
Exchange information to help with the business of running a healthcare delivery organization.

Other Systems

These interfaces are used to keep the data stored in the Epic system in sync with other operational software used in the healthcare delivery organization or to provide additional functionality for system users.

Outgoing interfaces refer to interfaces in which the Epic system sends the message. Incoming interfaces refer to interfaces in which the Epic system receives the message.

Incoming Asynchronous Acknowledgement read the specIncoming Asynchronous Acknowledgement technical specification

Receives asynchronous application acknowledgements in response to any outgoing HL7v2 message sent using Bridges, Epic's core messaging infrastructure.
Current integrations include
  • Alabama - Public Health Agencies
  • Allscripts
  • American Well
  • Arizona - Public Health Agencies
  • California - Public Health Agencies
  • Corepoint Health
  • eMDs
  • Enclara
  • Georgia - Public Health Agencies
  • HealthLink
  • Hospital Diagnostic Imaging Repository Services
  • IBM
  • Indiana - Public Health Agencies
  • Infor Global Solutions
  • Iowa - Public Health Agencies
  • Iron Bridge
  • Kentucky Health Information Exchange
  • Minnesota - Public Health Agencies
  • Mississippi - Public Health Agencies
  • Nebraska Health Information Initiative
  • New York - Public Health Agencies
  • NextGate Solutions
  • NextGen
  • NHS Digital
  • Ohio - Public Health Agencies
  • OneHealthPort
  • Ontario Ministry of Health
  • Orion Health
  • SAP
  • SCC Soft Computer
  • Sectra
  • Siemens
  • Singapore Ministry of Health Holdings
  • South Carolina - Public Health Agencies
  • STChealth
  • Texas - Public Health Agencies
  • Washington - Public Health Agencies
  • Wellbeing Software
  • Zorgi

Outgoing External Encounters read the specOutgoing External Encounters technical specification

Sends HL7v2 ADT messages using data filed as external encounters in Received Documents records and using message data filed on the Incoming External Encounters interface. This is intended for use with Payer Platform.

Incoming External Paid Medical Claims (X12 837)

Loads external paid medical claims messages into Epic Payer Platform, using flat files in the 837 format.

Outgoing Asynchronous Acknowledgement Interface read the specOutgoing Asynchronous Acknowledgement Interface technical specification

Sends asynchronous application acknowledgements in response to any incoming HL7v2 message received in Bridges, Epic's core messaging infrastructure.
Current integrations include
  • Abbott Diagnostics
  • MuleSoft
  • Salesforce
  • Singapore Ministry of Health Holdings

Incoming Deficiency Tracking read the specIncoming Deficiency Tracking technical specification

An HIM deficiency represents incomplete work by a provider. Receives and processes messages that can create or delete deficiencies, and update deficiency status and assigned providers. The interface adds external deficiency information in HIM when a deficiency is not automatically created by standard application functionality. This interface is useful if transcriptions are stored in an external system (obviating the need for an Incoming Transcription interface, which can also update deficiency statuses). The deficiency created by the interface can be configured to follow the rules defined in HIM for aging and delinquency or they can be controlled by an external system in a direct fashion. This interface also plays a key role if integrating with an external web-based deficiency system, receiving messages that allow a URL to be launched from the Chart Completion module.
Current integrations include
  • Hyland
  • McKesson
  • Nuance Communications

Incoming Location and Department Information read the specIncoming Location and Department Information technical specification

Used to automate synchronization of the facility structure (locations and departments). To this point, this integration has been completed only with custom in-house systems previously developed by our organizations.

Real-Time Location System (RTLS) Interface read the specReal-Time Location System (RTLS) Interface technical specification

Tracks the location of patients, staff, and medical devices within a facility. This automates and enhances many workflows. For example, it can automatically document operating room wheels in and out times, or make it easier for staff to associate medical devices with specific patients.
Current integrations include
  • Cadi Scientific
  • CenTrak
  • Infinite Leap
  • Intelligent InSites
  • Midmark
  • Securitas Healthcare
  • Versus
  • ZulaFly

Incoming Computer-Telephony Integration read the specIncoming Computer-Telephony Integration technical specification

Epic integrates with your organization’s phone system to automatically open the appropriate chart or another activity in Epic when calls are received.

Outgoing Computer-Telephony Integration read the specOutgoing Computer-Telephony Integration technical specification

Epic integrates with your organization’s phone system so users can place or end a call directly from a patient chart or another activity in Epic, and details about the call are logged. Your phone system can also update Epic with the call identifier after the call.

