal/m2/hr |
ng/m2/hr |
mg PE/m2/hr |
milli-units/m2/hr |
pg/m2/hr |
KBq/m2/hr |
MBq/m2/hr |
GBq/m2/hr |
mcL/m2/hr |
mL/1.7m2/hr |
L/1.7m2/hr |
mg/1.7m2/hr |
g/1.7m2/hr |
Units/1.7m2/hr |
mmol/1.7m2/hr |
mEq/1.7m2/hr |
mcg/1.7m2/hr |
kJ/1.7m2/hr |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
Million Units/1.7m2/hr |
kcal/1.7m2/hr |
ng/1.7m2/hr |
mg PE/1.7m2/hr |
milli-units/1.7m2/hr |
pg/1.7m2/hr |
KBq/1.7m2/hr |
MBq/1.7m2/hr |
GBq/1.7m2/hr |
mcL/1.7m2/hr |
IR/1.7m2/hr |
BAU/1.7m2/hr |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
IR/m2/hr |
BAU/m2/hr |
Million Int'l Units/m2/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/hr |
mL/kg/day |
L/kg/day |
mg/kg/day |
g/kg/day |
Units/kg/day |
mmol/kg/day |
mEq/kg/day |
mcg/kg/day |
kJ/kg/day |
Int'l Units/kg/day |
Million Units/kg/day |
kcal/kg/day |
ng/kg/day |
mg PE/kg/day |
milli-units/kg/day |
pg/kg/day |
Inch/kg/day |
KBq/kg/day |
MBq/kg/day |
GBq/kg/day |
mL/kg/day (IDL) |
L/kg/day (IDL) |
mg/kg/day (IDL) |
g/kg/day (IDL) |
Units/kg/day (IDL) |
mmol/kg/day (IDL) |
mEq/kg/day (IDL) |
mcg/kg/day (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/day (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/day (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/day (IDL) |
ng/kg/day (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/day (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/day (IDL) |
pg/kg/day (IDL) |
mL/kg/day (ADJ) |
L/kg/day (ADJ) |
mg/kg/day (ADJ) |
g/kg/day (ADJ) |
Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/day (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/day (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/day (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/day (ADJ) |
ng/kg/day (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/day (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/day (ADJ) |
pg/kg/day (ADJ) |
mcL/kg/day |
IR/kg/day |
BAU/kg/day |
Million Int'l Units/kg/day |
mL/m2/day |
L/m2/day |
mg/m2/day |
g/m2/day |
Units/m2/day |
mmol/m2/day |
mEq/m2/day |
mcg/m2/day |
kJ/m2/day |
Int'l Units/m2/day |
Million Units/m2/day |
kcal/m2/day |
ng/m2/day |
mg PE/m2/day |
milli-units/m2/day |
pg/m2/day |
KBq/m2/day |
MBq/m2/day |
GBq/m2/day |
mcL/m2/day |
mL/1.7m2/day |
L/1.7m2/day |
mg/1.7m2/day |
g/1.7m2/day |
Units/1.7m2/day |
mmol/1.7m2/day |
mEq/1.7m2/day |
mcg/1.7m2/day |
kJ/1.7m2/day |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
Million Units/1.7m2/day |
kcal/1.7m2/day |
ng/1.7m2/day |
mg PE/1.7m2/day |
milli-units/1.7m2/day |
pg/1.7m2/day |
KBq/1.7m2/day |
MBq/1.7m2/day |
GBq/1.7m2/day |
mcL/1.7m2/day |
mL/oz/day |
L/oz/day |
mg/oz/day |
g/oz/day |
Units/oz/day |
mmol/oz/day |
mEq/oz/day |
mcg/oz/day |
kJ/oz/day |
Int'l Units/oz/day |
Million Units/oz/day |
kcal/oz/day |
ng/oz/day |
mg PE/oz/day |
milli-units/oz/day |
pg/oz/day |
KBq/oz/day |
MBq/oz/day |
GBq/oz/day |
mcL/oz/day |
IR/m2/day |
BAU/m2/day |
Million Int'l Units/m2/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/day |
IR/1.7m2/day |
BAU/1.7m2/day |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
IR/oz/day |
BAU/oz/day |
Million Int'l Units/oz/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/oz/day |
kJ/30 mL |
kcal/30 mL |
Gy-cm2 |
mL/cm2 |
mg/cm2 |
mOsmol |
each |
tablet |
capsule |
drop |
tsp |
puff |
suppository |
spray |
Squirt |
inch |
patch |
Act |
ampule |
Bar |
Bottle |
Can |
Device |
enema |
Gallon |
Inhaler |
kit |
lb |
lozenge |
oz |
packet |
Stick |
strip |
Tbsp |
Tube |
vial |
Wafer |
Container |
Syringe |
Package |
applicator |
cm |
Applicatorful |
Troche |
millicurie |
Intra Uterine Device |
Part |
m |
Film |
Million Cells |
Dose |
mm |
IR |
kg |
cm2 |
Imperial Gallon |
kJ |
Piece |
Million PFU |
Doses/Fill |
Cartridge |
Thousand Units |
Lipoprotein Lipase Releasing Unit |
Scoop |
Million Int'l Units |
mm2 |
Pump |
fluid ounce |
Product |
Bag |
mcmol |
1e12 Vector Genomes |
Vector Genomes |
millicurie/kg |
millicurie/m2 |
