Name |
Type |
Discontinued? |
1 |
No |
2 |
No |
If this order template (OTP) was created by adding an external order to a plan, this is the order it was created from. |
3 |
No |
This column stores the saved weight- or body surface area- based maximum dose for the treatment plan. |
4 |
No |
This column stores the saved unit for the weight- or body surface area-based maximum dose for the treatment plan. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
mL |
L |
mg |
g |
Units |
mmol |
mEq |
mcg |
% |
Int'l Units |
Million Units |
kcal |
ng |
mg PE |
milli-units |
pg |
KBq |
MBq |
GBq |
mcL |
mL/min |
L/min |
mg/min |
g/min |
Units/min |
mmol/min |
mEq/min |
mcg/min |
kJ/min |
Int'l Units/min |
Million Units/min |
kcal/min |
ng/min |
mg PE/min |
milli-units/min |
pg/min |
KBq/min |
MBq/min |
GBq/min |
mcL/min |
mL/hr |
L/hr |
mg/hr |
g/hr |
Units/hr |
mmol/hr |
mEq/hr |
mcg/hr |
kJ/hr |
Int'l Units/hr |
Million Units/hr |
kcal/hr |
ng/hr |
mg PE/hr |
milli-units/hr |
pg/hr |
KBq/hr |
MBq/hr |
GBq/hr |
mcL/hr |
mL/day |
L/day |
mg/day |
g/day |
Units/day |
mmol/day |
mEq/day |
mcg/day |
kJ/day |
Int'l Units/day |
Million Units/day |
kcal/day |
ng/day |
mg PE/day |
milli-units/day |
pg/day |
Inch/day |
KBq/day |
MBq/day |
GBq/day |
mcL/day |
IR/day |
BAU/day |
PFU/day |
Million PFU/day |
Million Int'l Units/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/day |
EIN/day |
Million EIN/day |
mL/kg |
L/kg |
mg/kg |
g/kg |
Units/kg |
mmol/kg |
mEq/kg |
mcg/kg |
kJ/kg |
Int'l Units/kg |
Million Units/kg |
kcal/kg |
ng/kg |
mg PE/kg |
milli-units/kg |
pg/kg |
mg/kg (Actual) |
Each/kg |
Puff/kg |
Package/kg |
Drop/kg |
Inch/kg |
KBq/kg |
MBq/kg |
GBq/kg |
mcL/kg |
IR/kg |
BAU/kg |
Million Int'l Units/kg |
mcmol/kg |
1e12 Vector Genomes/kg |
Vector Genomes/kg |
Dose/kg |
mcg DFE/kg |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg |
1e11 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e13 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e14 Vector Genomes/kg |
1e15 Vector Genomes/kg |
EIN/kg |
IR/min |
BAU/min |
Million Int'l Units/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/min |
IR/hr |
BAU/hr |
Million Int'l Units/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/hr |
mL/mL |
L/mL |
mg/mL |
g/mL |
Units/mL |
mmol/mL |
mEq/mL |
mcg/mL |
kJ/mL |
Int'l Units/mL |
Million Units/mL |
kcal/mL |
ng/mL |
mg PE/mL |
milli-units/mL |
pg/mL |
KBq/mL |
MBq/mL |
GBq/mL |
mcL/mL |
IR/mL |
BAU/mL |
PFU/mL |
Million PFU/mL |
Million Int'l Units/mL |
mcmol/mL |
1e12 Vector Genomes/mL |
Vector Genomes/mL |
Kilo Int'l Units/mL |
1e11 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e13 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e14 Vector Genomes/mL |
1e15 Vector Genomes/mL |
millicurie/mL |
mL/L |
L/L |
mg/L |
g/L |
Units/L |
mmol/L |
mEq/L |
mcg/L |
kJ/L |
Int'l Units/L |
Million Units/L |
kcal/L |
ng/L |
mg PE/L |
milli-units/L |
pg/L |
KBq/L |
MBq/L |
GBq/L |
mcL/L |
IR/L |
Million Int'l Units/L |
Kilo Int'l Units/L |
mL/m2 |
L/m2 |
mg/m2 |
g/m2 |
Units/m2 |
mmol/m2 |
mEq/m2 |
mcg/m2 |
kJ/m2 |
Int'l Units/m2 |
Million Units/m2 |
kcal/m2 |
ng/m2 |
mg PE/m2 |
milli-units/m2 |
pg/m2 |
mg/m2 (Actual) |
Each/m2 |
Puff/m2 |
Package/m2 |
Drop/m2 |
KBq/m2 |
MBq/m2 |
GBq/m2 |
mcL/m2 |
IR/m2 |
BAU/m2 |
Million Int'l Units/m2 |
mcmol/m2 |
1e12 Vector Genomes/m2 |
Vector Genomes/m2 |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2 |
1e11 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e13 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e14 Vector Genomes/m2 |
1e15 Vector Genomes/m2 |
mL/1.7m2 |
