
Integrations for use cases specific to outside the United States.


Epic supports exchanging messages between organizations in the National Health Service (NHS) using interfaces that follow the standards outlined in version 2 of the Interoperability Toolkit (ITK). Organizations in the United Kingdom can exchange HL7 CDA documents using Care Everywhere to connect to other health systems that care for patients. Epic can send and receive the following types of HL7 CDA documents:
  • Discharge Reports
  • Emergency Department Reports
  • Outpatient Reports
Epic also supports NHS e-Referral Service, which is a referral and appointment scheduling system.

Epic provides the following interface specifications to support exchanging records between organizations that are a part of NHS.

Outgoing Child Protection Information Sharing NHS Query read the specOutgoing Child Protection Information Sharing NHS Query technical specification

This interface sends queries to the Spine for the NHS Digital Child Protection - Information Sharing project (CP-IS) in the United Kingdom. The Spine responds whether a child is in Child Protection, a child who is a Looked After Child, or an expectant mother of an unborn child who will be under Child Protection.
Current integrations include
  • National Health Service
  • PDS

Incoming Scheduling Slot Availability Query read the specIncoming Scheduling Slot Availability Query technical specification

Receives requests from the United Kingdom's NHS e-Referral Service (also known as Choose and Book) to request appointment slots from Cadence, Epic's scheduling system.
Current integrations include
  • National Health Service

Outgoing PDS Tracing Query read the specOutgoing PDS Tracing Query technical specification

Outgoing PDS Tracing interface sends queries to the Personal Demographics Services (PDS) master index for National Health Service (NHS) patient records in the United Kingdom. PDS Trace Response messages are processed by the Incoming PDS Tracing interface. Message interactions follow HSCIC's Message Implementation Manual (MIM) version 7.2.02 and External Interface Specification 11.6. This interface uses messages expressed in XML encoding syntax.
Current integrations include
  • National Health Service
  • PDS

Outgoing PDS Demographics Synchronisation Query read the specOutgoing PDS Demographics Synchronisation Query technical specification

Outgoing PDS Synchronisation interface sends queries for demographics and demographic updates to the Personal Demographics Services (PDS) master index for National Health Service (NHS) patient records in the United Kingdom. PDS Synchronisation Response messages are processed by the Incoming PDS Synchronisation interface. Message interactions follow HSCIC's Message Implementation Manual (MIM) version 7.2.02 and External Interface Specification 11.6. This interface uses messages expressed in XML encoding syntax.
Current integrations include
  • National Health Service
  • PDS

Outgoing PDS NHS Number Allocation Request for Acute Care read the specOutgoing PDS NHS Number Allocation Request for Acute Care technical specification

Sends requests to the Personal Demographics Services (PDS) to generate a new National Health Service (NHS) number for an adult patient in an acute care setting in the United Kingdom. PDS NHS Number Response messages are processed by the Incoming PDS NHS Number Allocation interface. Message interactions follow HSCIC's Message Implementation Manual (MIM) version 6.3.01 and External Interface Specification 11.6. This interface uses messages expressed in XML encoding syntax.
Current integrations include
  • National Health Service
  • PDS

Outgoing PDS Newborn Notification read the specOutgoing PDS Newborn Notification technical specification

Sends requests to the Personal Demographics Services (PDS) to generate a new National Health Service (NHS) number for a newborn delivery documented in Stork within the United Kingdom. PDS Create Initial Record Response messages are processed by the Incoming PDS Create Initial Record Response interface. Message interactions follow HSCIC's Message Implementation Manual (MIM) version 7.2.02 and External Interface Specification 11.6. This interface uses messages expressed in XML encoding syntax.
Current integrations include
  • National Health Service
  • PDS

Incoming Referral Scheduling Request Query read the specIncoming Referral Scheduling Request Query technical specification

Receives requests from the United Kingdom's NHS e-Referral Service (also known as Choose and Book) to book an appointment in Cadence, Epic's scheduling system.
Current integrations include
  • National Health Service