millicurie/1.7m2 |
microcurie |
microcurie/kg |
microcurie/m2 |
microcurie/1.7m2 |
Canister |
mcg DFE |
Billion Cells |
Application |
Box |
Capful |
Inhalation |
Lancet |
Needle |
Pad |
Pen |
Piece of gum |
Ring |
Swab |
Sachet |
Implant |
Insert |
Pools |
Kilo Int'l Units |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/day |
1e11 Vector Genomes |
1e13 Vector Genomes |
1e14 Vector Genomes |
1e15 Vector Genomes |
Cells |
Million EIN |
EIN/kg/day |
mGy-cm |
Hounsfield Units |
None / Other |
5 |
No |
The implied unit type for the order at the time a charge was dropped. This is where the unit was taken from (i.e. dispense unit, package unit, entire package). |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Single Package Unit |
Dispense Unit |
Entire Package |
6 |
No |
This column stores the most recent Order contact date (DAT) for the medication Order. |
7 |
No |
Stores the reclassification reason for a transaction reposted for system reasons. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Financial Class Change |
Account Class Change |
Primary Payor or Plan Change |
Mark/Unmark Account for Seperate SA Billing |
Surcharge Recalculation |
Pricing Contract Reprice |
Forced Repost |
Rev Code/Non-Covered Flag/Price Change |
Bundled Episode Change |
Register Number Change |
Fee Decision Change |
Coverage Automation Plan Change |
Service Decision Change |
8 |
No |
The charge amount source flag category number for the charge transaction. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
HB Default |
Non HB in origin |
Manually Overridden |
HB Pricing Contract |
9 |
No |
This column stores the first account that a hospital billing transaction attempted to post to prior to combine accounts or combined account redirection. Resets upon transfer. |
10 |
No |
Stores PLB (Provider Level Adjustment) provider ID |
11 |
No |
Stores PLB (Provider Level Adjustment) fiscal period date. |
12 |
No |
Stores PLB (Provider Level Adjustment) reason code. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Late Charge |
Interest Penalty Charge |
Authorized Return |
Early Payment Allowance |
Applied to Borrower's Account |
Acceleration of Benefits |
Rebate |
Recovery Allowance |
Bad Debt Adjustment |
Bonus |
Temporary Allowance |
Capitation Interest |
Adjustment |
Capitation Payment |
Capital Passthru |
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist Passthru |
Direct Medical Education Passthru |
Withholding |
Forwarding Balance |
Fund Allocation |
Graduate Medical Education Passthru |
Incentive Premium Payment |
Internal Revenue Service Withholding |
Interim Settlement |
Nonreimbursable |
Penalty |
Interest Owed |
Levy |
Lump Sum |
Organ Acquisition Passthru |
Offset for Affiliated Providers |
Periodic Interim Payment |
Payment Final |
Retro-activity Adjustment |
Return on Equity |
Student Loan Repayment |
Third Party Liability |
Overpayment Recovery |
Unspecified Recovery |
Mutually Defined |
Balance Forward |
Student Loan Payment |
Offset |
IRS Levy |
IRS Withholding |
Interest |
Void / Reissue |
Adjustment |
Refund |
Late Filing Reduction |
Payor Specified Code |
Advance |
Reduction |
Unused |
Advance Repayment |
Accounting Adjustment |
Attachments |
Amount Brought Forward Claim Adjustment |
Amount Brought Forward Advances |
Amount Brought Forward Reductions |
Amount Brought Forward Other Deductions |
Origination Fee |
Hemophilia Clotting Factor Supplement |
Principal Refund |
Interest Refund |
Affiliate Withholdings |
13 |
No |
Stores PLB (Provider Level Adjustment) reference code. |
14 |
No |
The name of the benefit plan record. |
15 |
No |
This column stores the charge's research billing modifier type. Having a value set here should mean that the charge should file to the patient account in order to bill to insurance, instead of filing to the study account. Thus, in most cases, the presence of data in this column should mean that RSH_CHG_ROUTE_C is also set to Yes, because the RSH_CHG_ROUTE_C column actually controls whether the study-related charge files to the patient or to the study budget. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Routine |