L/1.7m2 |
mg/1.7m2 |
g/1.7m2 |
Units/1.7m2 |
mmol/1.7m2 |
mEq/1.7m2 |
mcg/1.7m2 |
kJ/1.7m2 |
Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
Million Units/1.7m2 |
kcal/1.7m2 |
ng/1.7m2 |
mg PE/1.7m2 |
milli-units/1.7m2 |
pg/1.7m2 |
Each/1.7m2 |
KBq/1.7m2 |
MBq/1.7m2 |
GBq/1.7m2 |
mcL/1.7m2 |
IR/1.7m2 |
BAU/1.7m2 |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2 |
mL/kg (IDL) |
L/kg (IDL) |
mg/kg (IDL) |
g/kg (IDL) |
Units/kg (IDL) |
mmol/kg (IDL) |
mEq/kg (IDL) |
mcg/kg (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg (IDL) |
Million Units/kg (IDL) |
Kcal/kg (IDL) |
ng/kg (IDL) |
mg PE/kg (IDL) |
milli-units/kg (IDL) |
pg/kg (IDL) |
mg/m2 (IDL) |
mL/kg (ADJ) |
L/kg (ADJ) |
mg/kg (ADJ) |
g/kg (ADJ) |
Units/kg (ADJ) |
mmol/kg (ADJ) |
mEq/kg (ADJ) |
mcg/kg (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg (ADJ) |
ng/kg (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg (ADJ) |
pg/kg (ADJ) |
mg/m2 (ADJ) |
mL/100 mL |
L/100 mL |
mg/100 mL |
g/100 mL |
Units/100 mL |
mmol/100 mL |
mEq/100 mL |
mcg/100 mL |
kJ/100 mL |
Int'l Units/100 mL |
Million Units/100 mL |
kcal/100 mL |
ng/100 mL |
mg PE/100 mL |
milli-units/100 mL |
pg/100 mL |
KBq/100 mL |
MBq/100 mL |
GBq/100 mL |
mcL/100 mL |
IR/100 mL |
BAU/100 mL |
Million Int'l Units/100 mL |
Kilo Int'l Units/100 mL |
mL/oz |
L/oz |
mg/oz |
g/oz |
Units/oz |
mmol/oz |
mEq/oz |
mcg/oz |
kJ/oz |
Int'l Units/oz |
Million Units/oz |
kcal/oz |
ng/oz |
mg PE/oz |
milli-units/oz |
pg/oz |
KBq/oz |
MBq/oz |
GBq/oz |
mcL/oz |
IR/oz |
BAU/oz |
Million Int'l Units/oz |
Kilo Int'l Units/oz |
mL/kg/min |
L/kg/min |
mg/kg/min |
g/kg/min |
Units/kg/min |
mmol/kg/min |
mEq/kg/min |
mcg/kg/min |
kJ/kg/min |
Int'l Units/kg/min |
Million Units/kg/min |
kcal/kg/min |
ng/kg/min |
mg PE/kg/min |
milli-units/kg/min |
pg/kg/min |
KBq/kg/min |
MBq/kg/min |
GBq/kg/min |
mcL/kg/min |
mL/kg/min (IDL) |
L/kg/min (IDL) |
mg/kg/min (IDL) |
g/kg/min (IDL) |
Units/kg/min (IDL) |
mmol/kg/min (IDL) |
mEq/kg/min (IDL) |
mcg/kg/min (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/min (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/min (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/min (IDL) |
ng/kg/min (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/min (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/min (IDL) |
pg/kg/min (IDL) |
mL/kg/min (ADJ) |
L/kg/min (ADJ) |
mg/kg/min (ADJ) |
g/kg/min (ADJ) |
Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/min (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/min (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/min (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/min (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/min (ADJ) |
ng/kg/min (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/min (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/min (ADJ) |
pg/kg/min (ADJ) |
IR/kg/min |
BAU/kg/min |
Million Int'l Units/kg/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/min |
mL/m2/min |
L/m2/min |
mg/m2/min |
g/m2/min |
Units/m2/min |
mmol/m2/min |
mEq/m2/min |
mcg/m2/min |
kJ/m2/min |
Int'l Units/m2/min |
Million Units/m2/min |
kcal/m2/min |
ng/m2/min |
mg PE/m2/min |
milli-units/m2/min |
pg/m2/min |
KBq/m2/min |
MBq/m2/min |
GBq/m2/min |
mcL/m2/min |
mL/1.7m2/min |
L/1.7m2/min |
mg/1.7m2/min |
g/1.7m2/min |
Units/1.7m2/min |
mmol/1.7m2/min |
mEq/1.7m2/min |
mcg/1.7m2/min |
kJ/1.7m2/min |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
Million Units/1.7m2/min |
kcal/1.7m2/min |
ng/1.7m2/min |
mg PE/1.7m2/min |
milli-units/1.7m2/min |
pg/1.7m2/min |
KBq/1.7m2/min |
