This table contains information about individual patient insights feedback shared via Payer Platform.

Primary Key
Column Name Ordinal Position

Column Information
Name Type Discontinued?
The unique identifier (.1 item) for the Payer Platform feedback record.
The line number for the information associated with this record. Multiple pieces of information can be associated with this record.
The insight source type Category ID for the feedback insight.
May contain organization-specific values: No
Category Entries:
CDS Hooks
Care Gap Exchange
Observed Condition
Suspected Condition
Health Maintenance Action
The unique contact serial number of the quality measure outcome record that this feedback applies to, populated if the insight source type is Care Gaps Exchange.
The unique outcome key that identifies a specific measure outcome the feedback applies to, populated if the insight source type is Care Gaps Exchange.
The insight code type category ID that the feedback applies to that is stored in column INSIGHT_CODE_VALUE.
May contain organization-specific values: No
Category Entries:
Suggestion UUID
The code value that served as the source of the insight. This code is of the type stored in column INSIGHT_CODE_TYPE_C.
The care gap type category ID for the feedback record, populated if the insight source type is Care Gaps Exchange.
May contain organization-specific values: No
Category Entries:
Lipid Panel
ALT Measurement
Creatinine Measurement
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Measurement
Hemoglobin A1C Measurement
Lead Screening
Urine Protein Screening
HIV Screening
Hepatitis C Screening
Chlamydia Screening
Osteoporosis Screening
Breast MRI
Eye Exam
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening
Diabetic Foot Exam
Lung Cancer Screening
Cervical Cancer Screening
Colorectal Cancer Screening
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Screening
COVID-19 Immunization
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Immunization
Cholera Immunization
Hepatitis A Immunization
Hepatitis B Immunization
Hib Immunization
HPV Immunization
Influenza Immunization
Japanese Encephalitis Immunization
Meningococcal ACWY Immunization
Meningococcal B Immunization
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Immunization
Pneumococcal Immunization
Polio Immunization
Rabies Immunization
Typhoid Immunization
Yellow Fever Immunization
Zoster Immunization
Varicella Immunization
Rotavirus Immunization
Wellness Visit
BMI Screening
Nutrition Counseling
Exercise Counseling
Antipsychotic Adherence
Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Nephropathy Screening
Statin Therapy
Statin Adherence
Advance Care Planning
Functional Status Assessment
Medication Review
Pain Assessment
Blood Glucose Screening
Ebola Immunization
Blood Pressure Screening
Diabetes All Class Adherence
Beta-Blocker Adherence
Antiretroviral Adherence
RAS Antagonist Adherence
Depression Screening
Calcium Channel Blocker Adherence
Direct-Acting Oral Anticoagulants Adherence
COPD Medication Adherence
Rheumatoid Arthritis Medication Adherence
Multiple Sclerosis Medication Adherence
Composite Medication Adherence
Hepatitis C Completion of Therapy
Basal Insulin Persistence
Orthopoxvirus Immunization
RSV Immunization
Dengue Fever Immunization
Alcohol Use Screening
Tick-borne Encephalitis Immunization
Food Insecurity Screening
Housing Insecurity Screening
Transportation Insecurity Screening
The ID of the risk adjustment category associated with the feedback, populated if the insight source type is Observed Condition (Diagnosis Exchange).
