Clinical Information
Sending and receiving clinical data.
Web Services and Other Integrations
We've created other clinical integrations to support the use cases supplied by our organizations.
Outgoing Dialysis Updates to CMS
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Sends Dialysis Data to CMS (by way of a Renal Healthcare HIE) from the Dialysis Module, per HIE specifications. Requires Nephrology license. Specifications are found
Current integrations include

- OneHealthPort
- Renal Healthcare Association
Outgoing Procedure Log Data
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Sends data for configured case tracking events from a Cupid procedure log case for the purpose of submitting data to external registries. Submissions to the NCDR CathPCI & NCDR ICD registries can be sent directly from Cupid, Epic's CVIS. The messages contain data on the case including panels, staff, timeouts, implants, equipment, radiation, verifications, flowsheets, events, medications, and labs.
Current integrations include

- Fujifilm
- General Data
- Philips
- ProSolv CardioVascular
- TSG Integrations
Incoming WCTP Push Notifications and Patient Care Device Alerts
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This collection of interfaces receives alert messages to send push notifications to end users. Upon receiving, reading, or responding to an alert, response messages are sent back to the alert manager. They can also store technical and physiological alert data from patient care devices such as physiological monitors and infusion pumps.
Current integrations include

- Ascom
- Capsule Technologies
- CareLogistics
- Georgia - Public Health Agencies
- GlobeStar
- Hillrom
- Masimo
- Philips
- Spok
- Stryker
HL7 InfoButton
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The Active Guidelines (AGL) activity in the Epic EHR uses the HL7 InfoButton standard to allow clinicians to retrieve targeted information provided by third parties, specific to the context of the patient or clinical workflow. Rather than searching third party knowledge base, searches are performed automatically based off elements of the patient's chart like diagnoses or orders.
Current integrations include

- Clin-eguide
- ClinicalKey
- Dynamed
- Facts & Comparisons
- Isabel
- KidsHealth
- Lexicomp
- MedlinePlus
- Micromedex
- Pub Med
- UpToDate
- VisualDx
Mobile App Integration
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Epic's mobile applications - Haiku, Canto, and Rover - can communicate with specialized clinical review applications like document or image viewers. This framework allows our applications to launch your app with context, making for a a smooth and seamless clinical experience for the user.
Current integrations include

- Sectra Liteview PACS
- Voalte
Clinical Context Manager Integration
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CCOW (formerly known as Clinical Context Object Workgroup) is a vendor-independent HL7 standard protocol designed to allow disparate clinical applications to synchronize data in real-time at the point of care. Epic can integrate as a participant with a third-party clinical context manager.
Single Sign-On (SSO) into EpicCare Link
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Other systems can provide SSO integration into Epic applications like EpicWeb, EpicCare Link, Tapestry Link, or OutReach by passing user and optionally patient context.
CDS Hooks
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CDS Hooks is an HL7 standard for in-workflow, real-time, provider-facing decision support integration between Electronic Health Record systems and external Decision Support Services. A summary understanding of the specification is necessary for the discussion of state of Epic support for CDS Hooks, so check out the HL7 published specification and current draft specification. Epic recommends against using this feature for other purposes; if you need only a notification, we instead recommend using an event based interface.
SAML 2.0 Reauthentication for Haiku and Canto EPCS
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Haiku and Canto, Epic's mobile apps for physicians on iOS and Android devices, support launching a web portal during e-prescribing controlled substances (EPCS) to verify the physician's identity with an EPCS-qualified identity provider (IdP). The IdP returns a valid SAML assertion to Haiku or Canto, which allows the physician to continue placing orders. This process follows the SP-initiated Web Browser SSO profile defined in the OASIS SAML 2.0 specification. The workflow is also supported in Rover, Epic's mobile app for nurses, on iOS devices only.
Computable Exports
Epic software gives users the ability to export electronic health information in multiple formats depending on the use case. The following computable formats are available:
- FHIR-formatted files for a subset of electronic health information in FHIR.
- C-CDA-formatted XML documents for the subsets of electronic health information that can be expressed in C-CDA templates.
- EHI Tables for complete electronic health information, in a tab-separated value (TSV) file format native to Epic. Refer to the EHI Tables technical specification for detailed information about what’s included in this export by default. A copy of the specification might also be included in the Full EHI Export package you receive. The TSV files might also come packaged with non-computable files that are referenced in a patient record, such as media files and rich text format notes.
Active Guidelines
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The Active Guidelines (AGL) activity gives clinicians a convenient way to access web applications without leaving the Epic application. A web app can either be launched as the result of a user interacting with a response from a decision support web service or, depending upon health system configuration, by a user specifically choosing to navigate to the application from various activities or items. The web application is embedded within a sandboxed iframe in the Epic Hyperspace desktop application and can communicate with the EHR through cross-domain web messaging.