MBq/1.7m2/min |
GBq/1.7m2/min |
mSv |
mGy |
mcL/1.7m2/min |
mg of pseudoephedrine |
IR/m2/min |
BAU/m2/min |
Million Int'l Units/m2/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/min |
IR/1.7m2/min |
BAU/1.7m2/min |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/min |
mL/kg/hr |
L/kg/hr |
mg/kg/hr |
g/kg/hr |
Units/kg/hr |
mmol/kg/hr |
mEq/kg/hr |
mcg/kg/hr |
kJ/kg/hr |
Int'l Units/kg/hr |
Million Units/kg/hr |
kcal/kg/hr |
ng/kg/hr |
mg PE/kg/hr |
milli-units/kg/hr |
pg/kg/hr |
KBq/kg/hr |
MBq/kg/hr |
GBq/kg/hr |
mcL/kg/hr |
mL/kg/hr (IDL) |
L/kg/hr (IDL) |
mg/kg/hr (IDL) |
g/kg/hr (IDL) |
Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
mmol/kg/hr (IDL) |
mEq/kg/hr (IDL) |
mcg/kg/hr (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/hr (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/hr (IDL) |
ng/kg/hr (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/hr (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/hr (IDL) |
pg/kg/hr (IDL) |
mL/kg/hr (ADJ) |
L/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
g/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/hr (ADJ) |
ng/kg/hr (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/hr (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/hr (ADJ) |
pg/kg/hr (ADJ) |
IR/kg/hr |
BAU/kg/hr |
Million Int'l Units/kg/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/hr |
mL/m2/hr |
L/m2/hr |
mg/m2/hr |
g/m2/hr |
Units/m2/hr |
mmol/m2/hr |
mEq/m2/hr |
mcg/m2/hr |
kJ/m2/hr |
Int'l Units/m2/hr |
Million Units/m2/hr |
kcal/m2/hr |
ng/m2/hr |
mg PE/m2/hr |
milli-units/m2/hr |
pg/m2/hr |
KBq/m2/hr |
MBq/m2/hr |
GBq/m2/hr |
mcL/m2/hr |
mL/1.7m2/hr |
L/1.7m2/hr |
mg/1.7m2/hr |
g/1.7m2/hr |
Units/1.7m2/hr |
mmol/1.7m2/hr |
mEq/1.7m2/hr |
mcg/1.7m2/hr |
kJ/1.7m2/hr |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
Million Units/1.7m2/hr |
kcal/1.7m2/hr |
ng/1.7m2/hr |
mg PE/1.7m2/hr |
milli-units/1.7m2/hr |
pg/1.7m2/hr |
KBq/1.7m2/hr |
MBq/1.7m2/hr |
GBq/1.7m2/hr |
mcL/1.7m2/hr |
IR/1.7m2/hr |
BAU/1.7m2/hr |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/hr |
IR/m2/hr |
BAU/m2/hr |
Million Int'l Units/m2/hr |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/hr |
mL/kg/day |
L/kg/day |
mg/kg/day |
g/kg/day |
Units/kg/day |
mmol/kg/day |
mEq/kg/day |
mcg/kg/day |
kJ/kg/day |
Int'l Units/kg/day |
Million Units/kg/day |
kcal/kg/day |
ng/kg/day |
mg PE/kg/day |
milli-units/kg/day |
pg/kg/day |
Inch/kg/day |
KBq/kg/day |
MBq/kg/day |
GBq/kg/day |
mL/kg/day (IDL) |
L/kg/day (IDL) |
mg/kg/day (IDL) |
g/kg/day (IDL) |
Units/kg/day (IDL) |
mmol/kg/day (IDL) |
mEq/kg/day (IDL) |
mcg/kg/day (IDL) |
Int'l Units/kg/day (IDL) |
Million Units/kg/day (IDL) |
Kcal/kg/day (IDL) |
ng/kg/day (IDL) |
mg PE/kg/day (IDL) |
milli-units/kg/day (IDL) |
pg/kg/day (IDL) |
mL/kg/day (ADJ) |
L/kg/day (ADJ) |
mg/kg/day (ADJ) |
g/kg/day (ADJ) |
Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
mmol/kg/day (ADJ) |
mEq/kg/day (ADJ) |
mcg/kg/day (ADJ) |
Int'l Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
Million Units/kg/day (ADJ) |
Kcal/kg/day (ADJ) |
ng/kg/day (ADJ) |
mg PE/kg/day (ADJ) |
milli-units/kg/day (ADJ) |
pg/kg/day (ADJ) |
mcL/kg/day |
IR/kg/day |
BAU/kg/day |
Million Int'l Units/kg/day |
mL/m2/day |
L/m2/day |
mg/m2/day |
g/m2/day |
Units/m2/day |
mmol/m2/day |
mEq/m2/day |
mcg/m2/day |
kJ/m2/day |
Int'l Units/m2/day |
Million Units/m2/day |
kcal/m2/day |
ng/m2/day |
mg PE/m2/day |
milli-units/m2/day |
pg/m2/day |
KBq/m2/day |
MBq/m2/day |
GBq/m2/day |
mcL/m2/day |
mL/1.7m2/day |
L/1.7m2/day |
mg/1.7m2/day |
g/1.7m2/day |
Units/1.7m2/day |
