Name |
Type |
Discontinued? |
1 |
No |
The unique ID of the medication order (prescription) record. |
2 |
No |
The name of each procedure. |
3 |
No |
The real medication contact date (DAT) used in this order. |
4 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
The last instant that the medication order is administrated in the Medication Administration Record (MAR). |
5 |
No |
The total number of doses of the medication order that should be given to the patient. |
6 |
No |
The total number of the medication order which has not been given to patient. |
7 |
No |
The resume status. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Default Action (Determined by configuration) |
Will not be resumed |
Resumed (Default) |
Auto-Discontinued |
Will be resumed |
Modified |
New |
No Change (pending) |
No Change |
8 |
No |
9 |
No |
10 |
No |
The rate unit. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
mL |
L |
mg |
g |
Units |
mmol |
mEq |
mcg |
% |
Int'l Units |
Million Units |
kcal |
ng |
mg PE |
milli-units |
pg |
KBq |
MBq |
GBq |
mcL |
mL/min |
L/min |
mg/min |
g/min |
Units/min |
mmol/min |
mEq/min |
mcg/min |
kJ/min |
Int'l Units/min |
Million Units/min |
kcal/min |
ng/min |
mg PE/min |
milli-units/min |
pg/min |
KBq/min |
MBq/min |
GBq/min |
mcL/min |
mL/hr |
L/hr |
mg/hr |
g/hr |
Units/hr |
mmol/hr |
mEq/hr |
mcg/hr |
kJ/hr |
Int'l Units/hr |
Million Units/hr |
kcal/hr |
ng/hr |
mg PE/hr |
milli-units/hr |
pg/hr |
KBq/hr |
MBq/hr |
GBq/hr |
mcL/hr |
mL/day |
L/day |
mg/day |
g/day |
Units/day |
mmol/day |
mEq/day |
mcg/day |
kJ/day |
Int'l Units/day |
Million Units/day |
kcal/day |
ng/day |
mg PE/day |
milli-units/day |
pg/day |
Inch/day |
KBq/day |
MBq/day |
GBq/day |
mcL/day |
IR/day |
BAU/day |
PFU/day |
Million PFU/day |
Million Int'l Units/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/day |
EIN/day |
Million EIN/day |
mL/kg |
L/kg |
mg/kg |
g/kg |
Units/kg |
mmol/kg |
mEq/kg |
mcg/kg |
kJ/kg |
Int'l Units/kg |
Million Units/kg |
kcal/kg |
ng/kg |
mg PE/kg |
milli-units/kg |
pg/kg |
mg/kg (Actual) |
Each/kg |
Puff/kg |
Package/kg |
Drop/kg |
Inch/kg |
KBq/kg |
MBq/kg |
GBq/kg |
mcL/kg |
IR/kg |
BAU/kg |
Million Int'l Units/kg |
mcmol/kg |
1e12 Vector Genomes/kg |
Vector Genomes/kg |
Dose/kg |
mcg DFE/kg |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg |
1e11 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e13 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e14 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e15 Vector Genomes/kg |
EIN/kg |
IR/min |
BAU/min |
Million Int'l Units/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/min |
IR/hr |
BAU/hr |
Million Int'l Units/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/hr |
mL/mL |
L/mL |
mg/mL |
g/mL |
Units/mL |
mmol/mL |
mEq/mL |
mcg/mL |
kJ/mL |
Int'l Units/mL |
Million Units/mL |
kcal/mL |
ng/mL |
mg PE/mL |
milli-units/mL |
pg/mL |
KBq/mL |
MBq/mL |
GBq/mL |
mcL/mL |
IR/mL |
BAU/mL |
PFU/mL |
Million PFU/mL |
Million Int'l Units/mL |
mcmol/mL |
1e12 Vector Genomes/mL |
Vector Genomes/mL |
Kilo Int'l Units/mL |
1e11 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e13 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e14 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e15 Vector Genomes/mL |
millicurie/mL |
mL/L |
L/L |
mg/L |
g/L |
Units/L |
mmol/L |
mEq/L |
mcg/L |
kJ/L |
Int'l Units/L |
Million Units/L |
kcal/L |
ng/L |
mg PE/L |
milli-units/L |
pg/L |
KBq/L |
MBq/L |
GBq/L |
mcL/L |
IR/L |
Million Int'l Units/L |
Kilo Int'l Units/L |
mL/m2 |
L/m2 |
mg/m2 |
g/m2 |
Units/m2 |
mmol/m2 |
mEq/m2 |
mcg/m2 |
kJ/m2 |
Int'l Units/m2 |
Million Units/m2 |
kcal/m2 |
ng/m2 |