May contain organization-specific values: Yes
Category Entries:
CMS-HCC 2 - Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock
CMS-HCC 6 - Opportunistic Infections
CMS-HCC 8 - Metastatic Cancer and Acute Leukemia
CMS-HCC 9 - Lung and Other Severe Cancers
CMS-HCC 10 - Lymphoma and Other Cancers
CMS-HCC 11 - Colorectal, Bladder, and Other Cancers
CMS-HCC 12 - Breast, Prostate, and Other Cancers and Tumors
CMS-HCC 17 - Diabetes with Acute Complications
CMS-HCC 18 - Diabetes with Chronic Complications
CMS-HCC 19 - Diabetes without Complication
CMS-HCC 21 - Protein-Calorie Malnutrition
CMS-HCC 22 - Morbid Obesity
CMS-HCC 23 - Other Significant Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
CMS-HCC 27 - End-Stage Liver Disease
CMS-HCC 28 - Cirrhosis of Liver
CMS-HCC 29 - Chronic Hepatitis
CMS-HCC 33 - Intestinal Obstruction/Perforation
CMS-HCC 34 - Chronic Pancreatitis
CMS-HCC 35 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
CMS-HCC 39 - Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis
CMS-HCC 40 - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Inflammatory Connective Tissue Disease
CMS-HCC 46 - Severe Hematological Disorders
CMS-HCC 47 - Disorders of Immunity
CMS-HCC 48 - Coagulation Defects and Other Specified Hematological Disorders
CMS-HCC 54 - Substance Use with Psychotic Complications
CMS-HCC 55 - Substance Use Disorder, Moderate/Severe, or Substance Use with Complications
CMS-HCC 57 - Schizophrenia
CMS-HCC 59 - Major Depressive, Bipolar, and Paranoid Disorders
CMS-HCC 70 - Quadriplegia
CMS-HCC 71 - Paraplegia
CMS-HCC 72 - Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries
CMS-HCC 73 - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disease
CMS-HCC 74 - Cerebral Palsy
CMS-HCC 75 - Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy
CMS-HCC 76 - Muscular Dystrophy
CMS-HCC 77 - Multiple Sclerosis
CMS-HCC 78 - Parkinson's and Huntington's Diseases
CMS-HCC 79 - Seizure Disorders and Convulsions
CMS-HCC 80 - Coma, Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage
CMS-HCC 82 - Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status
CMS-HCC 83 - Respiratory Arrest
CMS-HCC 84 - Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock
CMS-HCC 85 - Congestive Heart Failure
CMS-HCC 86 - Acute Myocardial Infarction
CMS-HCC 87 - Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease
CMS-HCC 88 - Angina Pectoris
CMS-HCC 96 - Specified Heart Arrhythmias
CMS-HCC 99 - Intracranial Hemorrhage
CMS-HCC 100 - Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke
CMS-HCC 103 - Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis
CMS-HCC 104 - Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes
CMS-HCC 106 - Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene
CMS-HCC 107 - Vascular Disease with Complications
CMS-HCC 108 - Vascular Disease
CMS-HCC 110 - Cystic Fibrosis
CMS-HCC 111 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CMS-HCC 112 - Fibrosis of Lung and Other Chronic Lung Disorders
CMS-HCC 114 - Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias
CMS-HCC 115 - Pneumococcal Pneumonia, Empyema, Lung Abscess
CMS-HCC 122 - Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy and Vitreous Hemorrhage
CMS-HCC 124 - Exudative Macular Degeneration
CMS-HCC 134 - Dialysis Status
CMS-HCC 135 - Acute Renal Failure
CMS-HCC 136 - Chronic Kidney Disease (Stage 5)
CMS-HCC 137 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4)
CMS-HCC 157 - Pressure Ulcer of Skin with Necrosis Through to Muscle, Tendon, or Bone
CMS-HCC 158 - Pressure Ulcer of Skin with Full Thickness Skin Loss
CMS-HCC 161 - Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure
CMS-HCC 162 - Severe Skin Burn or Condition
CMS-HCC 166 - Severe Head Injury
CMS-HCC 167 - Major Head Injury
CMS-HCC 169 - Vertebral Fractures without Spinal Cord Injury
CMS-HCC 170 - Hip Fracture/Dislocation
CMS-HCC 173 - Traumatic Amputations and Complications
CMS-HCC 176 - Complications of Specified Implanted Device or Graft
CMS-HCC 186 - Major Organ Transplant or Replacement Status
CMS-HCC 188 - Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination
CMS-HCC 189 - Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation Complications
CMS-HCC 56 - Substance Use Disorder, Mild, Except Alcohol and Cannabis
CMS-HCC 58 - Reactive and Unspecified Psychosis
CMS-HCC 60 - Personality Disorders
CMS-HCC 138 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Moderate (Stage 3)
CMS-HCC 51 - Dementia with Complications
CMS-HCC 52 - Dementia without Complications
CMS-HCC 159 - Pressure Ulcer of Skin with Partial Thickness Skin Loss
CMS-HCC V28 2 - Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock
CMS-HCC V28 6 - Opportunistic Infections
CMS-HCC V28 17 - Cancer Metastatic to Lung, Liver, Brain, and Other Organs; Acute Myeloid Leukemia Except Promyelocytic
CMS-HCC V28 18 - Cancer Metastatic to Bone, Other and Unspecified Metastatic Cancer; Acute Leukemia Except Myeloid
CMS-HCC V28 19 - Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Multiple Myeloma, and Other Cancers
CMS-HCC V28 20 - Lung and Other Severe Cancers
CMS-HCC V28 21 - Lymphoma and Other Cancers
CMS-HCC V28 22 - Bladder, Colorectal, and Other Cancers
CMS-HCC V28 23 - Prostate, Breast, and Other Cancers and Tumors
CMS-HCC V28 35 - Pancreas Transplant Status
CMS-HCC V28 36 - Diabetes with Severe Acute Complications
CMS-HCC V28 37 - Diabetes with Chronic Complications
CMS-HCC V28 38 - Diabetes with Glycemic, Unspecified, or No Complications
CMS-HCC V28 48 - Morbid Obesity
CMS-HCC V28 49 - Specified Lysosomal Storage Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 50 - Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Specified Metabolic Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 51 - Addison's and Cushing's Diseases, Acromegaly, and Other Specified Endocrine Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 62 - Liver Transplant Status/Complications
CMS-HCC V28 63 - Chronic Liver Failure/End-Stage Liver Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 64 - Cirrhosis of Liver
CMS-HCC V28 65 - Chronic Hepatitis
CMS-HCC V28 68 - Cholangitis and Obstruction of Bile Duct Without Gallstones
CMS-HCC V28 77 - Intestine Transplant Status/Complications
CMS-HCC V28 78 - Intestinal Obstruction/Perforation
CMS-HCC V28 79 - Chronic Pancreatitis
CMS-HCC V28 80 - Crohn's Disease (Regional Enteritis)
CMS-HCC V28 81 - Ulcerative Colitis
CMS-HCC V28 92 - Bone/Joint/Muscle/Severe Soft Tissue Infections/Necrosis
CMS-HCC V28 93 - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Specified Inflammatory Rheumatic Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 94 - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Specified Systemic Connective Tissue Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 107 - Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS) and Thalassemia Beta Zero
CMS-HCC V28 108 - Sickle Cell Disorders, Except Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS) and Thalassemia Beta Zero; Beta Thalassemia Major
CMS-HCC V28 109 - Acquired Hemolytic, Aplastic, and Sideroblastic Anemias
CMS-HCC V28 111 - Hemophilia, Male
CMS-HCC V28 112 - Immune Thrombocytopenia and Specified Coagulation Defects and Hemorrhagic Conditions
CMS-HCC V28 114 - Common Variable and Combined Immunodeficiencies
CMS-HCC V28 115 - Specified Immunodeficiencies and White Blood Cell Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 125 - Dementia, Severe
CMS-HCC V28 126 - Dementia, Moderate
CMS-HCC V28 127 - Dementia, Mild or Unspecified
CMS-HCC V28 135 - Drug Use with Psychotic Complications
CMS-HCC V28 136 - Alcohol Use with Psychotic Complications
CMS-HCC V28 137 - Drug Use Disorder, Moderate/Severe, or Drug Use with Non-Psychotic Complications
CMS-HCC V28 138 - Drug Use Disorder, Mild, Uncomplicated, Except Cannabis
CMS-HCC V28 139 - Alcohol Use Disorder, Moderate/Severe, or Alcohol Use with Specified Non-Psychotic Complications
CMS-HCC V28 151 - Schizophrenia
CMS-HCC V28 152 - Psychosis, Except Schizophrenia
CMS-HCC V28 153 - Personality Disorders; Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa
CMS-HCC V28 154 - Bipolar Disorders without Psychosis
CMS-HCC V28 155 - Major Depression, Moderate or Severe, without Psychosis
CMS-HCC V28 180 - Quadriplegia
CMS-HCC V28 181 - Paraplegia
