Name |
Type |
Discontinued? |
1 |
No |
The date of this contact in calendar format. |
2 |
No |
Y if the patient uses cigarettes. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Cigarettes |
Pipe |
Cigars |
Snuff |
Chew |
3 |
No |
Y if the patient smokes a pipe. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CIGARETTES_YN |
4 |
No |
Y if the patient uses cigars. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CIGARETTES_YN |
5 |
No |
Y if the patient uses snuff. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CIGARETTES_YN |
6 |
No |
Y if the patient uses chewing tobacco. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CIGARETTES_YN |
7 |
No |
The fluid ounces of alcohol the patient consumes per week. |
8 |
No |
Free-text comments regarding the patient’s use of alcohol. |
9 |
No |
Y if the patient is an IV drug user. N if the patient is not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
IV |
10 |
No |
The times per week the patient uses or used illicit drugs. |
11 |
No |
Free-text comments regarding the patient’s use of illicit drugs. |
12 |
No |
Y if the patient has a female sexual partner. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Female |
Male |
13 |
No |
Y if the patient has a male sexual partner. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: FEMALE_PARTNER_YN |
14 |
No |
Y if the patient uses a condom during sexual activity. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Condom |
Pill |
Diaphragm |
I.U.D. |
Surgical |
Spermicide |
Implant |
Rhythm |
Injection |
Sponge |
Inserts |
Abstinence |
15 |
No |
Y if the patient uses birth control pills. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
16 |
No |
Y if the patient uses a diaphragm. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
17 |
No |
Y if the patient uses an IUD. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
18 |
No |
Y if the patient uses a surgical method of birth control such as hysterectomy, vasectomy, or tubal-ligation. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
19 |
No |
Y if the patient uses spermicide. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
20 |
No |
Y if the patient uses an implant as a form of birth control. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
21 |
No |
Y if the patient uses the rhythm method as a form of birth control. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
22 |
No |
Y if the patient uses an injection as a form of birth control. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
23 |
No |
Y if the patient uses a sponge as a form of birth control. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
24 |
No |
Y if the patient uses inserts as a form of birth control. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
25 |
No |
Y if the patient practices abstinence. N if the patient does not. NOTE: Uses the EPIC_IN_ITEM function to determine if a given value exists in a multiple response item. If the category value for this selection exists in the multiple response item, then it returns "Y", otherwise it returns "N". |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: CONDOM_YN |
26 |
No |
Free-text comments regarding the patient’s sexual activity. |
27 |
No |
The number of years of education the patient has completed. Note: This is a free text field. |
28 |
No |
A unique serial number for this encounter. This number is unique across all patients and encounters in the system. |
29 |
No |
Source for Tobacco History |
May contain organization-specific values: Yes |
Category Entries: |
Provider |
Patient |
Parent |
Legal Guardian |
Proxy User |
Automatically reconciled from patient |
Automatically reconciled from proxy |
Automatically estimated from flowsheet responses |
30 |
No |
This columns stores the person (e.g. provider, patient, legal guardian) who provided alcohol use information for this encounter. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
31 |
No |
This columns stores the person (e.g. provider, patient, legal guardian) who provided illicit drug use information for this encounter. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
32 |
No |
This columns stores the person (e.g. provider, patient, legal guardian) who provided sexual activity information for this encounter. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
33 |
No |
The Contact Serial Number of the encounter in which the history was created/edited. If the history was created/edited outside of the context of an encounter, then this column will be blank. |
34 |
No |
The category value associated with the patient's alcohol use. Data may include, Yes, No, or Not Asked. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Not Asked |
Defer |
Not Currently |
Never |
35 |
No |
The category value associated with the patient's use of illicit drugs. Data may include, Yes, No, or Not Asked. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Not Asked |
Defer |
Not Currently |
Never |
36 |
No |
The category value associated with the patient's sexual activity. Data may include Yes, No, Not Asked, or Not Now |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
Never |
Not Asked |
Not Currently |
Defer |
37 |
No |
The category value associated with the patient's tobacco use. Data may include, Yes, Never, Not Asked or Quit. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
Never |
Not Asked |
Quit |
Passive |
38 |
No |
Stores the patient's usage of smokeless tobacco. Data may include, Current User, Former User, Never Used or Unknown. |
39 |
No |
The date on which the patient quit using smokeless tobacco. |
40 |
No |
Stores the patient's usage of smoking tobacco. Data may include, Current Everyday Smoker, Current Some Day Smoker, Former Smoker, Never Smoker, Unknown If Ever Smoked or Smoker, Current Status Unknown. |
41 |
No |
Y if the patient's family history is unknown by the patient. N otherwise. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
No |
Yes |
42 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about level of education. Response is categorical, and corresponds to highest level of school attended. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
1st grade |
2nd grade |
3rd grade |
4th grade |
5th grade |
6th grade |
7th grade |
8th grade |
9th grade |
10th grade |
11th grade |
12th grade |
High school graduate |
GED or equivalent |
Associate degree: occupational, technical, or vocational program |
Associate degree: academic program |
Bachelor's degree (e.g., BA, AB, BS) |
Master's degree (e.g., MA, MS, MEng, MEd, MSW, MBA) |
Professional school degree (e.g., MD, DDS, DVM, JD) |
Doctorate |
Some college, no degree |
Never attended school |
Patient refused |
Not asked |
43 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about financial resource strain. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Very hard |
Hard |
Somewhat hard |
Not very hard |
Not hard at all |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
44 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about emotional abuse from an intimate partner. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
45 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about fear of an intimate partner. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
46 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about sexual abuse from an intimate partner. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
47 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about physical abuse from an intimate partner. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
48 |
No |
This item stores responses for the social drivers of health question about frequency of drinking alcohol. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never |
Monthly or less |
2-4 times a month |
2-3 times a week |
4 or more times a week |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
49 |
No |
This item stores responses for the social drivers of health questions about number of standard drinks consumed in a typical day. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Patient does not drink |
1 or 2 |