SAML 2.0 Idp-initiated Single Sign-On (SSO) read the specSAML 2.0 Idp-initiated Single Sign-On (SSO) technical specification

Epic supports launching an external app with SAML 2.0. The SAML 2.0 Identity Provider initiated workflow initiates from Epic, playing the SAML role of Identity Provider. Implementation requires the exchange of an x509 certificate, which is used to sign the SAML claims. This process follows the OASIS SAML 2.0 specification. Epic recommends the use of SMART on FHIR over SAML if possible.

Single Sign-On (SSO) into MyChart read the specSingle Sign-On (SSO) into MyChart technical specification

Typically, the patient portal manages all aspects of patient and user identity. However, a single-sign on integrator could be used to link together the Epic patient portal with other portal-based functionality already in use. In this scenario, usernames and passwords are managed by an external system. The patient logs into the external system, which then can be used to also sign the patient into MyChart. A bundle of Web services are used to create and update patient records and to create and manage proxy relationships. We'll provide you with the specs for this interface at the time we've identified a mutual customer.

Outbound Fax Services with Epic Print Service read the specOutbound Fax Services with Epic Print Service technical specification

Epic integrates with fax management systems using the outbound faxing web service. This web service allows Epic community members to fax documents generated by various applications from their instance of Epic, and receive back information about whether the transmission was successful.

EDManager read the specEDManager technical specification

This set of APIs allow external applications that are running alongside Epic Hyperspace to programmatically take certain actions, such as logging in/out and launching activities. They also provide the ability to query Epic Hyperspace for information, as well as to be notified when key events occur. These APIs are commonly used for automating external-driven workflows, most notably logins.

Desktop Generic Authentication read the specDesktop Generic Authentication technical specification

This interface allows external authentication software to implement authentication devices for use in Epic. The external authentication software can write installable devices that can be configured for use as devices to authenticate a user for login into Epic, to re-authenticate the user after login (for example, to sign off on medications), or to identify a patient (for example, to check into an appointment).

Binary Data Retrieval read the specBinary Data Retrieval technical specification

This web integration enables Epic to request image and document files from an external system. Epic will then display these images inline within the user's workflow.

Scan Acquisition read the specScan Acquisition technical specification

This COM integration enables users to seamlessly launch an external scan acquisition interface from Epic. Epic can pass the user's active context information, such as the patient, encounter, or order.

Scan Viewing read the specScan Viewing technical specification

This COM integration enables Epic to display an ActiveX scan viewing control in a modeless floating window. The user can interact with both the viewer and Epic, and Epic will manage closing the window if the user's patient context changes.

EPS Document Retrieval Web Service read the specEPS Document Retrieval Web Service technical specification

This web service integration enables Epic print services (EPS) to query a document management system (DMS) for images or documents to insert into a print job. This is useful when you want a scan to be stored in your DMS, but want to include that scan in something you print.

EPS Document Retrieval Plugin read the specEPS Document Retrieval Plugin technical specification

This .NET integration enables Epic print services (EPS) to query a document management system (DMS) for images or documents to insert into a print job. This is useful when you want a scan to be stored in your DMS, but want to include that scan in something you print. We recommend new implementations use the EPS Document Retrieval Web Service instead of this.

SIEM Feed read the specSIEM Feed technical specification

Epic can feed certain security and privacy relevant events to a security information and event management (SIEM) system in near real-time.  Messages coming from Epic can be formatted using Common Event Framework (CEF), Log Event Extended Format (LEEF), or RFC 5424 syslog.

Epic Access Logging read the specEpic Access Logging technical specification

The Epic Access Logging extract script extracts key Epic event logging data, including patient, user, and encounter information, from the Epic organization’s Clarity database into a pipe delimited flat file.

Speech Recognition read the specSpeech Recognition technical specification

This set of APIs allow speech recognition systems to integrate with Epic Hyperspace.  The speech recognition system can receive information about and make changes to the content of a control. See also our Hyperdrive Speech Recognition specifications.

Print Test Page read the specPrint Test Page technical specification

Use the PrintTestPage API to trigger test print jobs from a specified printer device.

Output Management Web Service read the specOutput Management Web Service technical specification

Epic integrates with third-party output management systems using the outbound print job web services. These web services allow Epic community members to send print requests to a third-party output management server and receive back information about whether the print job was successful.

Print Job Status read the specPrint Job Status technical specification

Use the UpdatePrintJobStatus API to send back information about the status of the print job received from Epic through the Epic Print Service (EPS).

Kiosk Generic Authentication read the specKiosk Generic Authentication technical specification

Allows external authentication software to implement authentication devices for use in Epic’s self-arrival kiosk software. The external authentication software can write installable devices that can be configured to identify a patient or to enroll a patient for future identifications.