mg PE/m2 |
milli-units/m2 |
pg/m2 |
mg/m2 (Actual) |
Each/m2 |
Puff/m2 |
Package/m2 |
Drop/m2 |
KBq/m2 |
MBq/m2 |
GBq/m2 |
mcL/m2 |
IR/m2 |
BAU/m2 |
Million Int'l Units/m2 |
mcmol/m2 |
1e12 Vector Genomes/m2 |
Vector Genomes/m2 |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2 |
1e11 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e13 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e14 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e15 Vector Genomes/m2 |
mL/1.7m2 |
L/1.7m2 |
mg/1.7m2 |
g/1.7m2 |
Units/1.7m2 |
mmol/1.7m2 |
mEq/1.7m2 |
mcg/1.7m2 |
kJ/1.7m2 |
Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
Million Units/1.7m2 |
kcal/1.7m2 |
ng/1.7m2 |
mg PE/1.7m2 |
milli-units/1.7m2 |
pg/1.7m2 |
Each/1.7m2 |
KBq/1.7m2 |
MBq/1.7m2 |
GBq/1.7m2 |
mcL/1.7m2 |
IR/1.7m2 |
BAU/1.7m2 |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
mL/kg (IDL) |
L/kg (IDL) |
mg/kg (IDL) |
g/kg (IDL) |
Units/kg (IDL) |
mmol/kg (IDL) |
mEq/kg (IDL) |
mcg/kg (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg (IDL) |
Million Units/kg (IDL) |
Kcal/kg (IDL) |
ng/kg (IDL) |
mg PE/kg (IDL) |
milli-units/kg (IDL) |
pg/kg (IDL) |
mg/m2 (IDL) |
mL/kg (ADJ) |
L/kg (ADJ) |
mg/kg (ADJ) |
g/kg (ADJ) |
Units/kg (ADJ) |
mmol/kg (ADJ) |
mEq/kg (ADJ) |
mcg/kg (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg (ADJ) |
ng/kg (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg (ADJ) |
pg/kg (ADJ) |
mg/m2 (ADJ) |
mL/100 mL |
L/100 mL |
mg/100 mL |
g/100 mL |
Units/100 mL |
mmol/100 mL |
mEq/100 mL |
mcg/100 mL |
kJ/100 mL |
Int'l Units/100 mL |
Million Units/100 mL |
kcal/100 mL |
ng/100 mL |
mg PE/100 mL |
milli-units/100 mL |
pg/100 mL |
KBq/100 mL |
MBq/100 mL |
GBq/100 mL |
mcL/100 mL |
IR/100 mL |
BAU/100 mL |
Million Int'l Units/100 mL |
Kilo Int'l Units/100 mL |
mL/oz |
L/oz |
mg/oz |
g/oz |
Units/oz |
mmol/oz |
mEq/oz |
mcg/oz |
kJ/oz |
Int'l Units/oz |
Million Units/oz |
kcal/oz |
ng/oz |
mg PE/oz |
milli-units/oz |
pg/oz |
KBq/oz |
MBq/oz |
GBq/oz |
mcL/oz |
IR/oz |
BAU/oz |
Million Int'l Units/oz |
Kilo Int'l Units/oz |
mL/kg/min |
L/kg/min |
mg/kg/min |
g/kg/min |
Units/kg/min |
mmol/kg/min |
mEq/kg/min |
mcg/kg/min |
kJ/kg/min |
Int'l Units/kg/min |
Million Units/kg/min |
kcal/kg/min |
ng/kg/min |
mg PE/kg/min |
milli-units/kg/min |
pg/kg/min |
KBq/kg/min |
MBq/kg/min |
GBq/kg/min |
mcL/kg/min |
mL/kg/min (IDL) |
L/kg/min (IDL) |
mg/kg/min (IDL) |
g/kg/min (IDL) |
Units/kg/min (IDL) |
mmol/kg/min (IDL) |
mEq/kg/min (IDL) |
mcg/kg/min (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/min (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/min (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/min (IDL) |
ng/kg/min (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/min (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/min (IDL) |
pg/kg/min (IDL) |
mL/kg/min (ADJ) |
L/kg/min (ADJ) |
mg/kg/min (ADJ) |
g/kg/min (ADJ) |
Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/min (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/min (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/min (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/min (ADJ) |
ng/kg/min (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/min (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/min (ADJ) |
pg/kg/min (ADJ) |
IR/kg/min |
BAU/kg/min |
Million Int'l Units/kg/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/min |
mL/m2/min |
L/m2/min |
mg/m2/min |
g/m2/min |
Units/m2/min |
mmol/m2/min |
mEq/m2/min |
mcg/m2/min |
kJ/m2/min |
Int'l Units/m2/min |
Million Units/m2/min |
kcal/m2/min |
ng/m2/min |
mg PE/m2/min |
milli-units/m2/min |
pg/m2/min |
KBq/m2/min |
