Public Health
Integrate with state, federal, and professional registries to track public health.
These interfaces cover opportunities for submission to public health or professional registries. Epic modules also include built-in custom integration with national registries such as the American College of Cardiology's CathPCI registry and the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) TIEDI registry, among others.
Outgoing interfaces refer to interfaces in which the Epic system sends the message. Incoming interfaces refer to interfaces in which the Epic system receives the message.
Outgoing Cancer Reporting
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Allows organizations using Epic's oncology software, Beacon, to meet the Meaningful Use objective to send cancer case information to cancer registries.
Current integrations include

- Alaska - Public Health Agencies
- California - Public Health Agencies
- Florida - Public Health Agencies
- Indiana - Public Health Agencies
- Iowa - Public Health Agencies
- Kansas Health Information Network
- Kentucky Health Information Exchange
- Maryland - Public Health Agencies
- ONCO Inc.
- Oregon - Public Health Agencies
- Pennslyvania - Public Health Agencies
- South Dakota Department of Health
- Washington - Public Health Agencies
Outgoing National Healthcare Survey Interface
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Reports National Healthcare Survey data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Current integrations include

- Center for Disease Control