mmol/1.7m2/day |
mEq/1.7m2/day |
mcg/1.7m2/day |
kJ/1.7m2/day |
Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
Million Units/1.7m2/day |
kcal/1.7m2/day |
ng/1.7m2/day |
mg PE/1.7m2/day |
milli-units/1.7m2/day |
pg/1.7m2/day |
KBq/1.7m2/day |
MBq/1.7m2/day |
GBq/1.7m2/day |
mcL/1.7m2/day |
mL/oz/day |
L/oz/day |
mg/oz/day |
g/oz/day |
Units/oz/day |
mmol/oz/day |
mEq/oz/day |
mcg/oz/day |
kJ/oz/day |
Int'l Units/oz/day |
Million Units/oz/day |
kcal/oz/day |
ng/oz/day |
mg PE/oz/day |
milli-units/oz/day |
pg/oz/day |
KBq/oz/day |
MBq/oz/day |
GBq/oz/day |
mcL/oz/day |
IR/m2/day |
BAU/m2/day |
Million Int'l Units/m2/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/m2/day |
IR/1.7m2/day |
BAU/1.7m2/day |
Million Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/1.7m2/day |
IR/oz/day |
BAU/oz/day |
Million Int'l Units/oz/day |
Kilo Int'l Units/oz/day |
kJ/30 mL |
kcal/30 mL |
Gy-cm2 |
mL/cm2 |
mg/cm2 |
mOsmol |
each |
tablet |
capsule |
drop |
tsp |
puff |
suppository |
spray |
Squirt |
inch |
patch |
Act |
ampule |
Bar |
Bottle |
Can |
Device |
enema |
Gallon |
Inhaler |
kit |
lb |
lozenge |
oz |
packet |
Stick |
strip |
Tbsp |
Tube |
vial |
Wafer |
Container |
Syringe |
Package |
applicator |
cm |
Applicatorful |
Troche |
millicurie |
Intra Uterine Device |
Part |
m |
Film |
Million Cells |
Dose |
mm |
IR |
kg |
cm2 |
Imperial Gallon |
kJ |
Piece |
Million PFU |
Doses/Fill |
Cartridge |
Thousand Units |
Lipoprotein Lipase Releasing Unit |
Scoop |
Million Int'l Units |
mm2 |
Pump |
fluid ounce |
Product |
Bag |
mcmol |
1e12 Vector Genomes |
Vector Genomes |
millicurie/kg |
millicurie/m2 |
millicurie/1.7m2 |
microcurie |
microcurie/kg |
microcurie/m2 |
microcurie/1.7m2 |
Canister |
mcg DFE |
Billion Cells |
Application |
Box |
Capful |
Inhalation |
Lancet |
Needle |
Pad |
Pen |
Piece of gum |
Ring |
Swab |
Sachet |
Implant |
Insert |
Pools |
Kilo Int'l Units |
Kilo Int'l Units/kg/day |
1e11 Vector Genomes |
1e13 Vector Genomes |
1e14 Vector Genomes |
1e15 Vector Genomes |
Cells |
Million EIN |
EIN/kg/day |
mGy-cm |
Hounsfield Units |
None / Other |
5 |
No |
This column returns the source of max dose information for an order template that was used in the treatment plan. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Preference List |
Order Set |
Treatment Plan Protocol |
Medication |
Order Panel or Group |
Other |
Dose Rule |
Similar Order |
6 |
No |
This is the Patient Order Template (OTP) level setting that indicates if the medication being ordered should be marked as "Do Not Dispense" by default. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No |
Yes |
7 |
No |
Max daily dose value for the order template (OTP) as entered by the provider. This will be shown only for outpatient orders based on the configuration for Max daily dose highest DEA code (I LSD 35050) and Max daily dose meds grouper (I LSD 35051). |
8 |
No |
Max daily dose unit (associated with I OTP 34195) for the order template as entered by the provider. This will be shown only for outpatient orders based on the configuration of Max daily dose highest DEA code (I LSD 35050) and Max daily dose meds grouper (I LSD 35051). |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: WT_MAX_DOSE_UNIT_C_NAME |
9 |
No |
Indicate whether the max dose limit is hard stop or not. If "Yes", the max dose is hard stop. Otherwise, the max dose is not hard stop. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
10 |
No |
Description of the procedure. |
11 |
No |
The name of the service provider. This item may be hidden in a public view of the CLARITY_SER table. |