CMS-HCC V28 182 - Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries
CMS-HCC V28 190 - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy
CMS-HCC V28 191 - Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy
CMS-HCC V28 192 - Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic
CMS-HCC V28 193 - Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuritis and Multifocal Motor Neuropathy
CMS-HCC V28 195 - Myasthenia Gravis with (Acute) Exacerbation
CMS-HCC V28 196 - Myasthenia Gravis without (Acute) Exacerbation and Other Myoneural Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 197 - Muscular Dystrophy
CMS-HCC V28 198 - Multiple Sclerosis
CMS-HCC V28 199 - Parkinson and Other Degenerative Disease of Basal Ganglia
CMS-HCC V28 200 - Friedreich and Other Hereditary Ataxias; Huntington Disease
CMS-HCC V28 201 - Seizure Disorders and Convulsions
CMS-HCC V28 202 - Coma, Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage
CMS-HCC V28 211 - Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status/Complications
CMS-HCC V28 212 - Respiratory Arrest
CMS-HCC V28 213 - Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock
CMS-HCC V28 221 - Heart Transplant Status/Complications
CMS-HCC V28 222 - End-Stage Heart Failure
CMS-HCC V28 223 - Heart Failure with Heart Assist Device/Artificial Heart
CMS-HCC V28 224 - Acute on Chronic Heart Failure
CMS-HCC V28 225 - Acute Heart Failure (Excludes Acute on Chronic)
CMS-HCC V28 226 - Heart Failure, Except End-Stage and Acute
CMS-HCC V28 227 - Cardiomyopathy/Myocarditis
CMS-HCC V28 228 - Acute Myocardial Infarction
CMS-HCC V28 229 - Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease
CMS-HCC V28 238 - Specified Heart Arrhythmias
CMS-HCC V28 248 - Intracranial Hemorrhage
CMS-HCC V28 249 - Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke
CMS-HCC V28 253 - Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis
CMS-HCC V28 254 - Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes
CMS-HCC V28 263 - Atherosclerosis of Arteries of the Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene
CMS-HCC V28 264 - Vascular Disease with Complications
CMS-HCC V28 267 - Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism
CMS-HCC V28 276 - Lung Transplant Status/Complications
CMS-HCC V28 277 - Cystic Fibrosis
CMS-HCC V28 278 - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Lung Involvement in Systemic Sclerosis
CMS-HCC V28 279 - Severe Persistent Asthma
CMS-HCC V28 280 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Interstitial Lung Disorders, and Other Chronic Lung Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 282 - Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias
CMS-HCC V28 283 - Empyema, Lung Abscess
CMS-HCC V28 298 - Severe Diabetic Eye Disease, Retinal Vein Occlusion, and Vitreous Hemorrhage
CMS-HCC V28 300 - Exudative Macular Degeneration
CMS-HCC V28 326 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5
CMS-HCC V28 327 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4)
CMS-HCC V28 328 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Moderate (Stage 3B)
CMS-HCC V28 329 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Moderate (Stage 3, Except 3B)
CMS-HCC V28 379 - Pressure Ulcer of Skin with Necrosis Through to Muscle, Tendon, or Bone
CMS-HCC V28 380 - Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure, Through to Bone or Muscle
CMS-HCC V28 381 - Pressure Ulcer of Skin with Full Thickness Skin Loss
CMS-HCC V28 382 - Pressure Ulcer of Skin with Partial Thickness Skin Loss
CMS-HCC V28 383 - Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure, Not Specified as Through to Bone or Muscle
CMS-HCC V28 385 - Severe Skin Burn
CMS-HCC V28 387 - Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, and Other Specified Autoimmune Skin Disorders
CMS-HCC V28 397 - Major Head Injury with Loss of Consciousness > 1 Hour
CMS-HCC V28 398 - Major Head Injury with Loss of Consciousness < 1 Hour or Unspecified
CMS-HCC V28 399 - Major Head Injury without Loss of Consciousness
CMS-HCC V28 401 - Vertebral Fractures without Spinal Cord Injury
CMS-HCC V28 402 - Hip Fracture/Dislocation