3 or 4 |
5 or 6 |
7 to 9 |
10 or more |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
50 |
No |
This item stores responses for the social drivers of health questions about binge drinking. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never |
Less than monthly |
Monthly |
Weekly |
Daily or almost daily |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
51 |
No |
This item stores the response to social drivers of health question about whether or not the patient is currently living with spouse or partner. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Married |
Widowed |
Divorced |
Separated |
Never married |
Living with partner |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
52 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about daily stress. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Not at all |
Only a little |
To some extent |
Rather much |
Very much |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
53 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about how often the patient socializes with friends or family over the phone. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never |
Once a week |
Twice a week |
Three times a week |
More than three times a week |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
54 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about how often the patient socializes with friends or family in person. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never |
Once a week |
Twice a week |
Three times a week |
More than three times a week |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
55 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about how often the patient attends religious services. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never |
1 to 4 times per year |
More than 4 times per year |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
56 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about how often the patient attends club or other organization meetings in a year. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never |
1 to 4 times per year |
More than 4 times per year |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
57 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about whether the patient is a member of any clubs or organizations. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
58 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about how many days a week the patient exercises. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
0 days |
1 day |
2 days |
3 days |
4 days |
5 days |
6 days |
7 days |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
59 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about how many minutes the patient exercises on days that they exercise. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
0 min |
10 min |
20 min |
30 min |
40 min |
50 min |
60 min |
70 min |
80 min |
90 min |
100 min |
110 min |
120 min |
130 min |
140 min |
150+ min |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
60 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about whether or not the patient had run out of food and was not able to buy more. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never true |
Sometimes true |
Often true |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
61 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about whether the patient worried about food running out in the past year or not. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Never true |
Sometimes true |
Often true |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
62 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about whether the patient had difficulty regarding transportation for medical appointments and medicine. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
63 |
No |
This item stores responses to the social drivers of health question about whether the patient had difficulty regarding transportation for things other than medical appointments and medicine. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
Patient unable to answer |
Patient declined |
Not asked |
64 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Social Connections Phone history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
65 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Social Connections Get Together history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
66 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Social Connections Church history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
67 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Social Connections Meetings history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
68 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Social Connections Membership history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
69 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Social Connections Living history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
70 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Physical Activity Days per Week history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
71 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Physical Activity Minutes Per Session history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
72 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Stress history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
73 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Education history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
74 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Financial history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
75 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) emotional history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
76 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's IPV Fear history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
77 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's IPV Sexual Abuse history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
78 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's physical abuse history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
79 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Alcohol Frequency history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
80 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Alcohol Standard Drinks history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
81 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Alcohol Binge history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
82 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Food Worry history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
83 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Food Scarcity history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
84 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Transport Medical history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
85 |
No |
Stores the source of entry for a patient's Transport Non-medical history. |
The category values for this column were already listed for column: TOB_SRC_C_NAME |
86 |
No |
Stores the family history ID of the patient's adoptive parent. A patient can have two adoptive parents. The ID of the other parent is in FAM_PAT_ADPT_PAR_2. |
87 |
No |
Stores the family history ID of the patient's adoptive parent. A patient can have two adoptive parents. The ID of the other parent is in FAM_PAT_ADPT_PAR_1. |
88 |
No |
Number to add to the total number of pack years calculated for the patient's tobacco history. |
89 |
No |
Store the comment for passive tobacco smoke exposure. |
90 |
No |
Document the patient's passive smoke exposure. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Current |
Past |
Never |
Yes |
91 |
No |
The Adoption Status category ID for the patient. |
May contain organization-specific values: No |
Category Entries: |
Yes |
No |
92 |
No |
Holds the average packs per day a patient has smoked from their earliest start date to their latest quit date. |