12 |
No |
This item determines if a prior authorization request should be sent for a medication order when it is signed. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
13 |
No |
This item specifies the payer that a prior authorization request should be sent to when a medication order is signed. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
14 |
No |
This item specifies the payer that a prior authorization request should be sent to when the order is signed. |
15 |
No |
Organization's external name used as the display name on forms and user interfaces. |
16 |
No |
Indicates whether the rate stored in this record is a calculated value |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
17 |
No |
Indicates whether the volume stored in this record is a calculated value |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
18 |
No |
Stores the current prep status of an order template |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never Prepared |
Prepared |
Out of Date |
19 |
No |
If this order template was created by modifying a released order, then this item will store the ID of the original released order template. |
20 |
No |
The number of hours the dosing limit represents. |
21 |
No |
This indicates that the record is a special type of medication, such as patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). This will be used to determine what type of dosing should be used for the medication. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Non-specific |
Orderable |
Simple Generic |
Blood-Transfuse |
Feedings |
Blood-Prepare |
Cyclic TPN |
Feedings on MAR |
Rapid Blood Transfuse |
22 |
No |
Amount of time (in minutes) the order should contribute to an appointment |
23 |
No |
Set to "yes" if the scheduling duration (I OTP 16000) was calculated by the system. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
24 |
No |
The amount of time (in minutes) to add to the scheduling duration if it was calculated by the system. |
25 |
No |
How far before the expected date can the appointment be safely made. |
26 |
No |
How long after the expected date can the appointment be safely made. |
27 |
No |
Is "before-tolerance" any day before the expected date? |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
28 |
No |
Is "after-tolerance" any day after the expected date? |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
29 |
No |
This column will be Yes if this treatment plan order is a prepare or transfuse blood order that uses the prepare or transfuse amount display item. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
30 |
No |
The amount of blood to transfuse in a treatment plan order. |
31 |
No |
If this is a blood transfusion treatment plan order, this is the unit in which it was ordered. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: WT_MAX_DOSE_UNIT_C_NAME |
32 |
No |
The amount of blood to prepare in a treatment plan order. |
33 |
No |
If this is a blood prepare treatment plan order, this is the unit in which it was ordered. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: WT_MAX_DOSE_UNIT_C_NAME |
34 |
No |
The weight-based amount on this prepare or transfuse patient order template. |
35 |
No |
The weight-based unit on this prepare or transfuse patient order template. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: WT_MAX_DOSE_UNIT_C_NAME |
36 |
No |
Holds a category value for the expiration date. This may be subtly different from the expiration date (OTP_INFO.STANDING_EXP_DATE) for things like "in 3 months", which could be S+90, S+91, or S+92 depending on the current date. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