CMS-HCC V28 405 - Traumatic Amputations and Complications
CMS-HCC V28 409 - Amputation Status, Lower Limb/Amputation Complications
CMS-HCC V28 454 - Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant Status/Complications
CMS-HCC V28 463 - Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination
RxHCC V08 5 - Opportunistic Infections
RxHCC V08 15 - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
RxHCC V08 16 - Multiple Myeloma and Other Hematologic Cancers
RxHCC V08 17 - Secondary Cancer of Bone and Kidney
RxHCC V08 18 - Secondary Cancer of Lung, Liver, Brain, and Other Sites
RxHCC V08 19 - Leukemias and Other Hematologic Cancers
RxHCC V08 20 - Lung, Kidney, and Other Cancers; Secondary Cancer of Lymph Nodes and Other Sites
RxHCC V08 21 - Lymphomas and Other Hematologic Cancers
RxHCC V08 22 - Prostate, Breast, Bladder, and Other Cancers and Tumors
RxHCC V08 30 - Diabetes with Complications
RxHCC V08 31 - Diabetes without Complication
RxHCC V08 40 - Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Deficiency
RxHCC V08 41 - Lysosomal Storage Disorders
RxHCC V08 42 - Acromegaly and Other Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
RxHCC V08 43 - Pituitary, Adrenal Gland, and Other Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
RxHCC V08 44 - Thyroid Disorders
RxHCC V08 47 - Disorders of Lipoid Metabolism
RxHCC V08 54 - Chronic Viral Hepatitis C
RxHCC V08 55 - Acute or Unspecified Viral Hepatitis C
RxHCC V08 56 - Chronic Viral Hepatitis B and Other Specified Chronic Viral Hepatitis
RxHCC V08 59 - Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
RxHCC V08 65 - Chronic Pancreatitis
RxHCC V08 66 - Pancreatic Disorders and Intestinal Malabsorption, Except Pancreatitis
RxHCC V08 67 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
RxHCC V08 80 - Aseptic Necrosis of Bone
RxHCC V08 81 - Psoriatic Arthropathy
RxHCC V08 82 - Systemic Sclerosis
RxHCC V08 83 - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Inflammatory Polyarthropathy
RxHCC V08 84 - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Systemic Connective Tissue Disorders
RxHCC V08 87 - Osteoporosis, Vertebral and Pathological Fractures
RxHCC V08 95 - Sickle Cell Anemia
RxHCC V08 96 - Acquired Hemolytic, Aplastic, and Sideroblastic Anemias
RxHCC V08 98 - Hereditary Angioedema and Other Defects in the Complement System
RxHCC V08 99 - Immune Disorders
RxHCC V08 100 - Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
RxHCC V08 111 - Alzheimer's Disease
RxHCC V08 112 - Dementia, Except Alzheimer's Disease
RxHCC V08 130 - Schizophrenia and Other Psychosis
RxHCC V08 131 - Bipolar Disorders
RxHCC V08 132 - Depression
RxHCC V08 133 - Anxiety and Other Psychiatric Disorders
RxHCC V08 146 - Profound or Severe Intellectual Disability/Developmental Disorder
RxHCC V08 147 - Moderate Intellectual Disability/Developmental Disorder
RxHCC V08 148 - Mild or Unspecified Intellectual Disability/Developmental Disorder
RxHCC V08 153 - Myasthenia Gravis and Other Myoneural Disorders
RxHCC V08 154 - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Motor Neuron Disease
RxHCC V08 155 - Spinal Cord Disorders
RxHCC V08 157 - Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuritis
RxHCC V08 158 - Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy
RxHCC V08 159 - Multiple Sclerosis
RxHCC V08 160 - Huntington Disease
RxHCC V08 161 - Parkinson Disease
RxHCC V08 163 - Intractable Epilepsy
RxHCC V08 164 - Epilepsy and Other Seizure Disorders, Except Intractable Epilepsy
RxHCC V08 166 - Migraine Headaches
RxHCC V08 168 - Trigeminal and Postherpetic Neuralgia
RxHCC V08 183 - Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
RxHCC V08 184 - Pulmonary Hypertension, Except Arterial, and Other Pulmonary Heart Disease
RxHCC V08 186 - Heart Failure
RxHCC V08 187 - Hypertension
RxHCC V08 188 - Coronary Artery Disease
RxHCC V08 191 - Ventricular Septal Defect and Major Congenital Heart Disorders
RxHCC V08 193 - Atrial Arrhythmias
RxHCC V08 207 - Spastic Hemiplegia
RxHCC V08 215 - Venous Thromboembolism
RxHCC V08 225 - Cystic Fibrosis
RxHCC V08 226 - Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Systemic Sclerosis with Lung Involvement