MBq/m2/min |
GBq/m2/min |
mcL/m2/min |
mL/1.7m2/min |
L/1.7m2/min |
mg/1.7m2/min |
g/1.7m2/min |
Units/1.7m2/min |
mmol/1.7m2/min |
mEq/1.7m2/min |
mcg/1.7m2/min |
kJ/1.7m2/min |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
Million Units/1.7m2/min |
kcal/1.7m2/min |
ng/1.7m2/min |
mg PE/1.7m2/min |
milli-units/1.7m2/min |
pg/1.7m2/min |
KBq/1.7m2/min |
MBq/1.7m2/min |
GBq/1.7m2/min |
mSv |
mGy |
mcL/1.7m2/min |
mg of pseudoephedrine |
IR/m2/min |
BAU/m2/min |
Million Int'l Units/m2/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/min |
IR/1.7m2/min |
BAU/1.7m2/min |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
mL/kg/hr |
L/kg/hr |
mg/kg/hr |
g/kg/hr |
Units/kg/hr |
mmol/kg/hr |
mEq/kg/hr |
mcg/kg/hr |
kJ/kg/hr |
Int'l Units/kg/hr |
Million Units/kg/hr |
kcal/kg/hr |
ng/kg/hr |
mg PE/kg/hr |
milli-units/kg/hr |
pg/kg/hr |
KBq/kg/hr |
MBq/kg/hr |
GBq/kg/hr |
mcL/kg/hr |
mL/kg/hr (IDL) |
L/kg/hr (IDL) |
mg/kg/hr (IDL) |
g/kg/hr (IDL) |
Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
mmol/kg/hr (IDL) |
mEq/kg/hr (IDL) |
mcg/kg/hr (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/hr (IDL) |
ng/kg/hr (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/hr (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/hr (IDL) |
pg/kg/hr (IDL) |
mL/kg/hr (ADJ) |
L/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
g/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/hr (ADJ) |
ng/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/hr (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
pg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
IR/kg/hr |
BAU/kg/hr |
Million Int'l Units/kg/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/hr |
mL/m2/hr |
L/m2/hr |
mg/m2/hr |
g/m2/hr |
Units/m2/hr |
mmol/m2/hr |
mEq/m2/hr |
mcg/m2/hr |
kJ/m2/hr |
Int'l Units/m2/hr |
Million Units/m2/hr |
kcal/m2/hr |
ng/m2/hr |
mg PE/m2/hr |
milli-units/m2/hr |
pg/m2/hr |
KBq/m2/hr |
MBq/m2/hr |
GBq/m2/hr |
mcL/m2/hr |
mL/1.7m2/hr |
L/1.7m2/hr |
mg/1.7m2/hr |
g/1.7m2/hr |
Units/1.7m2/hr |
mmol/1.7m2/hr |
mEq/1.7m2/hr |
mcg/1.7m2/hr |
kJ/1.7m2/hr |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
Million Units/1.7m2/hr |
kcal/1.7m2/hr |
ng/1.7m2/hr |
mg PE/1.7m2/hr |
milli-units/1.7m2/hr |
pg/1.7m2/hr |
KBq/1.7m2/hr |
MBq/1.7m2/hr |
GBq/1.7m2/hr |
mcL/1.7m2/hr |
IR/1.7m2/hr |
BAU/1.7m2/hr |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
IR/m2/hr |
BAU/m2/hr |
Million Int'l Units/m2/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/hr |
mL/kg/day |
L/kg/day |
mg/kg/day |
g/kg/day |
Units/kg/day |
mmol/kg/day |
mEq/kg/day |
mcg/kg/day |
kJ/kg/day |
Int'l Units/kg/day |
Million Units/kg/day |
kcal/kg/day |
ng/kg/day |
mg PE/kg/day |
milli-units/kg/day |
pg/kg/day |
Inch/kg/day |
KBq/kg/day |
MBq/kg/day |
GBq/kg/day |
mL/kg/day (IDL) |
L/kg/day (IDL) |
mg/kg/day (IDL) |
g/kg/day (IDL) |
Units/kg/day (IDL) |
mmol/kg/day (IDL) |
mEq/kg/day (IDL) |
mcg/kg/day (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/day (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/day (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/day (IDL) |
ng/kg/day (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/day (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/day (IDL) |
pg/kg/day (IDL) |
mL/kg/day (ADJ) |
L/kg/day (ADJ) |
mg/kg/day (ADJ) |
g/kg/day (ADJ) |
Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/day (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/day (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/day (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/day (ADJ) |
ng/kg/day (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/day (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/day (ADJ) |