On Date |
Other (specify) |
Today |
Tomorrow |
1 Week |
2 Weeks |
3 Weeks |
4 Weeks |
5 Weeks |
6 Weeks |
1 Month |
2 Months |
3 Months |
4 Months |
5 Months |
6 Months |
7 Months |
8 Months |
9 Months |
10 Months |
11 Months |
12 Months |
13 Months |
14 Months |
15 Months |
16 Months |
17 Months |
18 Months |
1 Year |
2 Years |
3 Years |
4 Years |
Before Surgery |
Before Surgery |
Before Next Appt |
37 |
No |
Holds a category value for the expected completion date. This may be subtly different from the expected date (OTP_INFO.FUT_EXPECT_COMP_DT) for things like "in 3 months", which could be S+90, S+91, or S+92 depending on the current date. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RELATIVE_EXPIRATION_DATE_C_NAME |
38 |
No |
Holds a category value for the comment part of expected date. This will include categories based on scheduling comments like "Before Surgery", "After Consult", etc. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RELATIVE_EXPIRATION_DATE_C_NAME |
39 |
No |
Holds free-text details entered if the future expected date comment (FUTURE_EXPECTED_DATE_COMMENT_C) is "Other (Specify)". |
40 |
No |
Flags whether signing the blood order will also update the patient's blood special requirements |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: IS_BLOOD_YN |
41 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
Preferred appointment window. This is the start of the appointment window. |
42 |
DATETIME (Local) |
No |
Preferred appointment window. This is the end of the appointment window. |
43 |
No |
Specifies the type of medical leave being ordered. |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Outpatient Sick Leave |
Hospitalization Leave |
Maternity Leave |
Light Duty Only |
Excuses Only |
44 |
No |
Start date of the medical leave. |
45 |
No |
End date of the medical leave. |
46 |
No |
Duration of the medical leave in days. |
47 |
No |
Whether the medical leave also has a light duty period. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
48 |
No |
Start date of the light duty period. |
49 |
No |
End date of the light duty period. |
50 |
No |
Duration of the light duty period in days. |
51 |
No |
Whether the patient should be excused from doing specific activities during the leave. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
52 |
No |
Start date of the excused activities period. |
53 |
No |
End date of the excuse period. |
54 |
No |
Duration of the excuse period in days. |
55 |
No |
Comments about the excused activities for the excuse period. |
56 |
No |
This item stores whether a medication order should be treated as confidential from the patient's proxies. Medications with this item set to Hide From Patient Proxies are hidden from the patient's proxies in MyChart and from the proxy-friendly After Visit Summary. If set to Not Confidential, or not set, the information is still shown to patient proxies, unless otherwise hidden. This item only applies to non-immunization medication orders. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Not Hidden From Proxies |
Hide From Patient Proxies |
Patient Is Too Young To Decide |
Cannot Determine Will Of Patient |
57 |
No |
Determines if renewals for this order should be disallowed. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: RX_DO_NOT_DISP_YN |
58 |
No |
Stores why the "do not review" option was selected. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
User Selected |
Authorizing/Follow-up Provider Mismatch |
After defaulting extension |