RxHCC V08 227 - Pulmonary Fibrosis, Except Idiopathic
RxHCC V08 228 - Severe Persistent Asthma
RxHCC V08 229 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Bronchiectasis, and Other Asthma
RxHCC V08 243 - Glaucoma, Open-Angle or Moderate/Severe Stage
RxHCC V08 244 - Other Non-Acute Glaucoma
RxHCC V08 260 - Kidney Transplant Status
RxHCC V08 261 - Dialysis Status, Including End Stage Renal Disease
RxHCC V08 262 - Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 5
RxHCC V08 263 - Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4
RxHCC V08 311 - Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure
RxHCC V08 314 - Pemphigus, Pemphigoid, and Other Bullous Skin Disorders
RxHCC V08 316 - Psoriasis, Except with Arthropathy
RxHCC V08 317 - Discoid Lupus Erythematosus
RxHCC V08 355 - Narcolepsy and Cataplexy
RxHCC V08 395 - Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant Status/Complications
RxHCC V08 396 - Heart, Lung, Liver, Intestine, or Pancreas Transplant Status
HHS-HCC 2 - Septicemia, Sepsis, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome/Shock
HHS-HCC 3 - Central Nervous System Infections, Except Viral Meningitis
HHS-HCC 4 - Viral or Unspecified Meningitis
HHS-HCC 6 - Opportunistic Infections
HHS-HCC 8 - Metastatic Cancer
HHS-HCC 9 - Lung, Brain, and Other Severe Cancers, Including Pediatric Acute Lymphoid Leukemia
HHS-HCC 10 - Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas and Other Cancers and Tumors
HHS-HCC 11 - Colorectal, Breast (Age < 50), Kidney, and Other Cancers
HHS-HCC 12 - Breast (Age 50+) and Prostate Cancer, Benign/Uncertain Brain Tumors, and Other Cancers and Tumors
HHS-HCC 13 - Thyroid Cancer, Melanoma, Neurofibromatosis, and Other Cancers and Tumors
HHS-HCC 18 - Pancreas Transplant Status
HHS-HCC 19 - Diabetes with Acute Complications
HHS-HCC 20 - Diabetes with Chronic Complications
HHS-HCC 21 - Diabetes without Complication
HHS-HCC 23 - Protein-Calorie Malnutrition
HHS-HCC 26 - Mucopolysaccharidosis
HHS-HCC 27 - Lipidoses and Glycogenosis
HHS-HCC 28 - Congenital Metabolic Disorders, Not Elsewhere Classified
HHS-HCC 29 - Amyloidosis, Porphyria, and Other Metabolic Disorders
HHS-HCC 30 - Adrenal, Pituitary, and Other Significant Endocrine Disorders
HHS-HCC 34 - Liver Transplant Status/Complications
HHS-HCC 35_1 - Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including Neonatal Hepatitis
HHS-HCC 36 - Cirrhosis of Liver
HHS-HCC 37_1 - Chronic Viral Hepatitis C
HHS-HCC 37_2 - Chronic Hepatitis, Except Chronic Viral Hepatitis C
HHS-HCC 38 - Acute Liver Failure/Disease, Including Neonatal Hepatitis
HHS-HCC 41 - Intestine Transplant Status/Complications
HHS-HCC 42 - Peritonitis/Gastrointestinal Perforation/Necrotizing Enterocolitis
HHS-HCC 45 - Intestinal Obstruction
HHS-HCC 46 - Chronic Pancreatitis
HHS-HCC 47 - Acute Pancreatitis
HHS-HCC 48 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease
HHS-HCC 54 - Necrotizing Fasciitis
HHS-HCC 55 - Bone/Joint/Muscle Infections/Necrosis
HHS-HCC 56 - Rheumatoid Arthritis and Specified Autoimmune Disorders
HHS-HCC 57 - Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Other Autoimmune Disorders
HHS-HCC 61 - Osteogenesis Imperfecta and Other Osteodystrophies
HHS-HCC 62 - Congenital/Developmental Skeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders
HHS-HCC 63 - Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate
HHS-HCC 64 - Major Congenital Anomalies of Diaphragm, Abdominal Wall, and Esophagus, Age < 2
HHS-HCC 66 - Hemophilia
HHS-HCC 67 - Myelodysplastic Syndromes and Myelofibrosis
HHS-HCC 68 - Aplastic Anemia
HHS-HCC 69 - Acquired Hemolytic Anemia, Including Hemolytic Disease of Newborn
HHS-HCC 70 - Sickle Cell Anemia (Hb-SS)
HHS-HCC 71 - Beta Thalassemia Major
HHS-HCC 73 - Combined and Other Severe Immunodeficiencies
HHS-HCC 74 - Disorders of the Immune Mechanism
HHS-HCC 75 - Coagulation Defects and Other Specified Hematological Disorders
HHS-HCC 81 - Drug Use with Psychotic Complications
HHS-HCC 82 - Drug Use Disorder, Moderate/Severe, or Drug Use with Non-Psychotic Complications
HHS-HCC 87_1 - Schizophrenia
HHS-HCC 88 - Major Depressive Disorder, Severe, and Bipolar Disorders