pg/kg/day (ADJ) |
mcL/kg/day |
IR/kg/day |
BAU/kg/day |
Million Int'l Units/kg/day |
mL/m2/day |
L/m2/day |
mg/m2/day |
g/m2/day |
Units/m2/day |
mmol/m2/day |
mEq/m2/day |
mcg/m2/day |
kJ/m2/day |
Int'l Units/m2/day |
Million Units/m2/day |
kcal/m2/day |
ng/m2/day |
mg PE/m2/day |
milli-units/m2/day |
pg/m2/day |
KBq/m2/day |
MBq/m2/day |
GBq/m2/day |
mcL/m2/day |
mL/1.7m2/day |
L/1.7m2/day |
mg/1.7m2/day |
g/1.7m2/day |
Units/1.7m2/day |
mmol/1.7m2/day |
mEq/1.7m2/day |
mcg/1.7m2/day |
kJ/1.7m2/day |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
Million Units/1.7m2/day |
kcal/1.7m2/day |
ng/1.7m2/day |
mg PE/1.7m2/day |
milli-units/1.7m2/day |
pg/1.7m2/day |
KBq/1.7m2/day |
MBq/1.7m2/day |
GBq/1.7m2/day |
mcL/1.7m2/day |
mL/oz/day |
L/oz/day |
mg/oz/day |
g/oz/day |
Units/oz/day |
mmol/oz/day |
mEq/oz/day |
mcg/oz/day |
kJ/oz/day |
Int'l Units/oz/day |
Million Units/oz/day |
kcal/oz/day |
ng/oz/day |
mg PE/oz/day |
milli-units/oz/day |
pg/oz/day |
KBq/oz/day |
MBq/oz/day |
GBq/oz/day |
mcL/oz/day |
IR/m2/day |
BAU/m2/day |
Million Int'l Units/m2/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/day |
IR/1.7m2/day |
BAU/1.7m2/day |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
IR/oz/day |
BAU/oz/day |
Million Int'l Units/oz/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/oz/day |
kJ/30 mL |
kcal/30 mL |
Gy-cm2 |
mL/cm2 |
mg/cm2 |
mOsmol |
each |
tablet |
capsule |
drop |
tsp |
puff |
suppository |
spray |
Squirt |
inch |
patch |
Act |
ampule |
Bar |
Bottle |
Can |
Device |
enema |
Gallon |
Inhaler |
kit |
lb |
lozenge |
oz |
packet |
Stick |
strip |
Tbsp |
Tube |
vial |
Wafer |
Container |
Syringe |
Package |
applicator |
cm |
Applicatorful |
Troche |
millicurie |
Intra Uterine Device |
Part |
m |
Film |
Million Cells |
Dose |
mm |
IR |
kg |
cm2 |
Imperial Gallon |
kJ |
Piece |
Million PFU |
Doses/Fill |
Cartridge |
Thousand Units |
Lipoprotein Lipase Releasing Unit |
Scoop |
Million Int'l Units |
mm2 |
Pump |
fluid ounce |
Product |
Bag |
mcmol |
1e12 Vector Genomes |
Vector Genomes |
millicurie/kg |
millicurie/m2 |
millicurie/1.7m2 |
microcurie |
microcurie/kg |
microcurie/m2 |
microcurie/1.7m2 |
Canister |
mcg DFE |
Billion Cells |
Application |
Box |
Capful |
Inhalation |
Lancet |
Needle |
Pad |
Pen |
Piece of gum |
Ring |
Swab |
Sachet |
Implant |
Insert |
Pools |
Kilo Int'l Units |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/day |
1e11 Vector Genomes |
1e13 Vector Genomes |
1e14 Vector Genomes |
1e15 Vector Genomes |
Cells |
Million EIN |
EIN/kg/day |
mGy-cm |
Hounsfield Units |
None / Other |
11 |
No |
12 |
No |
13 |
No |
14 |
No |
15 |
No |
The volume unit of measure associated with the order. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RATE_UNIT_C_NAME |
16 |
No |
Indicate if the volume is calculated. "Y" means the volume is calculated. "N" means the volume is not calculated. Default is "Y". |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
17 |
No |
18 |
No |
The name of this medication record. |
19 |
No |
Indicates if the medication is patient-supplied. 'N' indicates the med is not supplied by the patient. 'Y' indicates the medication is supplied by the patient. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CALC_VOLUME_YN |
20 |
No |
Specifies the number of doses the patient supplies if the medication is patient supplied. |
21 |
No |
The minimum calculated administer dose. |
22 |
No |
The maximum calculated administer dose. |
23 |
No |
The dose unit for calculated administer dose. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RATE_UNIT_C_NAME |
24 |