Investigational/Device |
16 |
No |
This column indicates whether a research-related charge should route to the patient account or the study account. In most cases, if the charge has a research billing modifier type, it will also file to the patient in order to be billed to insurance. However, the flag that actually determines when a charge will file to the patient account is its charge route value; the value in this column indicates the final determination whether the charge will file to the patient or to the study budget. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
File to Study |
File to Patient |
17 |
No |
Authorization code sent back by the merchant |
18 |
No |
The contact serial number of the treatment plan that generated this charge and order. |
19 |
No |
The name of the revenue location. |
20 |
No |
21 |
No |
This column stores the contact serial number of the treatment day that generated this charge's order. This contact serial number can be linked to TRG_UPDATE_INFO.CONTACT_SERIAL_NUM for additional information on the treatment day. This treatment day is contained within the treatment plan specified in HSP_TRANSACTIONS_2.TREATMENT_PLAN_contact serial number (CSN). |
22 |
No |
Stores the other adjustment amount associated with this payment. |
23 |
No |
Stores the other adjustment reference number associated with this payment. |
24 |
No |
Stores the other adjustment comment associated with this payment. |
25 |
No |
This column stores the diagnosis-related group (DRG) code received on the remittance image. |
26 |
No |
The rate center stored in a charge transaction. If a user has chosen to override the default rate center in the procedure master file, the user-entered override rate center will display here. |
27 |
No |
The name of the cost center. |
28 |
No |
This column stores the unique identifier for the default rate center from the procedure master file for a charge transaction. |
29 |
No |
The name of the cost center. |
30 |
No |
The primary diagnosis code set configured in the facility for the service date of the transaction. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
ICD-9-CM |
ICD-10-CM |
ICD-10-CA |
ICD-10-UK |
ICD-10 Dutch |
ICD-10-AM |
A&E Diagnoses |
ICD-10-THL |
ICPC-2 |
ICD-O-3 |
ICD-10-GM |
ICD-9-CM Supplemental |
ICD-10-BE |
ICD-10-NO |
Apache |
DSM-5 |
KinCor |
31 |
No |
The alternate diagnosis code set configured in the facility for the service date of the transaction. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: DX_PRIM_CODE_SET_C_NAME |
32 |
No |
The link number for compound medication. The link number is used to group charge lines for components from the same compound drug on claim. |
33 |
No |
This column stores the most recent order date (DTE) for the medication order. This column can be used to link to the CONTACT_DATE_REAL column in many order tables to find the correct contact. |
34 |
No |
This column stores the post date of the first transaction across hospital billing and professional billing in a chain of transfers, reposts, and reversals. |
35 |
No |
Response message status from the gateway. This item is only stored for non-accepted responses. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Error |
Accepted |
Declined |
36 |
No |
Response message from gateway if transaction was not successful. We don't store a message (if any is sent) for accepted transactions. |
37 |
No |
Holds the financial class of the account when the transaction filed. This is set for all transaction types. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Commercial |
Medicare |
Medicaid |
Self-Pay |
Worker's Comp |
Tricare |
Champva |
Group Health Plan |
FECA Black Lung |
Blue Shield |
Medigap |
Other |
DK Regional |
Client |
Received Self-Pay |