HHS-HCC 89 - Reactive and Unspecified Psychosis, Delusional Disorders
HHS-HCC 90 - Personality Disorders
HHS-HCC 94 - Anorexia/Bulimia Nervosa
HHS-HCC 96 - Prader-Willi, Patau, Edwards, and Autosomal Deletion Syndromes
HHS-HCC 97 - Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Other Chromosomal Anomalies, and Congenital Malformation Syndromes
HHS-HCC 102 - Autistic Disorder
HHS-HCC 103 - Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Except Autistic Disorder
HHS-HCC 106 - Traumatic Complete Lesion Cervical Spinal Cord
HHS-HCC 107 - Quadriplegia
HHS-HCC 108 - Traumatic Complete Lesion Dorsal Spinal Cord
HHS-HCC 109 - Paraplegia
HHS-HCC 110 - Spinal Cord Disorders/Injuries
HHS-HCC 111 - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Other Anterior Horn Cell Disease
HHS-HCC 112 - Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy
HHS-HCC 113 - Cerebral Palsy, Except Quadriplegic
HHS-HCC 114 - Spina Bifida and Other Brain/Spinal/Nervous System Congenital Anomalies
HHS-HCC 115 - Myasthenia Gravis/Myoneural Disorders and Guillain-Barre Syndrome/Inflammatory and Toxic Neuropathy
HHS-HCC 117 - Muscular Dystrophy
HHS-HCC 118 - Multiple Sclerosis
HHS-HCC 119 - Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Spinocerebellar Disease, and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders
HHS-HCC 120 - Seizure Disorders and Convulsions
HHS-HCC 121 - Hydrocephalus
HHS-HCC 122 - Nontraumatic Coma, Except Diabetic, Hepatic, or Hypoglycemic; Nontraumatic Brain Compression/Anoxic Damage
HHS-HCC 125 - Respirator Dependence/Tracheostomy Status
HHS-HCC 126 - Respiratory Arrest
HHS-HCC 127 - Cardio-Respiratory Failure and Shock, Including Respiratory Distress Syndromes
HHS-HCC 128 - Heart Assistive Device/Artificial Heart
HHS-HCC 129 - Heart Transplant Status/Complications
HHS-HCC 130 - Heart Failure
HHS-HCC 131 - Acute Myocardial Infarction
HHS-HCC 132 - Unstable Angina and Other Acute Ischemic Heart Disease
HHS-HCC 135 - Heart Infection/Inflammation, Except Rheumatic
HHS-HCC 137 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and Other Severe Congenital Heart Disorders
HHS-HCC 138 - Major Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders
HHS-HCC 139 - Atrial and Ventricular Septal Defects, Patent Ductus Arteriosus, and Other Congenital Heart/Circulatory Disorders
HHS-HCC 142 - Specified Heart Arrhythmias
HHS-HCC 145 - Intracranial Hemorrhage
HHS-HCC 146 - Ischemic or Unspecified Stroke
HHS-HCC 149 - Cerebral Aneurysm and Arteriovenous Malformation
HHS-HCC 150 - Hemiplegia/Hemiparesis
HHS-HCC 151 - Monoplegia, Other Paralytic Syndromes
HHS-HCC 153 - Atherosclerosis of the Extremities with Ulceration or Gangrene
HHS-HCC 154 - Vascular Disease with Complications
HHS-HCC 156 - Pulmonary Embolism and Deep Vein Thrombosis
HHS-HCC 158 - Lung Transplant Status/Complications
HHS-HCC 159 - Cystic Fibrosis
HHS-HCC 160 - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Including Bronchiectasis
HHS-HCC 161_1 - Severe Asthma
HHS-HCC 162 - Fibrosis of Lung and Other Lung Disorders
HHS-HCC 163 - Aspiration and Specified Bacterial Pneumonias and Other Severe Lung Infections
HHS-HCC 183 - Kidney Transplant Status/Complications
HHS-HCC 184 - End Stage Renal Disease
HHS-HCC 187 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5
HHS-HCC 188 - Chronic Kidney Disease, Severe (Stage 4)
HHS-HCC 203 - Ectopic and Molar Pregnancy
HHS-HCC 204 - Miscarriage with Complications
HHS-HCC 205 - Miscarriage with No or Minor Complications
HHS-HCC 207 - Pregnancy with Delivery with Major Complications
HHS-HCC 208 - Pregnancy with Delivery with Complications
HHS-HCC 209 - Pregnancy with Delivery with No or Minor Complications
HHS-HCC 217 - Chronic Ulcer of Skin, Except Pressure
HHS-HCC 226 - Hip and Pelvic Fractures
HHS-HCC 227 - Pathological Fractures, Except of Vertebrae, Hip, or Humerus
HHS-HCC 242 - Extremely Immature Newborns, Birthweight < 500 Grams
HHS-HCC 243 - Extremely Immature Newborns, Including Birthweight 500-749 Grams
HHS-HCC 244 - Extremely Immature Newborns, Including Birthweight 750-999 Grams
HHS-HCC 245 - Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 1000-1499 Grams