No |
The calculation steps to get calculated administer dose from the ordered dose. |
25 |
No |
The minimum administer dose. |
26 |
No |
The maximum administer dose. |
27 |
No |
The dose unit for administer dose. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RATE_UNIT_C_NAME |
28 |
No |
Indicate if the medication is not dispensed. 'N' indicates the medication is dispensed. 'Y' indicates the medication is not dispensed. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CALC_VOLUME_YN |
29 |
No |
It is to specify the number of doses which will not be dispensed if the DONOT_DISP_YN column is 'Y' for Yes. |
30 |
No |
This is a numeric representation of the date of this encounter in your system. The integer portion of the number specifies the date of the encounter. The digits after the decimal point indicate multiple visits on one day. |
31 |
No |
The unique contact serial number for this contact. This number is unique across all patient encounters in your system. If you use IntraConnect, this is the Unique Contact Identifier (UCI). |
32 |
No |
The date the order was placed in calendar format. |
33 |
No |
The order class category ID for the prescription, used to determine how the clinical system processes the order. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Normal |
34 |
No |
The concentration of this order (used only for fixed ratio mixture orders). |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
35 |
No |
The ID of the user who marked order as Let Expire. |
36 |
No |
The name of the user record. This name may be hidden. |
37 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
The time when the physician marked the order as Let Expire. |
38 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
The date and time the order will expire, based on the amount of time a physician entered for the order to expire after the start time. |
39 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
The date and time the order will expire, based on the amount of time a physician entered for the order to expire before the end time. |
40 |
No |
The order copy status: If the order has been copied to another encounter or not. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Not Copied |
Copied to Other Encounter |
Do not allow Copy |
41 |
No |
Where in the system the order was placed from. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Admission Navigator |
Transfer Navigator |
Discharge Navigator |
Clinician Orders |
Order Entry |
OrderSet |
Web |
Order Review Reorder |
Rx Orders |
Medication Reorder |
Rounding Navigator |
Ancillary Orders |
OutReach |
Pre-Transfer Navigator |
Departure Navigator |
Arrival Navigator |
Treatment Plan Pre-Verify |
Results Console |
Case/Log Study Auto-generation |
Created by Referral |
Lab Requisition Entry |
Order Review Resulting Agency Modify |
Ultrasounds |
Specialty Back Office Navigator |
Link Health Maintenance |
OP Follow-up |
Ord Rec Admission Review PTA |
Ord Rec Admission Reorder PTA |
Ord Rec Admission New Orders |
Ord Rec PreTransfer Review Current |
Ord Rec PreTransfer Details |
Ord Rec PreTransfer Restart |
Ord Rec PreTransfer Reorder |
Ord Rec PreTransfer New Orders |
Ord Rec Arrival Release |
Ord Rec Arrival New Orders |
Ord Rec Discharge Review Orders |
Ord Rec Discharge New Orders |
Anesthesia Intra-op |
NoteWriter |
Invasive Labs Narrator |
Medication List |
Non-Procedural Narrator One-step Med |
Problem List |
SmartSet |
Ord Rec Interfacility-Transfer Review |
Ord Rec Interfacility-Transfer New Orders |
Releaser |
Anticoagulation tracking section entry |
ED Discharge |
Ord Rec Admission Restart Previous |