Sent to Consolidated Self-Pay |
Patient Assistance Program |
38 |
No |
39 |
No |
Stores the discount percentage applied to the self-pay balance. |
40 |
No |
Stores the financial assistance program that the hospital account qualified for which caused the financial assistance adjustment to be applied. |
41 |
No |
The name of the financial assistance program record. |
42 |
No |
Stores the additional details on why the discount is posted on the hospital account. |
43 |
No |
Holds the primary coverage of the account when the transaction filed. This is set for all transaction types. |
44 |
No |
This column stores the post date of the first hospital billing transaction on the hospital account in a chain of reposts and reversals. |
45 |
No |
This column stores the source from which the payment is posted in the system. This is calculated based on the transaction source on the hospital billing transaction. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Back-end |
MyChart |
E-Remit |
Web Service |
Welcome |
Auto Pay |
Payment Posting |
Staff Collected |
Refund |
Willow Ambulatory |
Two-Way SMS |
Multi-Instance Consolidated Balances |
46 |
No |
The service specialty of the transaction. This may be different from the service provider's specialty for providers working outside their specialty. If this field has no value, the transaction specialty is the same as the service provider's first-listed specialty. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
47 |
No |
The billing specialty of the transaction. This may be different from the billing provider's specialty for providers working outside their specialty. If this field has no value, the transaction specialty is the same as the billing provider's first-listed specialty. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: SERVICE_SPEC_C_NAME |
48 |
No |
This column stores the unique identifier for the professional billing transaction for the original bundled payment. |
49 |
No |
This column stores the unique identifier for the hospital billing transaction for the original bundled payment. |
50 |
No |
Holds the reference amount that is calculated based on the financial class for the charge. This is set by the system and is applicable only to charges. |
51 |
No |
Holds the source of the reference amount that is used in the calculation of the reference amount. This is set by the system and is applicable only to charges. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Reference Amount Fee Schedule |
Charge Price |
External Price |
Reference Amount Override |
52 |
No |
This column stores the unique identifier for the claim print record containing the values contributing to the surcharge adjustment. |
53 |
No |
The adjustment category of the adjustment procedure at the time of posting. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Refund |
NSF Adjustment/Fee |
Contractual |
Charity |
Capitation |
Discount |
Late Fee |
Bad Debt Write Off |
PLB Adjustment |
Escheat |
Administrative |
External AR Write Off |
Payment Reversal |
Underpayment |
Denied - Timely Filing |
Denied - Medical Necessity |
Denied - Missing Documentation |
Denied - No Auth |
Denied - Registration |
Denied - Miscellaneous |
Other Allowance |
Estimate Variance Write Off |
Resident Trust Account |
Downgrade |
54 |
No |
The mapped write-off reason for the adjustment. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Contractual |
Self-Pay Discount/Charity |
Other Allowance |
Bad Debt/External AR |
Administrative |
Underpayment |
Denied - Timely Filing |
Denied - Medical Necessity |
Denied - Missing Documentation |
Denied - No Auth |
Denied - Registration |
Denied - Miscellaneous |
PLB Adjustment |
Estimate Variance |
Capitation |
Downgrade |
N/A - Payment Refund/Reversal |
N/A - Resident Trust Account |
55 |
No |
Stores the scheduled payment record that resulted in this payment. |
56 |
No |
Stores the parent scheduled payment record that resulted in this payment. |