HHS-HCC 246 - Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 1500-1999 Grams
HHS-HCC 247 - Premature Newborns, Including Birthweight 2000-2499 Grams
HHS-HCC 248 - Other Premature, Low Birthweight, Malnourished, or Multiple Birth Newborns
HHS-HCC 249 - Term or Post-Term Singleton Newborn, Normal or High Birthweight
HHS-HCC 251 - Stem Cell, Including Bone Marrow, Transplant Status/Complications
HHS-HCC 253 - Artificial Openings for Feeding or Elimination
HHS-HCC 254 - Amputation Status, Upper Limb or Lower Limb
HHS-HCC 35_2 - Chronic Liver Failure/End-Stage Liver Disorders
HHS-HCC 87_2 - Delusional and Other Specified Psychotic Disorders, Unspecified Psychosis
HHS-HCC 161_2 - Asthma, Except Severe
HHS-HCC 22 - Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, add-on to Diabetes HCCs 19-21
HHS-HCC 83 - Alcohol Use with Psychotic Complications
HHS-HCC 84 - Alcohol Use Disorder, Moderate/Severe, or Alcohol Use with Specified Non-Psychotic Complications
HHS-HCC 123 - Narcolepsy and Cataplexy
HHS-HCC 174 - Exudative Macular Degeneration
HHS-HCC 210 - (Ongoing) Pregnancy without Delivery with Major Complications
HHS-HCC 211 - (Ongoing) Pregnancy without Delivery with Complications
HHS-HCC 212 - (Ongoing) Pregnancy without Delivery with No or Minor Complications
HHS-HCC 218 - Extensive Third Degree Burns
HHS-HCC 219 - Major Skin Burn or Condition
HHS-HCC 223 - Severe Head Injury
HHS-HCC 228 - Vertebral Fractures without Spinal Cord Injury
HHS-HCC 234 - Traumatic Amputations and Amputation Complications
Indicates whether the insight was based on data from your organization. If not, either your organization did not provide data for this insight, or your organization's data was not used by the provider organization and another source's data was used instead. 'Y' indicates that this insight data was from your organization, 'N' or NULL indicates it was not.
May contain organization-specific values: No
Category Entries:
The name of the service provider. This item may be hidden in a public view of the CLARITY_SER table.
The NPI associated with the provider record that acted on the shared insight.
The tax ID associated with the provider record that acted on the shared insight.
Indicates whether the user who acted on the shared insight is a provider or not. 'Y' indicates the user is a provider. 'N' or NULL indicates the user is not a provider.
The category values for this column were already listed for column: SHOWN_TO_USER_YN
Indicates whether the user who acted on the shared insight is the patient's PCP or not. 'Y' indicates the user is the patient's PCP. 'N' or NULL indicates the user is not the patient's PCP.
The category values for this column were already listed for column: SHOWN_TO_USER_YN
The action taken category ID of the action the user took on the insight.
May contain organization-specific values: No
Category Entries:
The action result category ID of the subsequent result of the action that was taken on the insight.
May contain organization-specific values: No
Category Entries:
Diagnosis Added
Medication Added
Order Added
Order Set Added
Care Plan Added
Already On Chart
Patient Refused
Questionnaire Added
Not Applicable
Not Added
The result code type category ID of the record added to the patient's chart that is stored in column RESULT_CODE_VALUE.
The category values for this column were already listed for column: INSIGHT_CODE_TYPE_C_NAME
The code value of the record added to patient's chart as the result of the insight action. This code is of the type stored in column RESULT_CODE_TYPE_C.
The free-text comment the user entered as they were taking action on the insight, if entered.
The date and time the user took action on the insight, stored in UTC.
The unique ID of the program record the feedback applies to, populated if the insight source type is Care Gaps Exchange.
The name of the program record.
The reason why 'Was Insight Source?' (I PPF 220) was set to No.
May contain organization-specific values: No
Category Entries:
Condition Not Known At Payer
Payer Known Condition, But Not Source For Provider
Payer Suspect Condition, But Not Source For Provider