Ord Rec Interfacility-Transfer Reorder PTA |
Modify from Medications Activity |
Modify from Order Review |
Modify from Rounding Navigator |
Modify from Report |
Modify from Rx Sidebar |
Modify from Treatment Plan |
Modify from Manage Orders |
ED Single Screen Disposition |
Historical Cervical Cytology |
Modify from SxS Admission |
HH Remote Client Lab Result |
Unlinked Procedure Note Auto-Generation |
Rx Refill Request |
Anesthesia Ord Rec |
Anesthesia Ord Rec New Orders |
External Order |
OP Visit Taskbar |
Surgery Navigator |
Surgery Processed |
Verify Orders |
Surgery Intra-op Navigator |
Specimen Collection |
Surgery Pick List |
Haiku |
Haiku for Android |
Canto |
Canto SmartSet |
Rover |
Mobile Mass Immunization |
Rover for Android |
On-the-fly |
Manage Orders |
Ord Rec Admission in Manage Orders |
OP Orders in Managed Orders |
Bulk Orders |
Orthopaedic Injection |
Interface |
Donor Organ Editor |
Central Medication Database |
ProcDoc Injection |
FMK Side by Side |
Anticoag Navigator Reorder and Sync |
Imm On-the-fly Order |
Imaging Protocol Work List |
Imaging Meds Admin Navigator Section |
Appointment Entry |
Appointment Check In |
Cadence Decision Tree |
RxFill Dispense Review |
Automatically Reconciled Lab Result |
External Medication Order |
Automatically Reconciled MyChart Titer |
Automatically Reconciled Imaging Result |
Medication Automatic Conversion Utility |
Dermatology Exam |
Campaigns Orders |
MyChart Self-Triage |
Social Care Application |
HH/HSPC Remote Client Medication |
HH/HSPC Remote Client Med Admin |
HH/HSPC In Basket Med Reconciliation |
BCA Web |
Health Maintenance Single Care Gap Closure |
Rapid Transfuse |
Converted from Case |
Dental |
Dental Visit |
Orders and Results Anywhere Network Interface |
Instant Order OPA |
TDR Printing Workflow Simulation |
Imaging and Procedures - One Step Medications |
Imaging and Procedures - Performed |
Facility Administered Medications |
Create CAM |
Lab Downtime Specimen Linking |
Lab Specimen Update |
Haiku iOS Voice Assistant |
Ambient |
Reorder from Chart Review |
Recall |
42 |
No |
A flag to indicate if this order should default discrete ambulatory medication frequency information. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
43 |
No |
A flag to indicate if this order should default discrete ambulatory medication dose information. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: DFLT_DISCRETE_FREQ_NAME |
44 |
No |
Determines if an order is reviewed by day or by instant |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
By Instant |
By Day |
45 |
No |
Determines if an expiring order is by days or by instant |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: REV_ORD_GRANU_YN |
46 |
No |
This is the order contact date in human readable form. |
47 |
No |
Contains the dose warning generated when the order was entered or verified. |
48 |
No |
Specifies the mixture type if the medication order is a mixture. This column will be empty if the medication is not a mixture. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Mixture |
Combination |
49 |
No |
The duration unit. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Minutes |
Hours |
Days |
50 |
No |
The total parenteral nutrition (TPN) infusion site. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Central |
Peripheral |
Umbilical |
None / Other |
51 |
No |
The stability unit. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MED_DURATION_UNIT_C_NAME |
52 |
No |
Indicate if the ingredients are dispensed individually. 'N' indicates the ingredients are dispensed together. 'Y' indicates the ingredients are dispensed individually. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CALC_VOLUME_YN |
53 |
No |
Indicates whether this order is set to persist after the encounter is closed. Yes indicates the order will not be discontinued; No or blank indicates it will be discontinued. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No |
Yes |
54 |
No |
Used for performance to determine the administration type of the order. This gets set once the order has been administered. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Other |
Infusion |
55 |
No |
This item determines whether an order is completed or not. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MR_IS_PERSISTENT_YN |
56 |
No |
Stores the rate calculation info. |
57 |
No |
Contains the rate warning generated when the order was entered or verified. |
58 |
No |
A flag to indicate if this order should default discrete ambulatory medication information. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: DFLT_DISCRETE_FREQ_NAME |
59 |
No |
The unique identifier of the SmartText record used to generate medication instructions for the patient based on order details. A SmartText record is a text template that can contain text and dynamic data. |
60 |
No |
The name of the SmartText record. |
61 |
No |
The name of this medication record. |
62 |
No |
Number of minutes between the scheduled time for an administration and the actual time given before the administration is considered Late/Early. This is a calculated value specific to each order, derived from settings in the ordered medication, ordered frequency, and System Definitions. |
63 |
No |
Indicates whether this order is ordered as a Facility-Administered Medication (FAM). 1 indicates the order is a FAM and will not be discontinued on closing the encounter; 0 or blank indicates it will be discontinued. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MR_IS_PERSISTENT_YN |
64 |
No |
Indicates whether the order is a one-step medication, a medication whose administration is documented in one step. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: MR_IS_PERSISTENT_YN |
65 |
No |
Contains the authorization status of the order when it is released from a treatment plan. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Authorized |
Pending Review |
Denied |
Expired |
Unknown |
66 |
No |
The referral status category ID of the order record when it is activated. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Authorized |
Open |
Pending Review |
Canceled |
Denied |
Closed |
New Request |
Incomplete |
67 |
No |
The recipe quantity amount for a ratio-based mixture medication (a medication which consists of a drug diluted in a base at a fixed concentration). |
68 |
No |
The med & dose unit category ID for the recipe quantity for a ratio-based mixture medication. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RATE_UNIT_C_NAME |
69 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
Tracks the instant when the administration instructions were changed from their system default. |
70 |
No |
The count of due times that need to be accounted for before the order can be considered complete, in addition to those that represent ordered due times. |
71 |
No |
The category ID for whether this order has any nutritional component data. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No |
Yes, IP |
Yes, OP |
Yes, IP Lipid for TPN |
Yes, OP Lipid for TPN |
Yes, IP TPN |
Yes, OP TPN |
72 |
No |
The volume unit as ordered. This volume unit can be in mL or in weight-based units. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RATE_UNIT_C_NAME |
73 |
No |
The volume as ordered. This volume can be in mL or in weight-based units. |